Delpech, Jean-paul; Mehault, Sonia; Rostiaux, Emilie; Leaute, Jean-pierre; Leblond, Emilie; Demaneche, Sebastien; Coppin, Franck; Mahe, Kelig; Vaz, Sandrine. |
This report is a result of a contract between Ifremer and the French Ministry of Industry. The aim was to provide map the fisheries activity and landings for french fishing vessels, located in the Eastern Channel and the Bay of Biscay during the year 2005. Two areas have been selected: - the "Eastern Channel" area, including 7 administrative departments : Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Somme, Seine-Maritime, Eure, Calvados and Manche. - the "Loire-Gironde" area, including 4 administrative departments : Loire-Atlantique, Vendée, Charente-Maritime and Gironde. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Fishing fleets; Fishing gears; Bay of Biscay; Eastern Channel; Mapping; Landings; Fisheries activity; Flottilles; Pêche; Engins; Golfe de Gascogne; Manche est; Cartographie; Production; Activité halieutique. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2007/rapport-6645.pdf |
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Delpech, Jean-paul; Mahe, Kelig; Mehault, Sonia; Rostiaux, Emilie; Biais, Gerard; Coppin, Franck; Vaz, Sandrine. |
This report is a result of a contract between Ifremer and the French Ministry of Industry. The aim was to map the distribution of the fisheries resources from french scientific surveys. Two areas have been selected: - the "Eastern Channel" area, including 7 administrative departments : Nord, Pas-de-Calais, Somme, Seine-Maritime, Eure, Calvados and Manche. - the "Loire-Gironde" area, including 4 administrative departments : Loire-Atlantique, Vendée, Charente-Maritime and Gironde. |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bay of Biscay; Eastern Channel; Juvenile; Adult; Abundance index; Specific richness; Mapping; Fisheries; Scientific survey; Golfe de Gascogne; Manche est; Juvénile; Adulte; Indice d'abondance; Richesse spécifique; Cartographie; Campagne halieutique. |
Ano: 2007 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2007/rapport-6642.pdf |
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