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A quantitative estimation of the energetic cost of brown ring disease in the Manila clam using Dynamic Energy Budget theory 5
Flye Sainte Marie, Jonathan; Jean, Fred; Paillard, Christine; Kooijman, Sebastiaan.
Brown ring disease (BRD) in the Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, is a bacterial disease caused by the pathogen Vibrio tapetis. This disease induces the formation of a characteristic brown conchiolin deposit on the inner shell and is associated with a decrease in condition index indicating that the development of the disease affects the energy balance of the clam. A previous study showed that the energy budget of the host was affected by a decrease in filtration activity, and hypothesized that a second way to degrade the energy balance was the increase in maintenance costs associated to the cost of immune response and lesion repair. This paper focusses on this second way of degradation of the energy balance. A starvation experiment confirmed that the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Maintenance Cost; Dynamic Energy Budget Theory; Energetic Cost; Energy Budget; Brown Ring Disease; Manila Clam.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The Manila clam population in Arcachon Bay (SW France): Can it be kept sustainable? 5
Dang, Cecile; De Montaudouin, Xavier; Gam, Meriame; Paroissin, Christian; Bru, Noelle; Caill-milly, Nathalie.
The venerid clam Ruditapes philippinarum is the most prominent suspension-feeding bivalve inhabiting muddy intertidal seagrass beds in Arcachon Bay (SW France). It is exploited by fishermen, and Arcachon Bay ranks number one in France in terms of production and total biomass of this species. Previous studies revealed a decrease in the standing stock of R. philippinarum since 2003 and unbalanced length-frequency distributions with a lack of juveniles and of adults >40 mm. Consequently, the population dynamics of this bivalve were studied at four intertidal sites and one oceanic site in Arcachon Bay. As clam size structure did not allow classical dynamics computations. field monitoring was coupled with field experiments (tagging-recapture) over two years....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Manila Clam; Ruditapes philippinarum; Growth; Mortality; Reproduction; Population Dynamic; Production; Productivity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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