Registros recuperados: 12 | |
Goulletquer, Philippe. |
A bibliography of over 1,400 papers on reproduction, recruitment, genetic, pathology, basic biology, and the geographic distribution of the Manila clam Tapes philippinarum is compiled to provide a guide to scientists. This review aims to facilitate access and diffusion of scientific works carried out on this species to the international scientific community concerned by Tapes philippinarum. The bibliography includes publications as well as grey literature published around the world since the early century. Moreover, the large synonymy of Tapes philippinarum and the species geographic distribution are reviewed and updated. The species importance is assessed through public fishery landings and aquaculture production per country. The D'v'eral1 worldwide... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bibliography; Tapes philippinarum; Manila clam; Synthèse bibliographique; Tapes philippinarum; Manila clam. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/1997/rapport-3221.pdf |
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Renault, Tristan; Lipart, Cecile; Arzul, Isabelle. |
Sporadic high mortalities were reported in June 1997 among hatchery-reared larval Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum in a French commercial hatchery. Cellular abnormalities were observed in semi-thin sections in affected animals. Transmission electron microscopy revealed the presence of herpes-like virus particles in larvae. This is the first description of a herpes-like virus infection in larval R. philippinarum, a non-ostreid bivalve species. Virus particles were similar to other herpes-like viruses described from different oyster species with respect to ultrastructure and morphogenesis. Electron microscopic examination also demonstrated cells with condensed chromatin and extensive perinuclear fragmentation of chromatin. Like viruses infecting oysters,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Apoptosis; Virus replication; Mortality; Ruditapes philippinarum; Manila clam; Herpes like virus. |
Ano: 2001 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2001/publication-816.pdf |
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Won, Eun-ji; Kim, Seung Hee; Go, Young-shin; Kumar, K. Suresh; Kim, Min-seob; Yoon, Suk-hee; Bayon, Germain; Kim, Jung-hyun; Shin, Kyung-hoon. |
The increasing global consumption of seafood has led to increased trade among nations, accompanied by mislabeling and fraudulent practices that have rendered authentication crucial. The multi-isotope ratio analysis is considered as applicable tool for evaluating geographical authentications but requires information and experience to select target elements such as isotopes, through a distinction method based on differences in habitat and physiology due to origin. The present study examined recombination conditions of multi-elements that facilitated geographically distinct classifications of the clams to sort out appropriate elements. Briefly, linear discriminant analysis (LDA) analysis was performed according to several combinations of five stable isotopes... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Authentication; Manila clam; Stable isotope; Traceability; Linear discriminant analysis. |
Ano: 2021 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00685/79701/82488.pdf |
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Smits, M.; Artigaud, Sebastien; Bernay, B.; Pichereau, Vianney; Bargelloni, L.; Paillard, Christine. |
Marine mollusk aquaculture has more than doubled over the past twenty years, accounting for over 15% of total aquaculture production in 2016. Infectious disease is one of the main limiting factors to the development of mollusk aquaculture, and the difficulties inherent to combating pathogens through antibiotic therapies or disinfection have led to extensive research on host defense mechanisms and host-pathogen relationships. It has become increasingly clear that characterizing the functional profiles of response to a disease is an essential step in understanding resistance mechanisms and moving towards more effective disease control. The Manila clam, Ruditapes philippinarum, is a main cultured bivalve species of economic importance which is affected by... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bivalve; Diseases; Resistance; Manila clam; Vibrio tapetis; Proteomics; Immune response. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00615/72670/71758.pdf |
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Sanchez, Florence; Caill-milly, Nathalie; Lissardy, Muriel. |
This report details the results of clam stock assessment survey, which took place between 14 May and 17 June 2018 in Arcachon Bay. Co-organized with CDPMEM33, with financial support from DLAL FEAMP Arcachon Basin Val de l'Eyre, Nouvelle-Aquitaine region, the CDPMEM33 and Ifremer, the clam stock assessment and its characteristics were provided. The samples were collected from 533 sampling stations distributed over an area of 52 km², with an Hamon grab, using a generalized random tessellation stratified spatially balanced design (GRTS). Venerupis philippinarum remains the dominant species with 99 % of the population. The size distribution of Manila clam is in the range 5 – 41 mm with a main mode around 24-28 mm. In 2018, the mean densities are 39 individuals... |
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Palavras-chave: Évaluation de stock; Palourde japonaise; Venerupis philippinarum; Bassin d’Arcachon Key words: stock assessment; Manila clam; Venerupis philippinarum; Arcachon Bay. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00477/58897/61456.pdf |
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Barret, Jean. |
Different treatments aiming to cure the grounds, which bad been contaminated by the vibrio P1 "brown-ring", have been carried out on some sites of on-growing, taking place in the Aber Benoit, in Brittany. The tested products were Lime, and an antiseptic "Agroseptil" which positive effects are admitted in pisciculture. The results (growth, survival and the presence of brown-ring), do not point out any difference between the various treatments. However, it looks as if the brownring has appeared latter than on other clam-fields located in the same area.This effect does not seem to be due to the various treatments of the soils, but to the antibiotic bath of the clams bef ore seeding. |
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Palavras-chave: Palourde; Tapes philippinarum; Vibrio P1; Sédiment; Anneaux brun; Traitement; Antiseptique; Agroseptil; Chaux; Manila clam; Tapes philippinarum; Vibrio P1; Soil; Brown-ring; Treatments; Antiseptic; Agroseptil; Line. |
Ano: 1992 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00425/53673/54513.pdf |
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Robert, René; Parra, René. |
Depuis 1988, d'importantes mortalités de palourdes japonaises Ruditapes philippinarum ont été enregistrées, sur de nombreux élevages, dans le bassin d'Arcachon. Pour expliquer celles-ci, l'hypothèse d'une prédation par la dorade royale Sparus aurata et par le baliste Balistes capriscus était avancée. Afin de la vérifier, une étude expérimentale de la prédation de la palourde par ces deux poissons a été réalisée en laboratoire. Si les relations taille prédateurs-taille proies sont plus marquées chez le baliste, les deux espèces sont particulièrement voraces, puisqu'elles s'avéraient capables de consommer, en 24 h, 500 petits naissains et 350 jeunes palourdes de 25 mm de longueur, 50 % à 70 % des proies étant consommés au cours des 6 premières heures.... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Sparus aurata; Balistes capriscus; Ruditapes philippinarum; Palourde; Prédation; Comportement alimentaire; Sparus aurata; Balistes capriscus; Ruditapes philippinarum; Manila clam; Predation; Feeding behaviour. |
Ano: 1991 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00015/12601/9479.pdf |
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Baudrimont, M.; Gonzalez, P.; Hegaret, H.; Khayati, Alice; Lassus, Patrick; Legeay, A.; De Montaudouin, Xavier; Raymond, N.; Soudant, P.; Tran, D.. |
The originality of this project consists in the interdisciplinary approach gathering the impact of toxic phytoplankton blooms and metallic pollution on health (behaviour, stress, immunity, genetic) and disease development of the Manila clam, an economieally important species. The Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum is the second exploited bivalve in the world. It was introduced in Arcachon bay during the 80's and is today exploited by professional fishermen (57 licences). A 50% decrease of the stock was observed during the last five years. Beyond fishing pressure, a PhD thesis identified several diseases as potential threats, like perkinsosis (=Dermo) and brown muscle disease (BMD). The project confirms the settlement of these pathologies with high... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Palourde japonaise; Pathologie; Efflorescences toxiques; Interactions microbiennes; Écotoxicologie; Multistress; Manila clam; Pathology; Toxic blooms; Microbial interactions; Ecotoxicology; Multistress. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00156/26745/24825.pdf |
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Registros recuperados: 12 | |