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Atypically depleted upper mantle component revealed by Hf isotopes at Lucky Strike segment 5
Hamelin, Cedric; Bezos, Antoine; Dosso, Laure; Escartin, Javier; Cannat, Mathilde; Mevel, Catherine.
The Earth's upper mantle is commonly depicted as a “marble cake” assemblage of a refractory component mingled with varying amounts of geochemically diverse enriched components. This depleted component controls the major element composition of Mid-Oceanic Ridge Basalts (MORBs). It has long been considered a fairly uniform reservoir, depleted by early melting and well homogenized by subsequent convective stirring. We present new Hf, Nd, Pb and Sr isotopes and trace element data for basalts from the center of the Lucky Strike segment of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge (MAR). Despite the limited size of our sampling area (1.6 km along-axis by 5 km across), these data show a large range of isotopic compositions (similar to that of the whole MAR). It has recently been...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oceanic basalts; Mid-Atlantic Ridge; Lucky Strike; Mantle heterogeneity; Hf isotopes.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Geochemical portray of the Pacific Ridge: New isotopic data and statistical techniques 5
Hamelin, Cedric; Dosso, Laure; Hanan, Barry B.; Moreira, Manuel; Kositsky, Andrew P.; Thomas, Marion Y..
Samples collected during the PACANTARCTIC 2 cruise fill a sampling gap from 53 degrees to 41 degrees S along the Pacific Antarctic Ridge (PAR). Analysis of Sr, Nd, Pb, Hf, and He isotope compositions of these new samples is shown together with published data from 66 degrees S to 53 degrees S and from the EPR. The recent advance in analytical mass spectrometry techniques generates a spectacular increase in the number of multidimensional isotopic data for oceanic basalts. Working with such multidimensional datasets generates a new approach for the data interpretation, preferably based on statistical analysis techniques. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) is a powerful mathematical tool to study this type of datasets. The purpose of PCA is to reduce the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Oceanic basalts; Pacific-Antarctic Ridge; Mantle heterogeneity; Principal Component Analysis; Sr Nd Pb Hf isotopes.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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The isotopic (He, Ne, Sr, Nd, Hf, Pb) signature in the Indian Mantle over 8.8 Ma 5
Paquet, Marine; Hamelin, Cédric; Moreira, Manuel; Cannat, Mathilde.
The eastern Southwest Indian Ridge, between 61° and 67°E, has a very low melt supply and comprises several corridors of nearly amagmatic spreading that expose mantle-derived serpentinized peridotite. More volcanically active ridge portions separate these corridors. He, Ne, Pb, Nd, Hf and Sr isotopes were analyzed in basalt glasses dredged on two types of seafloor: volcanic and ultramafic. Basalts dredged in ultramafic seafloor on-axis tend to be slightly more depleted for heavy radiogenic isotopes and show slightly higher 3He/4He isotope ratios than basalts dredged in volcanic seafloor, with no systematic difference in neon isotope ratios. We propose that both types of basalts are derived from the same mantle source, but that the basalts dredged on...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mid-Ocean Ridge Basalts; Mantle heterogeneity; Noble gases; Isotope geochemistry; Melt/mantle interactions.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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