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IGOSS Publications including Manuals, Guides, Technical reports and regulations OceanDocs
This paper provides a summary of the present and planned IGOSS publications and contains a secretariat proposal that a publication plan be prepared by IGOSS. This question require a detailled examination, taking intio account, inter alia, the objective for which each document is to prepared, its manner of preparation (authorship), publication medium, lqnguage requirement, the status of the publication within the sponsoring agencies and internationally and coasts. IPLAN is invited to study this question and prepare an IGOSS publication plan.
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Publication; Report literature; Manuals.
Ano: 1973 URL:
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Instructions to the Marine Meteorological Observers of the U. S. Weather Bureau, 1st edition. OceanDocs
Page, James.
The form of weather Report at present issued to vessels by the U. S. weather Bureau is a slight modification of that devised by the U. S. Signal Service for the purpose of its series of International Simultaneous Meteorological Observations, covering the period 1878- 1887, which form in its turn superseded the once well-known Meteorological Journal. The last-mentioned form of record, which went into effect in 1876, and which was in many respects identical with that recommended by the Maritime Conference held at Brussels in 1853, contemplated that the various meteorological observations should be entered at the end of every two hours throughout the twenty-four, or a total of twelve sets of observations per day. The new form demanded, in place of this...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Instrument platforms; Meteorological instruments; Oceanographic instruments; Methodology; Standardization; Measurement; Climate; Climatology; Ocean-atmosphere system; Manuals; Instrument handbooks; Training aids.
Ano: 1906 URL:
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Instructions to the Marine Meteorological Observers of the U. S. Weather Bureau, 2nd edition. OceanDocs
Heiskell, Henry L..
The form of Weather Report at present issued to vessels by the U. S. Weather Bureau is a slight modification of that devised by the U. S. Signal Service for the purpose of its series of International Simultaneous Meteorological Observations, covering the period 1878-1887, which form in its turn superseded the once well-known Meteorological Journal. The last-mentioned form of record, which went into effect in 1876, and which was in many respects identical with that recommended by the Maritime Conference held at Brussels in 1853, contemplated that the various meteorological observations should be entered at the end of every two hours throughout the twenty-four, or a total of twelve sets of observations a day. The new form demanded, in place of this series, a...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Instrument platforms; Meteorological instruments; Oceanographic instruments; Methodology; Standardization; Measurement; Climate; Climatology; Ocean-atmosphere system; Manuals; Instrument handbooks; Training aids.
Ano: 1908 URL:
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Instructions to the Marine Meteorological Observers of the U. S. Weather Bureau, 3rd edition. OceanDocs
Heiskell, Henry L..
Introduction.- The Meteorological Report at present issued to vessels by the U. S. Weather Bureau, for forwarding observations , is a slight modification of that devised by the U. S. Signal Service for the purpose of its series of International Simultaneous Meteorological Observations, covering the period 1878-1887, which form in its turn superseded the once well-known Meteorological Journal. The last-mentioned form of record, which went into effect in 1876, and wh ch was in many respects identical with that recommended by the Maritime Conference held at Brussels in 1853, contemplated that the various meteorological observations should be entered at the end of every two hours throughout the twenty-f our, or a total of twelve sets of observations a day. The...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Instrument platforms; Meteorological instruments; Oceanographic instruments; Methodology; Standardization; Measurement; Climate; Climatology; Ocean-atmosphere system; Manuals; Instrument handbooks; Training aids.
Ano: 1910 URL:
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Instructions to the Marine Meteorological Observers of the U. S. Weather Bureau, 4th edition. OceanDocs
The ocean meteorological program of the Weather Bureau calls in general for the making of but one regular observation a day, this, as well known, being made at noon G.M.T. (civil). However, in certain designated areas from which observations are transmitted by radiotelegraphy an additional regular observation is provided for at Greenwich midnight. Supplementing these regular observations are extra ones made under conditions of threatening or severe weather, gale and storm reports, and descriptive notes of weather experienced between observations, the last- named taking the form of a Daily Journal. The total requirements are such, however, as to make the smallest possible demands on observers consistent with the needs of the Bureau in me ting its...
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Instrument platforms; Meteorological instruments; Oceanographic instruments; Methodology; Standardization; Measurement; Climate; Climatology; Ocean-atmosphere system; Manuals; Instrument handbooks; Training aids.
Ano: 1925 URL:
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La producción de macarela salada en salmuera. Una guía práctica para productores OceanDocs
Bostock, T.; Camba, N..
Este anexo ha sido preparado con los fines de asistir al productor de macarela salada e incentivar a otros a comenzar su producción. Provee información básica sobre el recurso pesquero, los problemas de la calidad de la materia prima, la forma en que se debería manipular y procesar, tanto en la embarcación como en tierra. El diseño de una planta o galpón para procesar este producto es presentado, además de un presupuesto para el mismo.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Fishery products; Processed fishery products; Manuals; Cured products; Fishery products; Http://
Ano: 1986 URL:
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Manual de métodos parasitológicos e histopatológicos en piscicultura OceanDocs
Keim, Albert.
Recientes problemas provocados por epiemias de infecciones de Ichthyophthirius multifiliie en la cría de bagre negro (Rhandia sapo) cultivado por el Departamento de Acuicultura del INAPE de Uruguay, y el conocimiento de que todos los piscicultores tienen problemas con los parásitos, constituyeron la base y antecedente para el inicio de un programa de investigaciones parasitológicas. Este programa incluyó. 1) Disección de bagres capturados en Laguna de Sauce y colecta de parásitos. 2) Disección de bagres cultivados en el Laboratorio y en los estanques de INAPE, y colecta de parásitos. 3) Identificación de los parásitos recolectados. 4) Elaboración de un manual que recopila los métodos más comunmente utilizados en parasitología e histopatología en la...
Tipo: Report Palavras-chave: Fish diseases; Parasitic diseases; Fish culture; Parasitology; Histopathology; Manuals; Ichthyophthirius.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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Manual de publicacoes tecnico-cientificas. Infoteca-e
Introducao; Pesquisa em Andamento; Comunicado Tecnico, Circular Tecnica; Artigo tecnico-cientifico; Boletim de Pesquisa; Documentos; Relatorio Tecnico Anual; Folder; Recomendacoes tecnicas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Publicacao; Manual; Embrapa; Unidade de divulgacao; Definicao; Publication; Manuals; Publish unit; Definition.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Techniques de pêches ArchiMer
Nedelec, Claude; Portier, Marcel; Prado, Joël.
This paper constitutes a practical hand-book prepared for the international stage of fishing technology (Nantes, 1978, May 31 to June 30). The authors give many data on the fishing technology, on the fishing gear classification, the behaviour of fish in relation with the fishing gear, the environomental effects on fishing gear and methods and on fish behaviour effects on the fishing methods. They explain the conception and the construction of the principal models of fishing gear, the conception and the equipment of fishing boats. They also give explications on the detection and the attraction of fish. They expound the organisation and the planification of a fishing technology service.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pisces; Attracting techniques; Fishing vessels; Line fishing; Trawl nets; Seine nets; Lift nets; Gillnets; Fishing nets; Manuals; Fishing gear; Catching methods.
Ano: 1979 URL:
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