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Impacts of data quality on the setting of conservation planning targets using the species-area relationship 5
Metcalfe, Kristian; Delavenne, Juliette; Garcia, Clement; Foveau, Aurelie; Dauvin, Jean-claude; Coggan, Roger; Vaz, Sandrine; Harrop, Stuart R.; Smith, Robert J..
Aim : The speciesarea relationship (SAR) is increasingly being used to set conservation targets for habitat types when designing protected area networks. This approach is transparent and scientifically defensible, but there has been little research on how it is affected by data quality and quantity. Location : English Channel. Methods : We used a macrobenthic dataset containing 1314 sampling points and assigned each point to its associated habitat type. We then used the SAR-based approach and tested whether this was influenced by changes in (i) the number of sampling points used to generate estimates of total species richness for each habitat type; (ii) the nonparametric estimator used to calculate species richness; and (iii) the level of habitat...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: English Channel; Habitat targets; Marine Conservation Zones; Marine protected areas; Species-area relationship; Systematic conservation planning.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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