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An in situ intercomparison exercise on passive samplers for monitoring metals, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons and pesticides in surface waters ArchiMer
Miege, C.; Mazzella, N.; Schiavone, S.; Dabrin, A.; Berho, C.; Ghestem, J. -p.; Gonzalez, C.; Gonzalez, Jean-louis; Lalere, B.; Lardy-fontan, S.; Lepot, B.; Munaron, Dominique; Tixier, Celine; Togola, A.; Coquery, M..
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Intercomparison exercise; Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD); Metal; Passive sampling; Pesticide; Polar organic chemical integrative sampler (POCIS); Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH); Priority chemical; Surface water; Water Framework Directive (WFD).
Ano: 2012 URL:
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First Comprehensive Quantitative Multi-Parameter Assessment of the Eutrophication Status from Coastal to Marine French Waters in the English Channel, the Celtic Sea, the Bay of Biscay, and the Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Lefebvre, Alain; Devreker, David.
The first quantitative and comprehensive assessment of the eutrophication status from coastal to offshore French waters was performed within the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD descriptor 5) for the English Channel, the southern bight of the North Sea, the Celtic Seas, the Bay of Biscay and the Western Mediterranean Sea. Based on a combination of different data sources (in situ, satellite, and modeling products), a fully-integrated dataset was generated over the period 2010–2016. Using the best available knowledge on the eutrophication process and definition, the assessment procedure was implemented considering nutrient pressures, and direct and indirect effects of excessive inputs. The different steps of the assessment were: (i) Establishment of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Eutrophication; Assessment; Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD); Water Framework Directive (WFD); Oslo and Paris Convention (OSPAR); English Channel; Celtic Seas; Bay of Biscay; Mediterranean Sea; Nutrients; Chlorophyll; Oxygen; Turbidity; Phytoplankton; Macro-algae.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Microplastics baseline surveys at the water surface and in sediments of the North-East Atlantic ArchiMer
Maes, Thomas; Van Der Meulen, Myra D; Devriese, Lisa L.; Leslie, Heather A.; Huvet, Arnaud; Frere, Laura; Robbens, Johan; Vethaak, Dick A..
Microplastic contamination was determined in sediments of the Southern North Sea and floating at the sea surface of North West Europe. Floating concentrations ranged between zero and 1.5 microplastic/m3, whereas microplastic concentrations in sediments ranged between zero and 3146 particles/kg dry weight sediment. In sediments, mainly fibers and spheres were found, whereas at the sea surface fragments were dominant. At the sea surface, concentrations of microplastics are lower and more variable than in sediments, meaning that larger sample sizes and water volumes are required to find detectable concentrations. We have calculated the widths of the confidence intervals (CI) for different sample sizes, to give a first indication of the necessary sample size...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microplastics; Marine litter; Floating debris; Sediment; Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD); Baseline.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Trajectories of Changes in Phytoplankton Biomass, Phaeocystis globosa and Diatom (incl. Pseudo-nitzschia sp.) Abundances Related to Nutrient Pressures in the Eastern English Channel, Southern North Sea ArchiMer
Lefebvre, Alain; Dezécache, Camille.
The phytoplankton compartment is particularly reactive to changes in nutrient concentration and is used as a quality indicator. Using a simple numerical approach, the response of emblematic harmful taxa from the eastern English Channel and southern North Sea to changes in nutrient inputs was studied. The method is based on a diachronic approach using averaged maxima over sliding periods of six years (1994–2018). This gave a final dataset containing pairs of points (number of years) for explained and explanatory variables. The temporal trajectory of the relationship between each pair of variables was then highlighted. Changes were represented as long-term trajectories that allowed a comparison to a reference/average situation. In addition, the relevance of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Harmful algal blooms; Eutrophication; Trajectory; Phaeocystis globosa; Pseudo-nitzchiacomplex; Oslo and Paris Convention OSPAR; Water Framework Directive (WFD); Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD).
Ano: 2020 URL:
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