Registros recuperados: 27 | |
Hosie, Graham; Koubbi, Philippe; Riddle, Martin; Ozouf-costaz, Catherine; Moteki, Masato; Fukuchi, Mitsuo; Ameziane, Nadia; Ishimaru, Takashi; Goffart, Anne. |
The Census for Antarctic Marine Life (CAML, IPY Project 53) aimed to investigate the distribution and abundance of Antarctic marine biodiversity and how it will be affected by climate change. It was a major ship-based research programme in the austral summer of 2007-2008 involving scientists from 30 countries and 19 vessels. The Collaborative East Antarctic Marine Census (CEAMARC) was a multinational contribution to CAML involving scientists and students from several nations using three ships from Australia, Japan and France surveying the one area. This collaboration was a highly coordinated and comprehensive survey of the plankton, fish, benthos, oceanography and geophysical conditions of the waters north of Terre Adelie and George V Land of Eastern... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: CEAMARC; CAML; Marine biodiversity; Pelagic; Benthos. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00227/33827/32466.pdf |
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Gomes, Helene; Kersulec, Coralie; Doyen, Luc; Blanchard, Fabian; Cisse, Abdoul; Sanz, Nicolas. |
Marine ecosystems, biodiversity and fisheries are under pressure worldwide because of global changes including climate warming and demographic pressure. In that regard, many scientists and stakeholders advocate the use of an ecosystem approach for fisheries integrating the numerous ecological and economic complexities at play, instead of focusing on the management of isolated target species. However, the way to operationalize such an ecosystem approach remains challenging, especially from the bioeconomic viewpoint. To achieve this, here we propose a model of intermediate complexity (MICE) relying on multi-species and multi-fleets dynamics. The model also takes into account climate change through a model of envelope for the biological growth of the fish... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Marine biodiversity; Multi-species; Multi-fleet fishery; Models of Intermediate Complexity (MICE); Climate change; Exclusion principle. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00640/75222/75364.pdf |
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Rzeznik-orignac, Jadwiga; Puisay, Antoine; Derelle, Evelyne; Peru, Erwan; Le Bris, Nadine; Galand, Pierre E.. |
In submarine canyon sediments, bacteria and nematodes dominate the benthic biomass and play a key role in nutrient cycling and energy transfer. The diversity of these communities remains, however, poorly studied. This work aims at describing the composition of bacteria and nematode communities in the Lacaze-Duthiers submarine canyon in the north-western Mediterranean Sea. We targeted three sediment depths for two consecutive years and investigated the communities using nuclear markers (18S rRNA and 16S rRNA genes). High throughput sequencing combined to maximal information coefficient (MIC) statistical analysis allowed us to identify, for the first time, at the same small scale, the community structures and the co-occurrence of nematodes and bacteria... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Bacteria; Meiofauna; Canyon Lacaze-Duthiers; Metabarcording; Molecular approach; Mediterranean Sea; Nematodes; Marine biodiversity; 18S; 16S. |
Ano: 2018 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00454/56586/76447.pdf |
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Gutt,Julian; Arntz,Wolf E; Balguerias,Eduardo; Brandt,Angelika; Gerdes,Dieter; Gorny,Matthias; Sirenko,Boris. |
A look at the latitudinal gradient from North America via South America to Antarctica supports the impression that the ecosystems of this part of the world provide perfect conditions for marine biodiversity studies. Several bilateral or international initiatives with major German contributions have focused on biodiversity questions, especially in South America and Antarctica. At depths > 50 m accessible to shipboard sampling, an oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) prevails off Peru and Chile (except in the extreme south). The macrobenthic biota associated with the OMZ are extremely poor but show a gradient of increasing diversity at great depths and towards the south. In the southern Chilean fjords and channels, habitat heterogeneity is high and differences in... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Marine biodiversity; South America; Antarctica. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-65382003000200007 |
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Chiarello, Marlène; Auguet, Jean-christophe; Graham, Nicholas A. J.; Claverie, Thomas; Sucré, Elliott; Bouvier, Corinne; Rieuvilleneuve, Fabien; Restrepo-ortiz, Claudia Ximena; Bettarel, Yvan; Villéger, Sébastien; Bouvier, Thierry. |
Coral reefs host hundreds of thousands of animal species that are increasingly threatened by anthropogenic disturbances. These animals host microbial communities at their surface, playing crucial roles for their fitness. However, the diversity of such microbiomes is mostly described in a few coral species and still poorly defined in other invertebrates and vertebrates. Given the diversity of animal microbiomes, and the diversity of host species inhabiting coral reefs, the contribution of such microbiomes to the total microbial diversity of coral reefs could be important, yet potentially vulnerable to the loss of animal species. Analysis of the surface microbiome from 74 taxa, including teleost fishes, hard and soft corals, crustaceans, echinoderms,... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Skin microbiota; Phylogenetic diversity; Conservation; Marine biodiversity; Octocorallia; Scleratinia. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: https://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00629/74121/73596.pdf |
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Matabos, M.; Plouviez, S.; Hourdez, S.; Desbruyeres, Daniel; Legendre, P.; Waren, A.; Jollivet, D.; Thiebaut, E.. |
Aim Deep-sea hydrothermal vents have now been reported along all active mid-ocean ridges and back-arc basins, but the boundaries of biogeographic entities remain questionable owing to methodological issues. Here we examine biogeographic patterns of the vent fauna along the East Pacific Rise (EPR) and determine the relative roles of regional and local factors on the distribution of biodiversity associated with mussel beds along a poorly explored zone, the southern EPR (SEPR). Location East Pacific Rise. Methods A species list of macrobenthic invertebrates along the EPR was compiled from the literature and supplemented with data recovered during the French research cruise BIOSPEEDO carried out in 2004 along the SEPR. Biogeographic patterns were assessed by... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Biogeographic patterns; Community structure; East Pacific Rise; Hydrothermal vents; Marine biodiversity; Molecular systematics; Mussel beds; Species richness. |
Ano: 2011 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00033/14395/11767.pdf |
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Goulletquer, Philippe. |
Species invasion is considered as a main factor impacting the marine biodiversity (CBD, 2008). A comprehensive review of species invasion along the French Atlantic coastline is carried out to assess the present status and side effects resulting from those invasions. Vectors of introduction concerning voluntarily and involuntarily, legal & illegal case studies are reviewed to provide baseline information relating invasion success and potential control. Historical case studies regarding shellfish aquaculture-fisheries development and impacts of exotic diseases (e.g., Bonamia ostreae) as well as hitchhikers (e.g., Rapana venosa) are discussed. Among at least 150 reported exotic species, around 10 species have highly significant side-effects on the... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Rapana venosa; Bonamia ostreae; Ruditapes philippinarum; Crepidula fornicata; Crasssostrea gigas; Species invasion; Marine biodiversity. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/2009/acte-6828.pdf |
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Goulletquer, Philippe. |
The Millenium Ecosystem Assessment (2005) demonstrated that the biodiversity is the keystone for the sustainaibility of present and future ecosystems services. In spite of the highly significant effort carried out by the Census of Marine Life over the last ten years, and an increasing research effort, marine biodiversity and precise ecosystem functioning remain largely unknown and failure to reach the CBD 2010 objectives is obvious. Meanwhile, the concept of ‘ecosystem approach’ is progressing, translated into new policies such as the revised European Common Fisheries Policy (CFP). We might question if the scientific community is ready enough to built scenarios for the future and provide integrated advice to the policy makers for biodiversity conservation... |
Tipo: Text |
Palavras-chave: Marine biodiversity; Ecosystems; Biodiversity governance; Fisheries management. |
Ano: 2010 |
URL: http://archimer.ifremer.fr/doc/00015/12598/9475.pdf |
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G. Couto,Erminda C; Da Silveira,Fábio Lang; A. Rocha,Gecely R.. |
Brazil has one of the highest biodiversities in the world, both in the terrestrial and the marine environment. Thanks to its extensive coastal line, Brazilian marine flora and fauna are composed of species from many different marine bioregions. The ecosystems on the south-eastern and southern coasts have received considerable attention but, due to the great impact of human activities such as tourism, over-exploitation of marine resources, physical alteration, oil related activities and pollution among others, this environment is under great risk and its biodiversity is threatened. The most representative ecosystems of this region include sandy beaches, rocky shores, sea grass beds, soft bottom communities and mangrove forests. On the northern coast where... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Brazil; Tropical; Marine biodiversity; Conservation. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-65382003000200014 |
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Díaz,Juan M; Acero,Arturo. |
Colombia is recognized as a megadiverse country on the basis of the number of terrestrial animal and plant species occurring within its boundaries. However, due to the circumstance that it possesses coasts on both the Caribbean Sea and the Pacific Ocean, each of them exhibiting distinct geological, oceanographic, and climatic features, Colombia is perhaps the country with the highest marine biological diversity in South America and one of the most biodiverse in the New World. Although scientific research concerning marine biodiversity of Colombia has a very short history, considerable knowledge has been achieved in the last 10 years, particularly in regard to species inventories and ecosystem characterizations, including thematic mapping. Relatively... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Marine biodiversity; Colombia; Caribbean; Eastern Pacific; Marine ecosystems. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-65382003000200011 |
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Artigas,Luis Felipe; Vendeville,Philippe; Leopold,Marc; Guiral,Daniel; Ternon,Jean-François. |
Marine biodiversity in French Guiana is strongly influenced by the amagon River waters of the river Amazon, which constitute a major structuring factor for the estuarine, coastal, and shelf marine ecosystems. Moreover, the marked seasonal and interannual variabilities play important roles in the stability or fluctuations in the environmental parameters that influence biodiversity at the ecological, population, and genetic levels. Previous and ongoing studies of the marine and littoral biota relate mostly to commercial marine species, protected species in danger of extinction and, specially, to the biodiversity and functioning of local coastal and littoral ecosystems such as estuaries, mudflats, sandy beaches and, particularly, littoral mangroves. A more... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: French Guiana; Marine biodiversity; Coastal systems; Amazon river waters; Intertropical Convergence Zone; Ecological and conservation studies. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-65382003000200013 |
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Miloslavich,Patricia; Klein,Eduardo; Yerena,Edgard; Martin,Alberto. |
Venezuela is among the ten countries with the highest biodiversity in the world, both in the terrestrial and the marine environment. Due to its biogeographical position, Venezuelan marine flora and fauna are composed of species from very different marine bioregions such as the Caribbean and the Orinoco Delta. The ecosystems in the Caribbean have received considerable attention but now, due to the tremendous impact of human activities such as tourism, over-exploitation of marine resources, physical alteration, the oil industry, and pollution, these environments are under great risk and their biodiversity highly threatened. The most representative ecosystems of this region include sandy beaches, rocky shores, seagrass beds, coral reefs, soft bottom... |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Venezuela; Marine biodiversity; Conservation; Protected areas; Biological collections. |
Ano: 2003 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-65382003000200012 |
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Hoeksema, B.W.. |
The coastal waters of East Kalimantan are part of the western boundary of the Indo-West Pacific centre of maximum marine biodiversity. During the pilot phase of the East Kalimantan Program (EKP) this has been tested by various specialists who used model taxa to test this hypothesis. Emphasis has been put on the species-rich coral reefs and islands that show reef communities in association with mangroves, seagrass, and algae. A range of habitats has been surveyed, varying in distance offshore (with decreasing salinity, turbidity, sedimentation and nutrient load): fringing reefs along the mainland shore, offshore patch reefs, delta-front barrier reefs, and uplifted atolls. The atolls consist of limestone rock and contain shallow enclosed marine lakes with a... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Marine biodiversity; Berau region; Kalimantan; Indonesia; 42.94. |
Ano: 2004 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/268594 |
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Hoeksema, B.W.. |
The Statia Marine Biodiversity Expedition (2015) was organized by Naturalis Biodiversity Center in Leiden (the national museum of natural history of the Netherlands) and ANEMOON Foundation (a Dutch organisation of citizen scientists) in Bennebroek, The Netherlands. This field survey served as a baseline study to explore the marine biota of St. Eustatius, a small island on the boundary between the eastern Caribbean and the West Atlantic. Since 2010, St. Eustatius is part of the Caribbean Netherlands. Various undescribed species were discovered during the expedition. In addition, taxa were reported that previously were not known to occur in the Caribbean or even in the Atlantic Ocean. Species lists were produced of several groups of organisms, which include... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Caribbean Netherlands; Expedition; Marine biodiversity; Base line. |
Ano: 2016 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/616970 |
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Huete-Pérez,Jorge A; Roberts,Richard J; Quezada,Fernando. |
In an effort to raise awareness of the major environmental challenges facing the regions coastal and marine ecosystems, and to highlight the potential research and socioeconomic benefits of this program, the authors provide summaries of key lectures and conclusions presented in the international conference on Central American Marine Biodiversity and Genomics, in April of 2012, dedicated to Genomic Archiving and Coastal Marine Biodiversity Exploration, Conservation and Sustainable Development, and describe the main components of the initiative for the benefit of other actors, stakeholders and donors in the field of marine biodiversity. |
Tipo: Journal article |
Palavras-chave: Central American Marine Genomic Initiative; Marine biodiversity. |
Ano: 2012 |
URL: http://www.scielo.cl/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0717-34582012000500013 |
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Registros recuperados: 27 | |