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Bromophenol concentrations in fish from Salvador, BA, Brazil 42
Oliveira,Aline S.; Silva,Vilma M.; Veloso,Márcia C.C.; Santos,Gislaine V.; Andrade,Jailson B. de.
The main objective of this work is to evaluate the occurrence of bromophenols (2bromophenol, 4bromophenol, 2,4dibromophenol, 2,6dibromophenol and 2,4,6tribromophenol), in the flesh and guts in two species of the LutjanidaeFamily: Lutjanus synagris and Ocyurus chrysurus. The bromophenols were extracted by steam distillation with pentaneether (7:3 v/v), identified by reverse phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLCUV), and quantified bythe externalstandard method. Total bromophenol concentrations were similar in the muscle of both species, rangingfrom 36 ng g¹ to 349 ng g¹. The total bromophenol concentrations in stomach (ranging from 12 ng g¹ to 586 ng g¹)were slightly higher than in muscle. The presence of bromophenol in the muscles of the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bromophenols; Flavor; Marine fishes; Lutjanus; Ocyurus.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Chromosomal studies of five species of the marine fishes from the Paranaguá Bay and the karyotypic diversity in the marine teleostei of the Brazilian coast 52
Cipriano,Roger Raupp; Fenocchio,Alberto Sérgio; Artoni,Roberto Ferreira; Molina,Wagner; Noleto,Rafael Bueno; Kantek,Daniel Luis Zanella; Cestari,Marta Margarete.
In this study, five species of marine fishes from the Paranaguá Bay in the Brazilian coast were evaluated. Eucinostomus argenteus and Diapterus rhombeus (Gerreidae) presented 48 chromosomes, all of which more acrocentric (FN = 48); Strongylura timucu and S. marina (Belonidae) also presented 48 chromosomes, but with a higher karyotypic complexity than the Gerreidae, 10M+2SM+36A (FN = 60) and 4M+44A (FN = 52), respectively. The fifth species, Mugil curema (Mugilidae), different than the others, presented only 28 chromosomes 20M+4ST+4A (FN = 48). The species presented diversity in the karyotypic macro-structure, which should be relevant for the cytotaxonomy and the evolution of this group of the vertebrate.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Marine fishes; Karyotype; Cytotaxonomy; Karyotypic evolution.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Composition, density and biomass of fish community from the surf zone as a function of the lunar cycle at Miramar Beach in Cabedelo, Paraíba 83
Pessoa,Willy Vila Nova; Ramos,Jonas de Assis Almeida; Oliveira,Paulo Guilherme Vasconcelos de.
ABSTRACT The influence of the moon cycles on the ichthyofauna has been little studied in the surf zone. In this study, the number of species, density and biomass were evaluated as a function of the moon. A total of 49 species distributed in 24 families were captured in two areas of Miramar beach. The mean density was significant high in the weaning and low in the new moon, while density and biomass together showed differences for areas. The most abundant species were Anchoa tricolor and Trachinotus falcatus (new moon), and Anchovia clupeoides showed significant differences in the waning moon. The RDA indicates that turbidity influenced significantly the presence of two species group. The group I were represented by Stellifer brasiliensis, Trachinotus...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Juveniles; Marine ecology; Marine fishes; Spatiotemporal pattern; Seine net.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Etude de la reproduction chez "Diplodus sagus cadenati " (sparidae) de la cote de nouadhibou (mauritanie) 20
Dia, M.; Wague, A.; Ghorbel, M..
L’étude de la reproduction de Diplodus sargus cadenati, de la côte de Nouadhibou a porté sur 513 individus de longueurs à la fourche comprises entre 13,2 cm et 32,2 cm. Cette étude a montré que la période de ponte de cette espèce s’étend de janvier à avril, période où la température de l’eau est en moyenne de 18,4°c. La taille (L50) à la laquelle 50% des individus sont matures est de 21,47 ± 0,45 cm de longueur à la fourche (Lf) pour les mâles et de 20,79 ± 0,55 cm pour les femelles. L’étude de la sex-ratio n’a pas montré la dominance de l’un ou de l’autre sexe.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Animal physiology; Marine fish; Methodology; Reproduction; Sex ratio; Size-at-first-maturity; Spawning seasons; Statistical tables; Fishery biology; Marine fishes.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Polanco F.,Andrea; Acero P.,Arturo; Santos-Acevedo,Marisol; Narváez,Juan Carlos; Navas S.,Gabriel R.; Flórez,Paola.
Veintiuna especies de peces arrecifales frecuentes y abundantes en el área de Santa Marta y Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona (Caribe colombiano) se identificaron como promisorias para el mercado de peces marinos ornamentales. La selección se basó en información secundaria y observaciones en campo y laboratorio, dando prioridad a especies o familias que han sido reproducidas exitosamente en confinamiento y que según las observaciones se adaptan satisfactoriamente al cautiverio, con proyección a su futura reproducción, levantamiento y manutención en confinamiento. Así mismo, para algunas de ellas se obtuvieron datos importantes para su acoplamiento y manutención en acuario. Se proponen a Microspathodon crysurus, Coryphopterus personatus, Elacatinus...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Peces marinos; Especies ornamentales; Colombia; Mantenimiento en confinamiento; Reproducción; Marine fishes; Ornamental species; Colombia; Maintenance in captivity; Reproduction.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Evaluación preliminar de especies de peces arrecifales marinos con potencial ornamental en el área de Santa Marta y Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona, Caribe colombiano 20
Polanco F., A.; Acero P., A.; Santos-Acevedo, M.; Narváez, J. C.; Navas S., G. R.; Flórez, P..
Veintiuna especies de peces arrecifales frecuentes y abundantes en el área de Santa Marta y Parque Nacional Natural Tayrona (Caribe colombiano) ser identificaron como promisorias para el mercado de peces marinos ornamentales. La selección se basó en información secundaria y observaciones en campo y laboratorio, dando prioridad a especies o familias que han sido reproducidas existosamente en confinamiento y que según las observaciones se adaptan satisfactoriamente al cautiverio, con proyección a su futura reproducción, levantamiento y manutención en confinamiento. Así mismo, para algunas de ellas se obtuvieron datos importantes para su acoplamiento y manutención en acuario. Se proponen a Microspathodn crysurus, Coryphopterus personatus, Elacatinus...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Reproduction; Marine fishes.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Feeding biology of a guild of benthivorous fishes in a sandy shore on south-eastern Brazilian coast 57
The feeding biology of eight species of benthivorous fishes was studied in a sandy shore at Anchieta Island, south-eastern Brazilian coast. The fishes fed mainly on Amphipoda and Mysidacea crustaceans. The diet of the most abundant species, the drum Umbrina coroides, was analyzed in three standard length classes (20-55, 56-90 and 91-135 mm). This sciaenid showed an ontogenetic diet shift from Mysidacea to Amphipoda. The feeding behaviour of the sciaenid U. coroides and the gerreid Eucinostomus gula was recorded while snorkeling. During their foraging both species uncovered small organisms buried in the sand. Notwithstanding general similarities in diet, U. coroides and E. gula presented differences in feeding behaviour and morphology. Two carangid species...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Marine fishes; Ontogenetic diet shift; Umbrina coroides; Eucinostomus gula.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Impact of the construction of the harbor at pecém (Ceará, Brazil) upon reef fish communities in tide pools 52
Freitas,Marcelo Carneiro de; Vieira,Regine Helena Silva dos Fernandes; Araújo,Maria Elisabeth de.
This study aimed to assess the impact of harbor construction at Pecém (Brazil) upon the reef fish communities in tide pools. The monitoring was carried out through a visual census and sea water quality was evaluated by microbiological analyses. From March to December 2001, 1,425 individuals of 17 families and 25 species were registered. The most frequent species were Haemulon parra, Acanthurus chirurgus, Abudefduf saxatilis and Sparisoma axillare. The average species diversity for the whole period was 1.77 bits.ind -1. There was evidence that the tide pools gradually silted up, resulting in a reduction in species diversity and richness. The microbiological analyses indicated the presence of faecal coliforms in the water though not at significant levels....
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Marine fishes; Environmental changes; Sand dredging.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Incidence de la pêche sur la biodiversité ichtyologique marine : le bassin d'Arcachon et le plateau continental sud Gascogne 5
Quero, Jean-claude; Cendrero, O.
Estimation of changes in the relative abundance of fish species in catches off Arcachon, on the shelf and in the Bassin d'Arcachon, from 1727 to the present day, shows that some previously dominant species are becoming scarce. Some are actually not caught now in the south of the Bay of Biscay. Among these are the large bottom-living elasmobranchs with low reproduction rates, such as Echinorhinus brucus, Squatina squatina, Raja batis, Raja brachyura, Dasyatis pastinaca, Myliobatis aquila, Galeorhinus galeus, Mustelus asterias, Raja clavata, ,.. and some actinopterygians, such as Trigla lyra, while catches of Eutrigla gurnardus are much reduced. Bottom trawling is principally responsible for these reductions but all fishing methods used there have...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Species extinction; Fishing induced effects; Long term changes; Arcachon; France; ANE; Marine fishes.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Marine fishes from the Seychelles: 108 new records 16
Randall, J.E.; Egmond, J. van.
The following 108 species of fishes are recorded for the first time from the Seychelles: Himantura granulata, Gymnothorax breedeni, G. chilospilus, G. fimbriatus, G. melatremus, G. nudivomer, G. zonipectis, Rhinomuraena quaesita, Uropterygius macrocephalus, Kaupichthys diodontus, Synodus binotatus, S. jaculum, Trachinocephalus myops, Ophidion smithi, Carapus mourlani, Brosmophyciops pautzkei, Antennarius hispidus, Myripristis berndti, M. melanosticta, Eurypegasus draconis, Cosmocampus banneri, Dunckerocampus dactyliophorus, Hippocampus histrix, H. whitei, Inimicus filamentosus, Cephalopholis sexmaculata, Pseudanthias cooperi, P. pulcherrimus, Variola albimarginata, Cyprinocirrhites polyactis, Oxycirrhites typus, Apogon evermanni, Apogon punctatus, Fowleria...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Marine fishes; Seychelles.; 42.81.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Muscle bioenergetics of two emblematic Mediterranean fish species: Sardina pilchardus and Sparus aurata 5
Teulier, Loïc; Thoral, Elisa; Queiros, Quentin; Mckenzie, David; Roussel, Damien; Dutto, Gilbert; Gasset, Eric; Bourjea, Jerome; Saraux, Claire.
We investigated links between swimming behavior and muscle bioenergetics in two emblematic Mediterranean fish species that have very different ecologies and activity levels. European sardines Sardina pilchardus are pelagic, they swim aerobically, school constantly and have high muscle fat content. Gilthead seabream Sparus aurata are bentho-pelagic, they show discontinuous spontaneous swimming patterns and store less fat in their muscle. Estimating the proportion of red and white muscle phenotypes, sardine exhibited a larger proportion of red muscle (~10% of the body mass) compared to gilthead seabream (~5% of the body mass). We firstly studied red and white muscle fiber bioenergetics, using high-resolution respirometers, showing a 4-fold higher oxidation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Red muscle; Bioenergetics; Marine fishes; Lipids.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Redescription of Gobius cauerensis (Bleeker, 1853), with discussion of the validity of the species 16
Randall, J.E.; Greenfield, D.W..
Thacker (2004b) regarded the gobiid fish Gnatholepis cauerensis (Bleeker) as a synonym of Gnatholepis anjerensis (Bleeker) and treated G. scapulostigma Herre as the replacement name for what other recent authors had identified as G. cauerensis. The holotype of Gobius cauerensis Bleeker from the Nationaal Natuurhistorische Museum in Leiden is redescribed. Because its colour pattern has faded, the original Bleeker painting is reproduced, the diagnostic colour features noted, and comparison provided with an underwater photograph taken of a specimen before it was collected in the Mentawai Islands (near the type locality of Kauer, Sumatra). Gnatholepis cauerensis is a valid species distinct from G. anjerensis. G. scapulostigma Herre is returned to the synonymy...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Marine fishes; Gobiidae; Gnatholepis; Gobius cauerensis; Redescription; 42.81.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Relation taille–masse, condition relative et cycle sexuel des anchois et des sardines des côtesTunisiennes 20
Khemiri, S.; Gaamour, A..
La biologie reproductive, la relation taille-masse ainsi que la condition relative de l’anchois Engraulis encrasicolus et de la sardine Sardina pilchardus ont été étudiées le long des régions Nord, Golfe de Tunis, la région Est et la région Sud des côtes tunisiennes durant la période 2000-2002. Pour l’anchois et la sardine, la sex-ratio globale pour toutes les côtes tunisiennes est voisine de 1,0. L’acquisition de la taille de première maturité sexuelle semble être influencée par la température de l’eau dans les quatre régions. Les périodes de reproduction ont lieu dans les quatre régions d’avril à octobre pour l’anchois et d’octobre à mars pour la sardine. Dans les eaux tunisiennes, l’anchois et la sardine ont une allométrie majorante et une condition...
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Allometry; Condition factor; Length-weight relationships; Marine fish; Sex ratio; Sexual maturity; Sexual reproduction; Spawning seasons; Marine fishes.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Кислородный режим скелетных мышц морских рыб и принципы его функциональной коррекции 13
Солдатов, А. А..
The state of oxygen system maintenance, blood and skeletal muscles '&2 in marine fishes under deferent environmental conditions and functional organism state were investigated. The mechanisms of development and compensation of tissue hypoxia were considered. Total principles of regulation of tissue oxygen homeostasis in marine fishes were discussed.
Tipo: Book Section Palavras-chave: Skeletal muscles; Oxygen tension; Hypoxic state; Marine fishes.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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