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Isotopic and elemental compositions reveal density‐dependent nutrition pathways in a population of mixotrophic jellyfish 5
Djeghri, Nicolas; Pondaven, Philippe; Stockenreiter, Maria; Behl, Stephan; Huang, Jessica Y. T.; Hansen, Thomas; Patris, Sharon; Ucharm, Gerda; Stibor, Herwig.
Mixotrophic organisms are increasingly recognized as important components of ecosystems, but the factors controlling their nutrition pathways (in particular their autotrophy–heterotrophy balance) are little known. Both autotrophy and heterotrophy are expected to respond to density‐dependent mechanisms but not necessarily in the same direction and/or strength. We hypothesize that the autotrophy–heterotrophy balance of mixotrophic organisms might therefore be a function of population densities. To investigate this relationship, we sampled mixotrophic jellyfish holobionts (host, Mastigias papua etpisoni; symbiont, Cladocopium sp.) in a marine lake (Palau, Micronesia) on six occasions (from 2010 to 2018). Over this period, population densities varied ~100...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Density dependence; Jellyfish; Marine lakes; Mixotrophy; Stable isotopes; Symbiosis; Zooxanthellae.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Phylogeography of the Sponge Suberites diversicolor in Indonesia: insights into the evolution of marine lake populations 16
Becking, L.E.; Erpenbeck, D.; Peijnenburg, K.T.C.A.; Voogd, N.J. de.
The existence of multiple independently derived populations in landlocked marine lakes provides an opportunity for fundamental research into the role of isolation in population divergence and speciation in marine taxa. Marine lakes are landlocked water bodies that maintain a marine character through narrow submarine connections to the sea and could be regarded as the marine equivalents of terrestrial islands. The sponge Suberites diversicolor (Porifera: Demospongiae: Suberitidae) is typical of marine lake habitats in the Indo-Australian Archipelago. Four molecular markers (two mitochondrial and two nuclear) were employed to study genetic structure of populations within and between marine lakes in Indonesia and three coastal locations in Indonesia,...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Suberites diversicolor; Indo-Australian Archipelago; Marine lakes; Evolution; 42.72.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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