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Achieving good environmental status in the Black Sea: scale mismatches in environmental management 7
O'Higgins, Tim; Scottish Association for Marine Science; Tim.O'; Farmer, Andrew; Institute for European Environmental Policy;; Daskalov, Georgi; IBER-BAS;; Knudsen, Stale; University in Bergen;; Mee, Laurence; Scottish Association for Marine Science;
The Black Sea has suffered severe environmental degradation. Governance of the Black Sea region is complex and results in a series of scale mismatches which constrain management. This paper develops a simple classification of spatial scale mismatches incorporating the driver, pressure, state, welfare, response (DPSWR) framework. The scale mismatch classification is applied to two major environmental problems of the Black Sea, eutrophication and small pelagic fisheries. A number of scale mismatches are described and classified and potential solutions are identified.
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Black Sea; Ecosystem approach; Eutrophication; Fisheries; Marine strategy framework directive; Scale mismatch.
Ano: 2014
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Impact of wastewater treatment plant discharges on macroalgae and macrofauna assemblages of the intertidal rocky shore in the southeastern Bay of Biscay 5
Huguenin, L.; Lalanne, Y.; De Casamajor, Marie-noelle; Gorostiaga, J.-m.; Quintano, E.; Salerno, M.; Monperrus, M..
Rocky intertidal habitats are particularly vulnerable to anthropogenic pressures especially in areas with high urban concentrations such as southeastern Bay of Biscay. This research aims to establish an assessment of the potential impact of sewage discharges on intertidal rocky benthic assemblages on macroalgae and on macrofauna as required by the European Directives (Water Framework Directive -WFD and Marine Strategy Framework Directive -MSFD). The assemblages were sampled at five locations according to a control-impact design. A moderate detectable effect of discharges was highlighted on the assemblage structure by means of multivariate analyses but this was less evident using other biological and ecological metrics. Results would also suggest that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Benthic communities; Bioindicators; Impacts; Pollution; Sewage; Marine strategy framework directive.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Pelagic habitat: exploring the concept of good environmental status 5
Dickey-collas, Mark; Mcquatters-gollop, Abigail; Bresnan, Eileen; Kraberg, Alexandra C.; Manderson, John P.; Nash, Richard D. M.; Otto, Saskia A.; Sell, Anne F.; Tweddle, Jacqueline F.; Trenkel, Verena.
Marine environmental legislation is increasingly expressing a need to consider the quality of pelagic habitats. This paper uses the European Union marine strategy framework to explore the concept of good environmental status (GES) of pelagic habitat with the aim to build a wider understanding of the issue. Pelagic ecosystems have static, persistent and ephemeral features, with manageable human activities primarily impacting the persistent features. The paper explores defining the meaning of "good", setting boundaries to assess pelagic habitat and the challenges of considering habitat biodiversity in a moving medium. It concludes that for pelagic habitats to be in GES and able to provide goods and services to humans, three conditions should be met: (i) all...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine strategy framework directive; MPA; Pelagic habitats; Plankton; Seascape.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Towards a marine strategy for the deep Mediterranean Sea: Analysis of current ecological status 5
Danovaro, R.; Fanelli, E.; Canals, M.; Ciuffardi, T.; Fabri, Marie-claire; Taviani, M.; Argyrou, M.; Azzurro, E.; Bianchelli, S.; Cantafaro, A.; Carugati, L.; Corinaldesi, C.; De Haan, W.p.; Dell’anno, A.; Evans, J.; Foglini, F.; Galil, B.; Gianni, M.; Goren, M.; Greco, S.; Grimalt, J.; Güell-bujons, Q.; Jadaud, Angelique; Knittweis, L.; Lopez, J.l.; Sanchez-vidal, A.; Schembri, P.j.; Snelgrove, P.; Vaz, Sandrine; Angeletti, L.; Barsanti, M.; Borg, J.a.; Bosso, M.; Brind'Amour, Anik; Castellan, G.; Conte, F.; Delbono, I.; Galgani, Francois; Morgana, G.; Prato, S.; Schirone, A.; Soldevila, E..
The Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD), introduced in June 2008, was adopted to achieve a Good Environmental Status (GES) in the EU's marine waters and to protect resources of socio-economic interest. The MSFD exerts to the marine area over which a Member State exercises jurisdictional rights in accordance with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS), including the deep-sea waters, seafloor and sub-seafloor of the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZ). However, currently the MSFD focuses on coastal habitats and the shallow-water seafloor to the detriment of the deeper habitats. Despite the huge dimension of the deep sea (below 200 m of depth) covering more than 65% of the Earth's surface and including >95% of the global biosphere,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine strategy framework directive; Deep-sea ecosystems; Mediterranean basin.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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