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Relationship Between Volume of Pterygopalatine Fossa and Block Anesthesia of Maxillary Nerve: A Pilot Study International Journal of Morphology
Aravena Torres,Pedro; Cresp Sinning,Nicole; Büchner Sagredo,Katherine; Muñoz Rocha,Carlos; Cartes-Velásquez,Ricardo.
Block anesthesia of maxillary nerve 9BAMN) is achieved by depositing anesthesia through greater palatine canal into the pterygopalatine fossa. Authors differ in the amount of anesthesia to be administered and the rate of complications (diplopia and hematomas), Coronado et al., (2008), measured the size of the pterygopalatine fossa finding an average of 1.2 ml, suggesting that amount of anesthesia for BAMN. The aim of this study is to compare the effectiveness of low doses of 1.2 ml (LD)versus traditional dose of 1.8 m. (TD) of anesthesia for BAMN and its adverse effects. A quasi experimental exploratory clinical study was performed involving 82 patients where the anesthetic technique was suitable for tooth extraction procedure; patients were randomized in...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Maxillary nerve; Anesthesia; Pterygopalatine fossa; Lidocaine; Tooth extraction.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Subzygomatic and infraorbital approaches for maxillary nerve blockade in cats’ cadaver Ciência Rural
Becerra,José Ricardo Herrera; Tisotti,Tainor de Mesquita; Baier,Maria Eduarda; Leite-Filho,Ronaldo Viana; Mombach,Verônica Santos; Costa,Fernanda Vieira Amorim da; Monteiro,Eduardo Raposo.
ABSTRACT: This study compared the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve by using the percutaneous subzigomatic (SBZ) and infraorbitary (IO) approaches in cats’ cadavers. A second aim was to compare the accuracy of dye placement on the maxillary nerve between different untrained anesthetists. This was a prospective, randomized, blinded study, performed in 40 heads obtained from feline cadavers. Three veterinarians (A, B and C) with no previous experience with the IO approach performed the experiments. The SBZ approach was randomly performed on one side of the head and the IO approach was performed in the contralateral side of the same head. For each approach, 0.2ml of 1% methylene blue dye was injected. Scores for length of nerve staining were as...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dental anesthesia; Cats; Maxillary nerve; Methylene blue; Nerve block.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Vertiginous Syndrome Associated with Incorrect Anesthesia Technique to Block the Maxillary Nerve via the Greater Palatine Canal: Case Report and Anatomic Correlation with Cadaveric Parts International Journal of Morphology
Soto,Reinaldo; Cáceres,Felipe; Lankin,Jorge.
The anesthetic technique through the greater palatine canal seeks to block the maxillary nerve in the pterygopalatine fossa and anesthetize a large area, including the pulp and periodontium of the arch in question. After applying this technique in a patient, it failed to obtain the expected result. The patient began to experience dizziness, nausea, vomiting and the sensation of fluid in the ear. She was evaluated in both the emergency room of the Hospital Parroquial de San Bernardo and at a private clinic without accurate diagnosis. Only symptomatic treatment was provided. The next day she was discharged with reduced symptoms, which disappeared completely during the day. We propose the hypothesis of a diffusion of the anesthetic solution into the middle...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Vertigo; Dental anesthesia; Auditory tube; Maxillary nerve.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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