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Mecanismos de governança em sistemas agroalimentares: um enfoque nos custos de mensuração 31
Caleman, Silvia Morales de Queiroz; Sproesser, Renato Luiz; Lima Filho, Dario de Oliveira; Tredezini, Cicero Antonio Oliveira.
The effective measurement of transactions costs constitutes a theoretical gap, toward which research agenda has been directed. It is, however, a difficult task, given the involved complexity - amplitude of concepts, definition of the analytical cut, synergic effect among transaction costs, production costs and the institutional environment. From this assumption it emerges the possibility of applying the Measurement Cost Theory, developed by Yoram Barzel, in order to identify governance mechanisms in productive systems. The Measurement Cost Theory, as long as considers as a variable key of analysis the possibility of measuring transacted attributes, confers simplicity and applicability to the study of organizations. In other words, the identification of...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Transaction Costs Economics; Measurement Costs Theory; Yoram Barzel; Agribusiness.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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