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Aging time of five muscles from carcass of Nellore young bulls 2
Simonetti, Laís Regina; Lage, Josiane Fonseca; Berchielli, Telma Teresinha; Oliveira, Emanuel Almeida; Dallantonia, Erick Escobar; Delevatti, Lutti Maneck.
This trial aimed to assess the qualitative traits of five muscles of 14 Nellore bulls with 450 kg ± 30.7 kg BW, feedlot fed for 60 days. After slaughter and carcass chilling, samples of the Biceps femoris (BF), Longissimus (LD), Gluteus medius (GM), Semitendinosus (ST) and Trapezius thoracis (TT) muscles were collected, vacuum-packed and aged at 0 to 2 ºC for 1, 7 and 14 days and subsequently stored at –20ºC for chemical and quality analysis. The pH, shear force, water holding capacity, cooking losses, meat color and ether extract were evaluated in all aging times. Data were analyzed in a split-plot design using the PROC MIXED procedure of SAS. Aging affected quality traits and chemical properties of the meat, improving aspects, such as tenderness (p <...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal Science; Animal production beef cattle; Biceps femoris; Longissimus; Meat color; Nellore; Tenderness..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Comparative effects of dietary sea urchin shell powder and feed additives on meat quality and fatty acid profiles of broiler breast meat 2
Kim, Sam Churl; Chung, Yung Ho; Chung, Tae Ho; Choi, In Hag.
This study was a small pen trial in which we investigated comparative effects of dietary sea urchin shell powder and feed additives on meat quality and fatty acid profiles of broiler breast meat. A total of 108 male broilers were assigned to 3 groups (control, 1% sea urchin shell powder, and 1% feed additives) with 3 replicates of 12 chicks per pen in a completely randomized design for 28 days. The following parameters have been investigated: proximate composition (DM, CP, EE, and ash), physicochemical properties (pH, TBARS, cooking loss and DPPH radical scavenging), meat color and fatty acid profiles. No remarkable effects between treatment and storage day were observed for proximate composition, physicochemical properties, meat color and fatty acid...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sea urchin shell; Proximate composition; Physicochemical properties; Meat color; Fatty acid.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Effect of cassava wastewater on physicochemical characteristics and fatty acids composition of meat from feedlot-finished lambs 2
Santana Neto, Jose Adelson; Muniz, Evandro Neves; Santos, Gladston Rafael Arruda; Macedo, Francisco de Assis Fonseca; Rangel, Jose Henrique de Albuquerque; Gomes, Ludmila Couto.
This study aimed to evaluate the effects of includingcassava wastewater (0.0, 0.5, 1.0, or 1.5 L animal-1 day-1) in diets of feedlot-finished lambs on the physicochemical characteristics and fatty acid composition of their meat. Thirty-two uncastrated lambs atan average age of 167 days and an average body weight of 24.76 ± 3.00 kg were distributed into four groups in a completely randomized design with eight animals per group for each treatment. Inclusion of cassava wastewater linearly reduced cooking losses, shear force, and yellow intensity and linearly increased the fat content of the meat. The amounts of myristic, stearic, linoleic, and total fatty acids were changed. Additionally, an effect of cassava wastewater was observed on the amounts of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: by-products; Cooking losses; Fat; Meat color; Shear force; Nutritional quality..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Effects of supplementing broiler diets with a combination of fermented red ginseng marc powder and red-koji on thigh meat quality of broiler chick during storage 2
Ji, Joong Gu; Choi, In Hag.
We assessed the effects of supplementing broiler diets with a combination of fermented red ginseng marc powder and red-koji on thigh meat quality of broiler chick during storage. Broilers (n = 120) were randomly assigned to one of two groups: control or treatment with 1% fermented red ginseng marc combined with red-koji. There were four replicates per group, each comprising 15 birds (10 male and 5 female). Neither the dietary supplementation group nor the number of storage days had a significant (p > 0.05) effect on meat pH. However, TBARS, a measure of lipid oxidation, was significantly affected (p < 0.05) by both the number of storage days and the dietary supplementation, with reduced TBARS activity noted in the treatment group after 7 days of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fermented red ginseng marc; Red-koji; PH; TBARS; Meat color; Thigh meat..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Estimates of genetic parameters and cluster analyses for carcass and meat quality traits in birds 86
Bainy,Adriane Molardi; Savegnago,Rodrigo Pelicioni; Freitas,Luara Afonso de; Nunes,Beatriz do Nascimento; Rosa,Jaqueline Oliveira; Ledur,Mônica Corrêa; Munari,Danísio Prado.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to estimate genetic parameters for bird carcass and meat quality traits, as well as to explore the genetic patterns of the breeding values of this population using cluster analyses. Data from 1,846 birds were used to estimate the genetic parameters of production and quality traits using the multiple-trait animal model, and cluster analyses were performed. The heritability estimates ranged from 0.08± 0.03 for meat pH measured 24 hours after slaughter to 0.85± 0.09 for body weight. The genetic correlations between production traits were high and positive. The genetic correlations between meat quality traits were low and were not informative due to the high standard errors (same magnitudes as those of the genetic...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Genetic correlation; Heritability; Meat color; White Leghorn.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Functional properties of PSE (Pale, Soft, Exudative) broiler meat in the production of mortadella 52
Kissel,Cassiana; Soares,Adriana Lourenço; Rossa,Alessandro; Shimokomaki,Massami.
This work was carried out in order to evaluate whether the functional properties of broiler meat are affected by the factors that lead to PSE (Pale, Soft, Exudative). PSE meat was characterized by pH and L* values, and mortadella formulations consisted of isolated soy protein, sodium tripolyphosphate, and cassava starch in addition to PSE and normal meats. The functionality of the meat was evaluated by examining the water holding capacity (WHC), texture profile, emulsion stability (ES) and color of the final products. The results show that in mortadella prepared with PSE meat, the protein denaturation affected the ES. Additives are necessary to enhance the functional properties of PSE meat.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mortadella; Water holding capacity; Texture profile; Meat color; Emulsion stability.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Incidence and physical properties of PSE chicken meat in a commercial processing plant 89
Garcia,RG; Freitas,LW de; Schwingel,AW; Farias,RM; Caldara,FR; Gabriel,AMA; Graciano,JD; Komiyama,CM; Almeida Paz,ICL.
It is known that PSE meat present important functional defects, such as low water holding capacity and ultimate pH, which may compromise the quality of further-processed meat products. In this study, L* (lightness), a* (redness), and b* (yellowness) values of 500 chicken breast fillets were determined using a portable colorimeter (Minolta, model CR-400) in a commercial processing plant. Fillets were considered pale when their L* was &gt;49. Out of those samples, 30 fillets with normal color and 30 pale fillets were evaluated as to pH, drip loss, cooking loss, water holding capacity, shear force, and submitted to sensorial analysis. An incidence of 10.20% PSE meat was determined. Pale and normal fillets presented significantly different (p<0.05) pH...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Meat color; Meat pH; Pale meat; Poultry production; Water retention capacity.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Marinade with alkaline solutions for the improvement of pork quality 86
Santos,Viviane Maria Oliveira dos; Caldara,Fabiana Ribeiro; Seno,Leonardo de Oliveira; Feijó,Gelson Luis Dias; Paz,Ibiara Correia de Lima Almeida; Garcia,Rodrigo Garófallo; Nääs,Irenilza de Alencar; Altemio,Ângela Dulce Cavenaghi.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the effects of alkaline solution marinades on the characteristics of pork subjected to post-mortem pH decrease in pig muscle. The pH of carcasses was measured in a commercial slaughterhouse (n = 526), 45 min after slaughtering (pH45) and, then, the carcasses were divided into the groups with pH45<5.7 or pH45&gt;5.7. Ten samples of the longissimus dorsi muscles of each group were collected and distributed in an entirely randomized design, in a 2x4 factorial arrangement, with two conditions (pH45<5.7 or pH45&gt;5.7), and four marinade solutions: TC, no marinade; TM1, sodium bicarbonate and sodium chloride; TM2, sodium tripolyphosphate and sodium chloride; TM3, sodium bicarbonate, sodium...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Sus scrofa; Meat color; PSE meat; Sodium bicarbonate; Sodium chloride; Sodium tripolyphosphate.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Meat quality and color of breast during storage in ducks fed diet supplemented with different forms of Houttuynia cordata with fermented red koji 2
Joo, Young Ho; Kim, Sam Churl; Lee, Hyuk Jun; Jang, Woo Whan; Choi, In Hag.
We evaluated meat quality and color of breast during storage in ducks fed diet supplemented with different forms of Houttuynia cordata (HC) with fermented red koji (FRK). In total, 240 one-day-old Pekin ducks (160 males and 80 females) were allocated to four diet treatments (control, 1% HC powder mixed with FRK, pelleted 1% HC with FRK, and coated pellets of 1% HC with FRK). At days 3 and 7 of storage, pH values were slightly influenced (p < 0.05) by different forms of HC with FRK, but was no influence at day 0 of storage day. Diet treatments with different forms of HC and FRK had an effect (p < 0.05) on TBARS values at 0, 3, and 7 days of storage and DPPH radical-scavenging activity at 0 days of storage, except for cooking loss. Overall, in breast...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Duck breast meat; Fermented red koji; Houttuynia cordata; Meat color; Meat quality..
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Performance and carcass quality of broilers supplemented with antibiotics or probiotics 89
Contreras-Castillo,CJ; Brossi,C; Previero,TC; Demattê,LC.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of different additives on broiler performance and meat quality. A total of 1620 one-day-old male Cobb broilers were distributed by a completely randomized experimental design into 5 treatments: positive control - zinc bacitracin (PC); negative control - without additives (NC); probiotic 1 - 10.000 g/ton (PR-I); probiotic 2 - 500 g/ton (PR-II); and probiotic 3 - 50 g/ton (PR-III). The PC treatment promoted better weight gain (WG) than PR-II (1-28 days) and PR-III (1-14; 1-28 days), better feed conversion (1-40 days period), and the highest WG among all treatments (p<0.05). The performance of broilers fed probiotics was not different than those in the negative control group in any rearing phase, but...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Additives; Meat color; Meat water holding capacity; Polyprobiotics; Zinc bacitracin.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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アルカリ性電解カルシウム水給与が日本短角種牛肉の肉色に及ぼす影響 19
口田, 圭吾; 瀧本, 昌彦; 山岸, 敏宏; 篠原, 久; 岩元, 周二.
Palavras-chave: Electrified alkaline calcium water; Meat color; Japanese Shorthorn.
Ano: 1993 URL:
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コンピュータモニタ画面による牛肉色評価の基礎的検討 19
口田, 圭吾; 植田, 美緒; 岡本, 圭介; 鈴木, 三義; 三好, 俊三; 鶴田, 徹; KUCHIDA, Keigo; UEDA, Mio; OKAMOTO, Keisuke; SUZUKI, Mitsuyoshi; MIYOSHI, Shunzo; TSURUTA, Toru.
同一の枝肉横断面画像であっても,入力デバイスの種類,撮影時の照明条件,コンピュータモニタの種類や,その輝度,色温度,コントラストなどの調整によって,異なる色合いとして表現される.本研究では,デジタル化された枝肉横断面画像を,異なるコンピュータモニタにおいて,同一の色合いとして表示するための手法について検討した.個々のモニタの持つ特性を解消するために,カラーキャリブレータを使用し,台のコンピュータモニタのカラーキャリブレーションを実施したところ,赤色の色度座標xは0.622から0.624,yは0.344から0.345の範囲にあった.最も数値に差異が認められた緑色においても,その範囲は色度座標xの0.290から0.293であり,3台のコンピュータモニタが非常に近い色合いを発色していることが確認された.著者らにより開発された枝肉横断面撮影装置(以下,撮影装置)は,鮮明かつ安定的に枝肉横断面画像を採取可能である.同時期に開発された撮影装置は,5台存在するが,白色LEDやデジタルカメラの特性により,同一の設計ではあるものの,それぞれの撮影装置で得られる画像の色合いは,若干の差異が存在する.撮影装置の特性を除去するために,重回帰分析による色補正を行った結果,すべての撮影装置から得られた画像をほぼ同一の色合いで表示させることに成功した.また,2台の撮影装置で同一の枝肉(n=63)を撮影し,画像解析によりBCSナンバーを推定したところ,色補正前における推定BCSナンバーの平均値の撮影装置間差は0.51であったのに対し,色補正後のそれは0.05と小さくなった. Identical digital images of carcass cross sections display in different colors on...
Palavras-chave: Color calibration; Meat color; Remote evaluation of meat.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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北海道産日本短角種ロース芯における視覚的評価値と食味との関係 19
山口, 悠; 口田, 圭吾; YAMAGUCHI, Haruka; KUCHIDA, Keigo.
日本短角種のような赤身肉においては枝肉格付時の肉質等級にほとんど差が生じない。赤身肉の新たな評価法 の一助となるよう第6-7横断面の視覚的評価値と食昧との関係性を調査した。日本短角種38頭を用い,枝肉格付3 形質および枝肉画像解析10形質を「視覚的評価値J,官能評価4形質を「食昧」とした。官能評価は第6-7横断 面の胸最長筋を採取し,学生20人により2点晴好法を用いて実施した。これらを21セット行い,視覚的評価値と 食昧それぞれの差を用いたど検定を行った。多汁性および好ましさはばらが厚い方が有意に支持されやすく(P < 0.05),柔らかさではばらの厚さ,脂肪面積割合ヲ筋肉平均輝度lL*値が高いものia*値および沼csが低いも のが支持されやすい傾向にあった(P<0.15)。さらに脂肪面積割合および筋肉平均輝度において,視覚的評価値(解 析値の差)と食昧(支持率の差)が正の相関(r=0 .61・n=9 ,r = 0 .46: n = 8 ) を示す傾向がみられた。これらの結果より,脂肪が多く,肉色が明るいほど柔らかい,ばらが厚いものは多汁性が高く好ましいという関係が示 唆された。
Palavras-chave: Image analysis; Marbling percent; Meat color; Japanese Shorthom,; Taste panel test.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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国産および輸入牛肉色の経時的変化に関するカラー画像解析 19
口田, 圭吾; 八巻, 邦次; 山岸, 敏宏; 水間, 豊; 佐藤, 晃三; Kuchida, Keigo; Yamaki, Kuniji; Yamagishi, Toshihiro; Mizuma, Yutaka; Satoh, Kouzou.
Palavras-chave: Image analysis; Meat color; Saline treat.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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