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Distribution of picophytoplankton and nanophytoplankton along an anthropogenic eutrophication gradient in French Mediterranean coastal lagoons 5
Bec, Beatrice; Collos, Yves; Souchu, Philippe; Vaquer, Andre; Lautier, Jacques; Fiandrino, Annie; Benau, Laurent; Orsoni, Valerie; Laugier, Thierry.
We explored the role of natural and anthropogenic environmental perturbations in shaping the community structure and dynamics of pico- and nanophytoplankton in coastal waters. The distribution patterns of phycoerythrin-rich picocyanobacteria (PE-CYAN) and phycocyanin-rich picocyanobacteria (PC-CYAN), autotrophic picoeukaryotes (PEUK) and nanophytoplankton (NANO) were examined over a period of 3 yr in 24 Mediterranean coastal lagoons displaying wide trophic gradients (from 0.2 to 630 mu g chlorophyll a [chl a] l(-1)) and salinity gradients (from fresh to marine waters). In summer, picoplanktonic abundances reached 3 x 10(8) cells l(-1), 5 x 10(9) cells l(-1) and 6 x 10(10) cells l(-1) for PE-CYAN, PC-CYAN and PEUK, respectively. PE-CYAN and PC-CYAN showed...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Autotrophic picoeukaryotes; Picocyanobacteria; Nanophytoplankton; Abundance; Biomass; Eutrophication; Mediterranean lagoons.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Rapport final du projet CHAMILA (Cartographie des habitats en milieu lagunaire méditerranéen) 5
Menu, Marion; Vaz, Sandrine; Bajjouk, Touria; Derolez, Valerie; Fiandrino, Annie; Giraud, Anais; Grillas, Patrick; Ouisse, Vincent.
Coastal Mediterranean lagoons are often defined as homogeneous ecosystems that home many migratory and sedentary species. They also host strong salinity gradients, depth variation and very diverse plant communities, which create small-scale heterogeneity within lagoons. This is why each lagoon must be described as an entity by itself made up of a multitude of homogeneous features, called habitats, which support specific ecological functions for organisms (nursery, feeding, protection against predators...). Although many studies have resulted in collecting high numbers of physical, chemical and biological data in coastal Mediterranean lagoons, there is currently a lack of knowledge of the spatial distribution of these habitats. In our project, we (1)...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Habitat; Cartographie; Typologie; Lagune méditerranéenne; Habitat; Map; Typology; Mediterranean lagoons.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Silver European eels health in Mediterranean habitats 5
Amilhat, Elsa; Fazio, Geraldine; Simon, Gael; Manetti, Marc; Paris, Severine; Delahaut, Laurence; Farrugio, Henri; Lecomte-finiger, Raymonde; Sasal, Pierre; Faliex, Elisabeth.
The degradation in the quality of silver eel and their health could have been a major factor in the collapse of the European eel (Anguilla anguilla) population. However, the health status of the spawners has been poorly studied until now. This study evaluated the quality of migrant male silver eels from four Mediterranean habitats in France presenting different degrees of contamination: Canet-Saint-Nazaire, Salses-Leucate and Bages-Sigean lagoons and La Berre River. We considered pathogens including Anguillicoloides crassus and EVEX virus and the concentration of chemical contaminants including PCBs, OCs and heavy metals. Our study results revealed different patterns of pollution and infection in the four habitats, with high individual variability. No...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Anguilla anguilla; Mediterranean lagoons; Silver eel; Contamination; Spawner quality; Pathogens.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Trajectoires d’évolution des communautés phytoplanctoniques au cours du processus de restauration écologique des milieux lagunaires méditerranéens 5
Leruste, Amandine.
Located at the interface between marine and continental systems, coastal lagoons are among the most diverse and productive ecosystems. These semi-enclosed ecosystems are very vulnerable to nutrient enrichment. In the Languedoc-Roussillon region, anthropogenic pressures have profoundly damaged the coastal lagoons, especially those belonging to the Palavasian complex close to Montpellier. The latter lagoons have been affected by high nutrient loadings from the sewage treatment plant of the Montpellier agglomeration. This resulted in a trophic gradient among the eight lagoons in the complex, from mesotrophy to hypertrophy, with altered primary producer communities by favoring the predominance of the phytoplankton compartment.The phytoplankton responds very...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Biodiversité; Eutrophisation; Restauration; Résilience; Lagunes méditerranéennes; Phytoplankton; Biodiversity; Eutrophication; Restoration; Resilience; Mediterranean lagoons.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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