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Analyse des puissances de pêche des chalutiers et des abondances apparentes des espèces de la pêcherie démersale de mer celtique ArchiMer
Perodou, Jean-bernard.
Fishing power analysis leads to determine a typology of fleet which depends on target species. Three factors are examined : port of origin, engine power and type of trawl. Specific abundance index analysis leads to determine a diagram of principal stages of vital cycle : juvenile, reproductive adult and recovery adult. Then calculs are made in value for all species combined : we obtain thus an economical index by location and season.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mer Celtique; Indice économique; Abondance apparente; Typologie des flottille; Puissance de pêche; Celtic Sea; Economical index; Abundance index; Fleet typology; Fishing power.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustine et de poissons demerseaux en Mer Celtique. Tome 1 ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Biseau, Alain.
The entire study is divised into three parts : Phase 1 - Collection of data and description of fisheries. Phase 2 - Diagnosis on the exploitation level for the main species. Phase 3 - Fleets analysis and simulation of the exploitation of the fishery. In addition to the description of the fisheries, in the first part, a very cheap method for the study of discards is described for all species and all fleets, the purpose being to use length cohorts analysis according to the JONES'method (1981). Preliminary works on monks, megrim and cuckoo ray are also presented.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discard; Fleet; Demersal species; Celtic Sea; Rejet; Flottille; Espèce démersale; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustine et de poissons demerseaux en mer Celtique. Tome 2 ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Biseau, Alain.
The theory of the evaluation of discards applied in phase 1 to the main eight species is described. Then, for each one, the biological parameters are calculated and diagnosis based on length cohorts analysis JONES (1981) are proposed The gadoids, whiting and cod, are heavily exploited and the catches are always recruitment dependant. The bottom species (monks, megrim, rays and Nephrops) are fully exploited or lightlhy over - exploited. Using the fisheries statistics of the data basis about the Celtic Sea, a first classification of fleets is proposed with the individual fishing powers.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Puissances de pêche; Rejet; Espèce démersale; Mer Celtique; Fishing power; Discard; Demersal species; Celtic Sea.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustine et de poissons demerseaux en mer Celtique. Tome 3 ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Biseau, Alain.
All the biological elements obtained in the two first phases of the study and the basical economical data are synthetized in a bio-economical model. From a typology of French fleets fishing in Celtic Sea, the carried out "métiers" (target-species + areas) are pointed out, which allows to define spatio-temporal "boxes". In each compartment, at a given time, the interactive components between fleets and stocks are known. The principle of the model consists to distribute, for each time interval, the fleets in each box. The allocation of fishing effort is assigned by two coefficients : "adherence" and "preference", expressing the abilities of fleets to seize the opportunities. Thus, it is possible to assess the consequences of usual management measures :...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio economical model; Typology of fleets; Celtic sea; Modèle bio économique; Typologie des flottilles; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1989 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique ArchiMer
Laurec, Alain; Charuau, Anatole; Perodou, Jean-bernard; Nedelec, Daniel; Biseau, Alain; Durand, Jean-louis; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques; Dupouy, Herve; Le Louarn, G.; Leroux, L..
The general study, scheduled from 1984 to 1986, aims at providing a judgement about the fisheries in the Celtic Sea. This area has been chosen because it is frequented by EEC vessels with, for the time being, a large majority of French vessels. Activities there are easier to monitor than anywhere else as coastal fisheries are little developed in the area. The final product will consist of a certain number of hypotheses about the planning strategies that could be implemented in the Celtic Sea. The main idea is, firstly, to conduct analytical studies, stock by stock, in order then, to synthesize them into a model integrating the interactions between fleets in relation to their target species. A bio-economical model, deriving from the latter, will enable the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Monk; Cuckoo ray; Blue whiting; Cod; Hake; Ling; Common dab; Data bases; Fishing statistics; French fisheries; Demersal fish; Nephrops; Celtic Sea; Baudroies; Raie fleurie; Julienne; Cardine; Morue; Merlu; Merlan; Base de données; Rejets; Statistiques de pêche; Pêcheries françaises; Poissons demersaux; Langoustine; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Etude d'une gestion optimale des pecheries de langoustines et de poissons demersaux en mer Celtique (phase 1) ArchiMer
Biseau, Alain; Noel, Philippe; Ottenheimer De Gail, G.; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques.
This study of the demersal and benthic fisheries in the Celtic Sea is the logical continuation of the works conducted on the scampi fisheries since 1978. The program of the first phase of the study consists of 1 - A description of fisheries in the Celtic Sea. 2 – An assessment of the rejection of the marketable species in each fishery, with a special mention for fish fisheries. 3 – The constitution a computerized database including international fishing statistics since 1980. 4 – The sampling of the unloading of seven main species or groups of species: - cod and whiting, already sampled (length and age) regularly since 1978 in order to provide data to the CIEM workgroup. "Irish Sea – Bristol Channel", - scampi, sampled since 1980 in the scope of the CIEM...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cartography; Ray; Monk; Common dab; Hake; Demersal fish; Nephrops; Celtic Sea; Cartographie; Rejets; Raie; Baudroie; Cardine; Merlu; Poissons demersaux; Langoustines; Mer Celtique.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Etude sur la pêcherie de langoustines de mer Celtique ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole; Chesnier, Véronique; Conan, Gérard; Derennes, Marc; Destanque, Catherine; Guenole, Annie; Isifou, Amadou; Jezequel, Michèle; Miossec, Gilbert; Missaoui, Ichmi; Morizur, Yvon; Rivoalen, Jean-jacques.
Introduction : Since 1978, new measures to better manage lobster fisheries were implemented in the Celtic Sea within the context of Community regulations. Meshing, in particular, was set at 60mm, but many owners, in order to maintain sufficient leeway vis-à-vis the regulations and to avoid administrative hassles adopted at the outset fish meshing at 70mm, even 80mm. Certain habits aiming to compensate for the losses due to these increases were established: Adoption of better-performing trawls, increase in the secondary catch and enlargement of the fisheries. At the same time, especially because of strong demand from international bodies, OEM and especially EEC, knowledge about the lobster spread and more reliable assessments were achieved, the main problem...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stock assessment; Norway lobster; Celtic sea; Nephrops Norvegicus; Crustacea; Lobster fishery; Mer Celtique; Nephrops Norvegicus; Crustacea; Effort Peche; Sex Ratio; Capture; Relation Taille Poids; Maillage; Chalut; Gestion stock; Peche.
Ano: 1982 URL:
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International Program of Standardised Trawl Surveys ArchiMer
Mahe, Jean-claude.
The IPROSTS project had two main objective : - Completionn of research vessel surveys in the autumn of 1999 and 2000 in ICES areas VI, VII and VIII in order to provide abundance indices at age for the major commercial species exploited in these areas, - Standardisation of the methodology used in bottom trawl surveys. For completion of the first objective, the French Research institute IFREMER conducted surveys in the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscay on board the Research Vessel, Thalassa. The Marine Institute of Dublin conducted surveys in the Irish Sea and Celtic Sea on board the Research Vessel Celtic Voyager and in the Western area of Ireland on board two chartered commercial fishing vessels (Marliona and Shauna Ann). The Marine Laboratory of Aberdeen...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Irish sea; Celtic sea; Abundance indices at age; Gear performance; Sampling stratégies; Species distribution; Conversion coefficients; Gear calibration; Trawl surveys; Bottom trawl; Mer d'Irlande; Mer Celtique; Indices d'abondance; Performance technique; Stratégies d'échantillonnage; Distribution des espèces; Coefficients de conversion; Calibration d'engins; Campagne de chalutage; Chalut de fond.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Le Balanced Harvest est-il une bonne idée ? Une approche par modélisation écosystémique pour reconstruire les pêcheries et la structure trophique en mer Celtique. ArchiMer
Perez, Ilan.
Balanced harvest has been suggested as a new paradigm of fisheries management in order to minimize the impacts of fisheries on marine ecosystems, by distributing the fishing pressure on all species and trophic levels, proportionally to the productivity of each group, to maintain their relative abundance in the ecosystem. However, this exploitation pattern has been criticized by a few scientists arguing that exploitation of all trophic levels may lead to a large ecosystem impact, due to the cumulative effects of fishing along the food web. There is no consensus within the literature about Balanced Harvest implementation and effects because scarce knowledge. Using Ecopath with Ecosim model of the Celtic Sea as case studies, we assessed the impacts of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Balanced harvest; Gestion des pêches; Ecopath with Ecosim; Mer Celtique; Balanced Harvest; Fisheries managmeent; Ecopath with Ecosim; Celtic Sea.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Preliminary results of a trawl fitted with a selective grid for the fishery of benthic species from Celtic Sea and Bay of Biscay ArchiMer
Meillat, Marc; Dupouy, Herve; Bavouzet, Gerard; Kergoat, B.; Morandeau, Fabien; Gaudou, Olivier; Vacherot, Jean-philippe.
The fishery for benthic species (Monkfish, Megrim, Rays, etc ... ) represents for the surrounder countries of the Celtic Sea and the Bay of Biscaye one of the most important activities . An estimate of the discards of the main species resulting from the sorting practice onboard of the trawlers participating in this fishery was made in 1985 and 1991. it was concluded that an important quantity of juveniles of Rays, Megrim and Monkfish are discarded each year causing an important mortality. The aim of the present paper is to present the preliminary results of a selectivity grid fixed on a bottom trawl to limit as possible the discards. Three different grids were tested at sea during surveys with different results. The major problem is due to difference in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chalut sélectif; Grille; Mer Celtique; Golfe de Gascogne; Baudroies; Sardines; Raies; Selectivity; Grid; Trawl; Celtic Sea; Bay of Biscaye; Monkfish; Megrim; Rays.
Ano: 1991 URL:
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Programme d Orientation Pluriannuel concernant une action commune de restructuration, de modernisation et de développement du secteur de la peche ArchiMer
Minet, Jean-pierre; Biseau, Alain; Charuau, Anatole; Dupouy, Herve; Durand, Jean-louis; Perodou, Jean-bernard.
Answering a need of the Office of Regional Marine Affairs of Brittany, the "fisheries" laboratory of the Ifremer in Lorient provides synthesis elements about the status of the stocks of the main species exploited in the Bay of Biscay, Celtic Sea and Western Ireland in 1983. It provides information about the fishing capacity according to the different jobs done and compares two fleets from South-Brittany: Lorient and Concarneau. This report will have to be completed by the laboratories of Roscoff for activities in North-Brittany and of la Rochelle for activities in the Bay of Biscay.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing fleet; Concarneau; Lorient; Fishing resources; West Ireland; Celtic Sea; Bay of Biscay; Brittany; Fishing; Flottille de pêche; Concarneau; Lorient; Ressource de pêche; Ouest Irlande; Mer Celtique; Golfe de Gascogne; Bretagne; Pêche.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Projet CELSELEC. Amélioration de la sélectivité des chalutiers hauturiers en mer Celtique ArchiMer
Lamothe, Julien; Larnaud, Pascal; Fiche, Marion; Robert, Marianne; Morandeau, Fabien; Vacherot, Jean-philippe; Scavinner, Marion; Simon, Julien.
In the context of the new European Common Fisheries Policy and in particular the Landing Obligation, this report synthesizes the trials which were carried out between 2014 and 2016 on French bottom trawlers operating in the Celtic Sea and Western Channel, to decrease their discards. All the detail of the experiments and their results are attached in the voluminous appendices. After a state of the art and various workshops organized in partnership between fishermen, equipment manufacturers and scientists, 3 basic devices were selected for the trials, according to the main fisheries: - 100 mm square meshes cylinder - SMC - (in addition to the mandatory 100mm and 120 mm square mesh panels - SMP) with or without scaring floats ; - Extension + codend in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sélectivité; Mer Celtique; Cylindre à mailles carrées; T90; Grille à baudroie; Rejets; Églefin; Merlan; Sanglier; Selectivity; Celtic Sea; Square mesh cylinder; T90; Monkfish grid; Discards; Haddock; Whiting; Boarfish.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Sandwaves, internal waves and sediment mobility at the shelf-edge in the celtic sea ArchiMer
Heathershaw, Ad; Codd, Jm.
Considerations of sediment mobility and unusual wavelength pattern changes in large sandwaves lying deep in the Celtic Sea, suggest that these features are probably formed as a result of internai wave perturbations on a tidally driven stream of sediment transport. In particular it is shown that while currents due to the surface tides alone are capable of transporting the sediments, it is necessary to invoke an internai wave mechanism to give the observed pattern of wavelength change across the sandwave field. Cartwright's (1959) internallee-wave model is found to give qualitative agreement with the observed decrease in sandwave wavelength with increasing distance from the shelf-break.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Dunes; Ondes internes; Mer Celtique; Sandwaves; Internai waves; Celtic sea.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Self-sampling of cod in the Celtic Sea ArchiMer
Bellail, Robert; Peronnet, Isabelle; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Lamothe, Julien.
Since 2003, the application of restrictive TAC for cod in area VIIb-k has led some French Professional Organisations to manage their restrictive quota by imitations of landings by trip or period or by prohibiting the landings of the smallest commercial category. In consequence of that, le level of discarding has increased by high grading practice. In the lack of available and reliable data to estimate the level of discarding and the amount of discarded fish, the assessment of Celtic Sea Cod in Divisions VIIe-k has been in recent years more and more uncertain, especially in estimating younger year classes, for a fishery which can be qualified as a recruitment fishery. On a Professional Organisation (PMA= Pêcheries Manche-Atlantique) initiative and in the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Protocole; Discard; Trawler; Sampling; Celtic sea; Cod; Protocole; Rejet; Chalutier; Echantillonnage; Mer Celtique; Cabillaud.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Stratégie d'exploitation des zones de pêche d'un chalutier hauturier du Guilvinec ArchiMer
Pichon, Jacques.
The Bigouden region's fishing is significant by the tonnage landed, the quality of the production and high sales price. That makes Guilvinec "an ideal laboratory for analysing the fish business in all its complexity, from the catch to marketing". The fishermen of the Guilvinec district are spread out in 3 ports: Guilvinec, Loctudy, and Saint Guénolé. Each port has its speciality (example: Guilvinec's speciality is monkfish). Each fleet is composed of dinghies, coastal trawls, seafaring fish trawls, and seafaring crayfish trawls. The subject chosen for this master's theses is the study of the fishing strategy of a seafaring ship, the Kerflous. This work was difficult because it reached into the sphere of the professional secret. The Kerflous works at the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic sea; Trawler; Fishing strategy; Fishing zones; Product quality; Bigouden; Guilvinec; Brittany; Chalutier; Mer Celtique; Stratégie de pêche; Zones de pêche; Qualité; Guilvinec; Bigouden.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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The French experience in sampling discards at sea in the European waters ArchiMer
Tetard, Alain; Gaudou, Olivier; Lespagnol, Patrick; Peronnet, Isabelle; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Vigneau, Joel.
This study covered a one year period using onboard observers (117 days at sea). The aim was to sample "métiers" known for their discarding side effects: fixed netting, inshore and offshore trawling. The objectives were (i) the collection of information on the demographic structure of the catches for the main exploited species and (ii) the identification of factors explaining discards, in order to find relevant management measures
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Celtic Sea; French trawlers; Sampling; Observers; Discard; Metiers; Mer Celtique; Chalutiers français; Échantillonnage; Observateurs; Rejets; Metiers.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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