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Analyse des processus sedimentaires recents dans l'eventail profond du Danube (mer Noire) ArchiMer
Popescu, Irina.
This study is focusing on the architecture and recent sedimentary evolution of the Danube channel, the youngest channel-levee system in the Danube deep-sea fan. The study was conducted as part of the BlaSON French-Romanian Project, and combined high-resolution seismic-reflection profiles and chirp profiles with multibeam bathymetry and piston cores. This data set was acquired in 1998 during a joint survey IFREMER-GeoEcoMar of the north-western Black Sea. Previous seismic and acoustic data were also used. The Danube deep-sea fan is a large passive-margin mud-rich fan. Like the other systems of this type (Amazon fan, Mississippi fan or Indus fan) the Danube fan consists of stacked channel-levee systems intercalated with mass-transport deposits. Seismic and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: High resolution seismic; Lowstand palaeogeography; Submarine canyons; Deep sea fans; Black Sea; Sismique haute résolution; Paléogéographie; Canyon sous marin; Eventail profond; Mer Noire.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Black Sea vertical circulation and extremes of the hydrochemical and hydrooptical parameters ArchiMer
Bulgakov, Sn; Kushnir, Vm; Martinez, A.
A statistical evaluation of vertical current velocity profiles w(z) has been undertaken using data provided by current meter profilers. The calculation of profiles w(z) involves the estimation of the standard deviation of vertical current at each depth level, and the standard deviation of the statistical variability of that estimate. Profiles w(z) have been computed for the northwestern Black Sea, using current meter and CTD data from three surveys carried out during 1992-1994. The calculations show w(z) to have a two-layered structure, with zero values occurring in the main pycnocline. Such vertical current structures are consistent with a hydrodynamic model, whereby the current field is induced by buoyancy fluxes through the lateral basin boundaries....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mer Noire; Circulation verticale; Chimie marine; Optique marine; Black Sea; Vertical circulation; Hydrochemistry; Hydrooptics.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Caractérisation des systèmes gaz/hydrates de gaz de la Mer Noire par imagerie sismique haute résolution remorquée en fond de mer (SYSIF) ArchiMer
Colin, Florent.
The study of marine gas hydrates in great water depths using seismic data is limited by the resolution of current acquisition systems. The acquisition of very highresolution multichannel deep-towed seismic data aims to break this limitation. Deep-towed seismic system can provide seismic data with metric vertical resolution when the proper processing sequence is employed. However, the processing of deep-towed multichannel data is challenging as the source and receivers are constantly moving with respect to each other. In the first part of this PhD project, we developed processing methods tailored to the acquisition system SYstème SIsmique de Fond (SYSIF), developed by Ifremer. The processing sequence allows vertical and lateral resolutions up to 0.65 m and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Traitement sismique; Très haute résolution; Sismique grand fond; Hydrates de gaz; Gaz libre; Mer Noire; Seismic processing; Very high resolution; Deep-tow; Gas hydrates; Free gas; Black Sea.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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La géomorphologie des fonds marins et la présence d’hydrates de gaz contrôlent les émissions de gaz dans la Mer Noire au large de la Roumanie ArchiMer
Riboulot, Vincent; Cattaneo, Antonio; Scalabrin, Carla; Gaillot, Arnaud; Jouet, Gwenael; Ballas, Gregory; Marsset, Tania; Garziglia, Sebastien; Ker, Stephan.
The Romanian sector of the Black Sea deserves attention because the Danube deep-sea fan is one of the largest sediment depositional systems worldwide and is considered the world's most isolated sea, the largest anoxic water body on the planet and a unique energy-rich sea. Due to the high sediment accumulation rate, presence of organic matter and anoxic conditions, the Black sea sediments offshore the Danube delta is rich in gas and thus shows Bottom Simulating Reflectors (BSR). The cartography of the BSR over the last 20 years, exhibits its widespread occurrence, indicative of extensive development of hydrate accumulations and a huge gas hydrate potential. By combining old and new datasets acquired in 2015 during the GHASS expedition, we performed a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrates de gaz; Gaz libre; Panaches de gaz; BSR; Mer Noire; Géomorphologie; Gas hydrates; Free gas; Gas flares; BSR; Black Sea; Geomorphology.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Oceanic response to atmospheric forcing derived from different climatic data sets. Intercomparison study for the Black Sea ArchiMer
Staneva, Jv; Stanev, Ev.
Available climatic and atmospheric analysis data have been used to prepare forcing functions for the Black Sea numerical model, based on the Bryan-Semtner-Cox Modular Ocean Model and including parameterizations for the atmosphere-ocean exchange, inflow through the strait of Bosphorus and the Mediterranean plume. Atmospheric data from different sources are compared and the drawbacks of some of them illustrated. A new wind stress data set, based on ship observations, is prepared. Compared to the existing wind stress estimates, the present ones use additional data and more accurate parameterization of the boundary layer physics. The intercomparison between forcing data sets is focused on the heat flux and freshwater flux at the sea surface. The model...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mer Noire; Échange d'eau; Échange de chaleur; Tension du vent; Modélisation numérique; Black Sea; Water exchange; Heat exchange; Wind stress; Numerical modelling.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Rapport sur la mission effectuée en URSS du 09 au 18 sepembre 1990. Objet : Mytiliculture en mer Noire ArchiMer
Malizard, Christian; Marazanof, Francis; Paquotte, Phlippe.
Les conditions de milieu dans lesquelles s'effectue le développement de la mytiliculture en mer Noire étant très proches de celles existant dans le golfe du Lion, l'objectif principal de la mission était de pouvoir étudier et comparer: - la conception des filières mytilicoles et les solutions technologiques apportées aux problèmes de comportement par mauvais temps et de gestion de la flottabilité. - les moyens à la mer développés pour le travail des filières (bateaux et équipements spécifiques). - le traitement des coquillages après la récolte (stockage, lavage, contrôle sanitaire, commercialisation). La présence d'un industriel français de la mytiliculture dans la délégation, en la personne de Christian Malizard, avait également pour but de faire une...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mytiliculture; Mer Noire; Russie.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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The experimental analysis on the Late Quaternary deposits of the Black Sea ArchiMer
Tekiroglu, Selin Eda; Ediger, Vedat; Yemenicioglu, Semal; Kapur, Selim; Akca, Erhan.
Holocene sediments taken from the south-eastern and western Black Sea have been investigated in relation to their geochemical, sedimentological and mineralogical characteristics. Their textures are characterized by their low amount of sand, upward-increasing silt and downward-increasing clay contents. While the terrigenous materials transported from Anatolian volcanic-based sources and European alluvial sediments form the shore deposits, the deep-sea sediments mainly consist of the marine biological production. The highest amount of organic carbon was deposited following the formation of anoxic conditions at the bottom until the beginning of the still continuing carbonate-rich coccolith (Emiliania huxleyi) deposition. The high metal concentrations are...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mer Noire; Holocène; Sapropel; Coccolithes; Black Sea; Holocene; Sapropel; Coccolith.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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