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Effects of spatial and environmental factors on benthic a macroinvertebrate community Rev. Bras. Zool.
Rezende,Renan S.; Santos,Anderson M.; Henke-Oliveira,Carlos; Gonçalves Jr,José F..
Interactions between terrestrial and aquatic systems influence the structure of river habitats and, consequently, affect their benthic macroinvertebrate composition. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of spatial and environmental variables (local physical and chemical variables of water and regional landscape characteristics) on the benthic macroinvertebrate community of the Pandeiros River Basin. Biotic and abiotic variables were evaluated at 20 sampling sites distributed across the primary sub-basins of the Pandeiros River Basin. We found that the macroinvertebrates were primarily affected by environmental variables. The most important environmental variables were pebble proportion and water conductivity at the local scale (7.2% of...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Elevation; Metacommunity; Non-forest areas; Pebbles.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Environmental constraints structuring fish assemblages in riffles: evidences from a tropical stream Neotropical Ichthyology
Teresa,Fabrício Barreto; Souza,Luzia Shirlei de; Silva,Dianne Michelle Alves da; Barbosa,Hugo de Oliveira; Lima,Jane Dilvana; Nabout,João Carlos.
ABSTRACT Riffles are unique habitats regarding to assemblage structure. However, understanding how these assemblages respond to environmental variations in small spatial extents, as within a stream, is a challenge. We assess whether the quantitative structure and the trophic composition of fish assemblages vary predictably among stream riffles. We predict that the variation of environmental conditions will explain species abundance and trophic composition, with the latter presenting higher predictive power, since species would be filtered according to their traits (e.g. diet). Moreover, we expect that the low among-riffle dispersal limitation within a stream and the strong habitat filtering would result in lower importance of spatial variables in the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Environmental filters; Mass effect; Mesohabitat; Metacommunity; Trophic composition.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Spatio-temporal segregation and size distribution of fish assemblages as related to non-native species occurrence in the middle rio Doce Valley, MG, Brazil Neotropical Ichthyology
Giacomini,Henrique Corrêa; Lima Jr.,Dilermando Pereira; Latini,Anderson Oliveira; Espírito-Santo,Helder Mateus Viana.
The lakes in the middle rio Doce Valley (MG) are suffering impacts due to the introduction of invasive fish species, mainly piscivorous species like red piranha Pygocentrus nattereri and peacock bass Cichla kelberi. Fishes were collected in bimonthly samples conducted at ten lakes along a year. The present study showed that the composition of native fish assemblages is significantly related to the presence and type of non-native species. Fish species distribution among lakes can be explained by differences in species body size: smaller native species are less concentrated in lakes with invasive piscivores, which is in accordance with the hypothesis that they have greater susceptibility to predation by invaders. Another probable cause for this correlation...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Species invasions; Beta diversity; Metacommunity; Body size; Predation.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Sustaining Rare Marine Microorganisms: Macroorganisms As Repositories and Dispersal Agents of Microbial Diversity ArchiMer
Troussellier, Marc; Escalas, Arthur; Bouvier, Thierry; Mouillot, David.
Recent analyses revealed that most of the biodiversity observed in marine microbial communities is represented by organisms with low abundance but, nonetheless essential for ecosystem dynamics and processes across both temporal and spatial scales. Surprisingly, few studies have considered the effect of macroorganism-microbe interactions on the ecology and distribution dynamics of rare microbial taxa. In this review, we synthesize several lines of evidence that these relationships cannot be neglected any longer. First, we provide empirical support that the microbiota of macroorganisms represents a significant part of marine bacterial biodiversity and that host-microbe interactions benefit to certain microbial populations which are part of the rare biosphere...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microbial communities; Microbial biodiversity; Rare biosphere; Microbiota; Macroorganism-microbe interactions; Dispersal; Metacommunity; Gut microbiota.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The influence of geological, geochemical, and biogenic habitat heterogeneity on seep biodiversity ArchiMer
Cordes, Erik E.; Cunha, Marina R.; Galeron, Joelle; Mora, Camilo; Olu-le Roy, Karine; Sibuet, Myriam; Van Gaever, Saskia; Vanreusel, Ann; Levin, Lisa A..
Cold seeps are among the most heterogeneous of all continental margin habitats. Abiotic Sources of heterogeneity in these systems include local variability in fluid flow, geochemistry, and substrate type, which give rise to different sets of microbial communities, microbial symbiont-bearing foundation species, and associated heterotrophic species. Biogenic habitats created by microbial mats and the symbiotic species including vesicomyid clams, bathymodiolin mussels, and siboglinid tubeworms add an additional layer of complexity to seep habitats. These forms of habitat heterogeneity result in a variety of macrofaunal and meiofaunal communities that respond to changes in structural complexity, habitat geochemistry, nutrient sources, and interspecific...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Beta diversity; Chemosynthetic communities; Cold seep; Continental margin; Macrofauna; Meiofauna; Metacommunity; Species accumulation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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