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Bioaccumulation des métaux chez le mytilidae hydrothermal Bathymodiolus sp. de la ride médio-atlantique ArchiMer
Rousse, N; Boulegue, J; Cosson, Rp; Fiala-medioni, A.
The hydrothermal environment is characterised, among other things, by a high metal concentration, related to the convective sea-water circulation inside the oceanic crust and its interaction with basaltic rocks. The biological communities associated with the hydrothermal system can survive in this toxic environment owing to their ability to regulate their intracellular metal levels by excretion or accumulation of metal ions in non-toxic forms. Various detoxification processes have been previously studied within an hydrothermal organism: immobilisation and precipitation of the metal in lysosomal systems, or binding to specific and soluble ligands such as metallothioneins. The later are heat stable and characterised by a high content of cysteine. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio-accumulation; Métallothionéines; Lysosomes; Toxicité; Hydrothermal; Bioaccumulation; Metallothioneins; Lysosomes; Toxicity; Hydrothermal.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Chromium stress in plants Braz. J. Plant Physiol.
Panda,S.K.; Choudhury,S..
The article presents an overview of the mechanism of chromium stress in plants. Chromium is known to be a toxic metal that can cause severe damage to plants and animals. Chromium-induced oxidative stress involves induction of lipid peroxidation in plants that causes severe damage to cell membranes. Oxidative stress induced by chromium initiates the degradation of photosynthetic pigments causing decline in growth. High chromium concentration can disturb the chloroplast ultrastructure thereby disturbing the photosynthetic process. Like copper and iron, chromium is also a redox metal and its redox behaviour exceeds that of other metals like Co, Fe, Zn, Ni, etc. The redox behaviour can thus be attributed to the direct involvement of chromium in inducing...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Antioxidants; Chromium; Fenton reactions; Metallothioneins; Oxidative stress.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Impact saisonnier de l'environnement sur la structure génétique de trois populations de ruditapes decussatus dans l'ecosystème lagunaire de Bizerte (Tunisie) OceanDocs
Fassatoui, CH.; Mdelgi-Lasram, E.; Moraga, D.; Romdhane, M.S..
في محاولة لتقييم تأثيرالاضطرابات التي يمكن ان تغير التركيبه الجينيه للمحار ببحيره بنزرت، اجريت تحاليل جينيه على عينات من ثلاثة مجموعات. و قد بينت النتائج تواجد علاقة متبادله بين فقدان التنوع ومستويات métallothionéines في خياشيم المحار التي يمكن ان تكون مرتبطة مع وجود تدرج الانسياب المحمل بالمعادن الثقيلة بين مناطق منزل جميل،فروة والشعرة.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Ruditapes decussatus; Clam culture; Environmental effects; Environmental impact; Heavy metals; Metallothioneins; Population genetics; Toxicity; Environmental impact; Heavy metals; Population genetics; Toxicity; Biomarkers of exposure (organisms); Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Relationship between metal levels in the vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus and local microhabitat chemical characteristics of Eiffel Tower (Lucky Strike) ArchiMer
Martins, Ines; Cosson, Richard P.; Riou, Virginie; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Sarrazin, Jozee; Santos, Ricardo S.; Colaco, Ana.
The turbulent mixing of hydrothermal hot fluid with cold seawater creates large chemical gradients at a small spatial scale that may induce variable physiological and biochemical adaptations within the vent fauna. The adaptation to such a variable environment by the vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus relies on a dual symbiosis hosted in the gills, and digestion of particulate organic matter. The surrounding environment not only provides the necessary energy sources and suspended organic particles for the vent mussel nutrition, but also potentially toxic compounds such as metals. Our main goal was to see if there is a relation between metal accumulation in mussel organs and the chemical characteristics of their close environment. Mussels were collected at...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Metals; Metallothioneins; Bathymodiolus azoricus; Hydrothermal vent; Environmental conditions; Physiological condition; Spatial distribution.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Relationship between the occurrence of filamentous bacteria on Bathymodiolus azoricus shell and the physiological and toxicological status of the vent mussel ArchiMer
Martins, I.; Colaco, A.; Santos, Raphael; Lesongeur, Francoise; Godfroy, Anne; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Cosson, R. P..
The edifice walls of the Eiffel Tower hydrothermal vent site (Mid-Atlantic Ridge, Lucky Strike vent field) are populated with dense communities of dual symbioses harboring vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus, some of which are covered by white filamentous mats belonging to sulfur-oxidizing bacteria. Mussels were collected in both the presence and absence of the filamentous bacteria. A sample of the filamentous bacteria was collected and water measurements of temperature, CH4 and H2S were recorded at the collection area. The whole soft tissues were analyzed for total lipid, carbohydrate and total protein. Metallothioneins and metals (Cu, Fe and Zn) levels were determined in the major organs. The results showed no significant physiological and toxicological...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vent mussel; Metals; Metallothioneins; Filamentous bacteria; Eiffel Tower; Biomarkers.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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The influence of nutritional conditions on metal uptake by the mixotrophic dual symbiosis harboring vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus ArchiMer
Martins, Ines; Bettencourt, Raul; Colaco, Ana; Sarradin, Pierre-marie; Santos, Ricardo Serrao; Cosson, Richard.
The vent mussel Bathymodiolus azoricus, host thioautotrophic and methanotrophic bacteria, in their gills and complementary, is able to digest suspended organic matter. But the involvement of nutritional status in metal uptake and storage remains unclear. The influence of B. azoricus physiological condition on its response to the exposure of a mixture of metals in solution is addressed. Mussels from the Menez Gwen field were exposed to 50 mu g L-1 Cd, plus 25 mu g L-1 Cu and 100 mu g L-1 Zn for 24 days. Four conditions were tested: (i) mussels harboring both bacteria but not feed, (ii) harboring only methanotrophic bacteria, (iii) without bacteria but fed during exposure and (iv) without bacteria during starvation. Unexposed mussels under the same...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Vent mussel B. azoricus; Metal accumulation; Nutritional condition; Metallothioneins; Condition indices.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Trypanosoma cruzi infection and/or administration of the nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory nimesulide increase the number of colonic crypts overexpressing metallothioneins in rat colon carcinogenesis BJMBR
Escalante,R.D.; de Oliveira,Ê.C.; Cunha,F.Q.; Vespúcio,M.V.O.; Ribeiro-Silva,A.; Aprilli,F.; Garcia,S.B..
Trypanosoma cruzi infection and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs inhibit colorectal carcinogenesis by mechanisms not completely known and metallothionein proteins (MTs) may be involved in this process. Sixty-six male Wistar rats weighing 90 to 120 g were randomly divided into seven groups (GI to GVII). GI, GII and GIII animals were subcutaneously infected with 200,000 trypomastigote forms of the Y strain of T. cruzi. After 8 weeks, GI, GII, GIV, and GVI were injected with one weekly subcutaneous dose of 12 mg/kg dimethylhydrazine for 4 weeks. In sequence, GI, GIV and GV were treated with nimesulide (10 mg/kg per dose, five times per week for 8 weeks). Groups I, III, IV, and VI had 12 animals, and each of the other groups had 6 animals. All the animals...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Trypanosoma cruzi; Nimesulide; Dimethylhydrazine; Metallothioneins; Colon carcinogenesis.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Utilisation des métallothionéines comme biomarqueur de la contamination métallique : variabilité entre sites et organes chez l'huı̂tre Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Geret, F; Cosson, Rp.
Heavy metals (Cd, Cu, Hg and Zn) and metallothionein levels were determined in oysters Crassostrea gigas from two sites: the Gironde Estuary (contaminated site) and Bourgneuf Bay (uncontaminated site). Metallothionein levels led us to suspect the presence of cadmium in the environment when quantified in the gills. Soluble cadmium and metallothioneins were positively correlated in the digestive gland of oysters from Gironde (contaminated site), but metallothionein levels in this organ were not significantly different from levels observed in the digestive gland of oysters from Bourgneuf Bay (uncontaminated site). Conversely, no correlation was noticed between metals and metallothioneins in the gills of oysters from Gironde despite metallothionein levels...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Métallothionéines; Métaux; Crassostrea gigas; Biomarqueur; Metallothioneins; Metals; Crassostrea gigas; Biomarker.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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