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Aspectos oceanográficos y meteorológicos del fenómeno de El Niño 1986 - 1987 OceanDocs
Cornejo Rodríguez, M.P..
Se analizan parámetros oceanográficos y meteorológicos en el Océano Pacífico Ecuatorial para el período comprendido de noviembre de 1986 a diciembre de 1988. A fines de 1986 y durante 1987 las anomalías de dichos parámetros y su intensidad indican la ocurrencia de un evento Niño de carácter moderado. El fenómeno decae hacia finales de 1987 y durante el año de 1988 se desarrollaron condiciones anómalas contrarias o anti-Niño, que se mantuvieron durante los últimos meses del año.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Marine meteorology; Oceanography; Oceanographic data; Meteorological data; Meteorological observations; Meteorological observations; Oceanography; Meteorological data; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1990 URL:
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Guide to oceanographic and marine meteorological instruments and observing practices OceanDocs
Tipo: Book Palavras-chave: Oceanography; Marine technology; Meteorological instruments; Meteorological data; Meteorological observations; Oceanographic equipment; Oceanographic surveys; Sea surface; Temperature measurement; Salinity measuring equipment; Bathythermographs; Thermometers; Wave measuring equipment; Wave measurement; Wind measurement; Wind measuring equipment; Swell; Atmospheric pressure; Water colour; Water transparency; Meteorological instruments; Meteorological observations; Thermometers; Atmospheric pressure; Meteorological data; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://; Http://
Ano: 1975 URL:
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Observations de courant en Baie de Seine ArchiMer
Lehir, P; L'Yavanc, J.
Results of long-term current measurements in the Seine Bay are presented: (1) tidal flow and propagation of the tide across the bay; (2) ability to predict tidal currents from previous measurements by the means of harmonic analysis; (3) identification of residual flow factors according to a principal component analysis in a complex space; (4) description of the tidal residual flow with large eddies; (5) demonstration of wind effects on currents.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Meteorological observations; Mathematical models; Long term records; Residual flow; Current prediction; Tidal currents; Water circulation; Current observations.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Tide analysis In The Red Sea; In Gizan and Port Sudan OceanDocs
Eltaib, Elfatih.
Tide gauge measurements recorded at two stations in the Red Sea, at Port Sudan from 1986 - 1994 and at Gizan for the period of 1992 - 1994 are used to analyze the sea level changes and tide along the east and west coast of the Red Sea, using the harmonic analysis (t tide). Meteorological parameters during the same period are used to study the response of the sea level and residual sea level to local and global forcing. The relation between sea level and forces are examined using the correlation and cross covariance analysis. The correlation and cross-covariance coe cients between sea level and sea level pressure at Port Sudan indicate that the sea level responds to atmospheric pressure as non-inverse barometer. The linear trend for the coastal area shows a...
Tipo: Theses and Dissertations Palavras-chave: Tide gauges; Atmospheric pressure; Wind; Sea level; Tides; Meteorological observations.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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