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Identification des communautés microbiennes des lobes terminaux du système turbiditique du Congo 5
Bessette, Sandrine.
The Congo deep sea fan, located in the Congo-Angola continental margin (West African coast, Equatorial South Atlantic Ocean) represents a unique deep-sea sedimentary ecosystem. It is characterized by high organic matter inputs from the Congo River, that flow along a canyon and through presently active channel system-lifted into the deeper areas (5 000 m) where the lobes system develops.The aim of this thesis is to study the spatial distribution as well as the phylogenetic and functional diversity of archaeal and bacterial communities in relation with environmental characteristics and constraints of the terminal lobes of the Congo deep see fan, one of the largest submarine fan systems in the world.This study highlights geographical distribution of microbial...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Système turbiditique du Congo; Sédiment riche en matière organique; Communautés microbiennes; Bactéries méthanotrophes aérobies; Suintements de méthane; Methane seeps; Congo turbiditic system; Organic-rich sediment; Microbial communities; Aerobic methane oxidizing bacteria.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Pore fluid chemistry of the North Anatolian Fault Zone in the Sea of Marmara: A diversity of sources and processes 5
Tryon, M. D.; Henry, P.; Cagatay, M. N.; Zitter, T. A. C.; Geli, Louis; Gasperini, L.; Burnard, P.; Bourlange, S.; Grall, Celine.
As part of the 2007 Marnaut cruise in the Sea of Marmara, an investigation of the pore fluid chemistry of sites along the Main Marmara Fault zone was conducted. The goal was to define the spatial relationship between active faults and fluid outlets and to determine the sources and evolution of the fluids. Sites included basin bounding transtensional faults and strike-slip faults cutting through the topographic highs. The basin pore fluids are dominated by simple mixing of bottom water with a brackish, low-density Pleistocene Lake Marmara end-member that is advecting buoyantly and/or diffusing from a relatively shallow depth. This mix is overprinted by shallow redox reactions and carbonate precipitation. The ridge sites are more complex with evidence for...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pore fluid; Fluid seeps; Marine hydrogeology; Methane seeps; Sea of Marmara; North Anatolian Fault.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Relative abundance and diversity of bacterial methanotrophs at the oxic-anoxic interface of the Congo deep-sea fan 5
Bessette, Sandrine; Moalic, Yann; Gautey, Sebastien; Lesongeur, Francoise; Godfroy, Anne; Toffin, Laurent.
Sitting at ~5 000 m water depth on the Congo-Angola margin and ~ 760 km offshore of the West African coast, the recent lobe complex of the Congo deep-sea fan receives large amounts of fluvial sediments (3-5% organic carbon). This organic-rich sedimentation area harbors habitats with chemosynthetic communities similar to those of cold seeps. In this study, we investigated relative abundance, diversity and distribution of aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria (MOB) communities at the oxic-anoxic interface of sedimentary habitats by using fluorescence in situ hybridization and comparative sequence analysis of particulate mono-oxygenase (pmoA) genes. Our findings revealed that sedimentary habitats of the recent lobe complex hosted type I and type II MOB cells and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aerobic methane-oxidizing bacteria; PmoA; Organic-rich sediment; Methane seeps; Congo deep-sea fan.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The Impact of Methane on Microbial Communities at Marine Arctic Gas Hydrate Bearing Sediment 5
Carrier, Vincent; Svenning, Mette M.; Grundger, Friederike; Niemann, Helge; Dessandier, Pierre-antoine; Panieri, Giuliana; Kalenitchenko, Dimitri.
Cold seeps are characterized by high biomass, which is supported by the microbial oxidation of the available methane by capable microorganisms. The carbon is subsequently transferred to higher trophic levels. South of Svalbard, five geological mounds shaped by the formation of methane gas hydrates, have been recently located. Methane gas seeping activity has been observed on four of them, and flares were primarily concentrated at their summits. At three of these mounds, and along a distance gradient from their summit to their outskirt, we investigated the eukaryotic and prokaryotic biodiversity linked to 16S and 18S rDNA. Here we show that local methane seepage and other environmental conditions did affect the microbial community structure and composition....
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Arctic; Methane seeps; Prokaryotes; Methanotrophs; ANME; Sulfate-reducing bacteria; Eukaryotes; Foraminifera.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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