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A guideline to improve qualitative social science publishing in ecology and conservation journals Ecology and Society
Moon, Katie; Institute for Applied Ecology, University of Canberra; School of Business, University of New South Wales;; Brewer, Tom D.; Northern Institute, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Northern Territory, Australia; Australian Institute of Marine Science, Arafura Timor Research Facility, Brinkin, Northern Territory, Australia;; Adams, Vanessa M.; University of Queensland, School of Biological Sciences, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia;; Blackman, Deborah A.; School of Business, University of New South Wales;
A rise in qualitative social science manuscripts published in ecology and conservation journals speaks to the growing awareness of the importance of the human dimension in maintaining and improving Earth’s ecosystems. Given the rise in the quantity of qualitative social science research published in ecology and conservation journals, it is worthwhile quantifying the extent to which this research is meeting established criteria for research design, conduct, and interpretation. Through a comprehensive review of this literature, we aimed to gather and assess data on the nature and extent of information presented on research design published qualitative research articles, which could be used to judge research quality. Our review was based on 146...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Insight Palavras-chave: Case study; Confirmability; Credibility; Dependability; Methods; Transferability.
Ano: 2016
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A importancia dos metodos quantitativos na pesquisa agropecuaria sob o ponto de vista do gerente de pesquisa. Infoteca-e
Estima-se que, em menos de 40 anos, duplique a populacao brasileira. Isso equivale dizer que, se nao houver apreciavel aumento de eficiencia e de produtividade na agricultura, sera preciso duplicar a area de cultivo. Na verdade o problema ja existe: a populacao brasileira e mal-nutrida, ha carencia de alimentos e os precos dos produtos alimenticios tendem a aumentar em razao de uma relativa ineficiencia nas atividades agricolas. Tanto para aumentar a eficiencia e a produtividade da agricultura, como para duplicar a area de cultivo, dois fatores sao importantes: terra e tempo. Terra no Brasil nao parece ser um fator escasso, ainda que finito. Tempo parece ser um fator, se nao escasso, pelo menos limitante. Em vista disso devem ser introduzidos no processo...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Agropecuaria; Metodo quantitativo; Gerencia; Experimento agrícola; Methods; Administração; Análise; Agricultura; Análise Quantitativa; Desenvolvimento Agrícola; Cerrado; Método de Pesquisa; Pesquisa; Agriculture; Research; Quantitative analysis.
Ano: 1983 URL:
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A new study method of microhabitat structure of small mammals BJB
The variables in habitat studies are usually transformed in such a way that they become abstractions and intuition is lost. We tested a new method for the analysis of habitat using data collected in a grid laid at the "restinga de Maricá", in Rio de Janeiro State, Brazil. Thirty-seven microhabitat variables were measured at each trap station. We assume that these variables characterize the microhabitat structure at the moment when measurements were taken. The data are transformed in 3 ways: (1) the averages of the measured variables were calculated, as usual in habitat studies; (2) the data are transformed in densities per area in square meters without reduction in the number of variables; and (3) we calculated the natural logarithms of the data thus...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Discriminant analysis; Methods; Niche; Neotropics; Small mammals.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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A simple and rapid method for collecting saliva to assess sodium status in sheepum Ciência Rural
Ortolani,Enrico Lippi.
Fifteen lambs were fed diet with normal (0.11%) or deficient levels of sodium ( 0.035%), respectively, for five weeks on each diet. At the end of each period saliva was collected by three different methods: swabbing with a 5 x 5 x 1.25cm synthetic sponge, aspiration with a 15cm long plastic tube connected to a 20ml syringe and sucking with a 4mm x 45cm long plastic tube through a water-jet aspirator pump or an eletric motor pump. The volume of saliva collected/min and the salivary sodium: potassium ratio were analysed. Larger volume of saliva was obtained with the developed sucking apparatus than with the sponge or the syringe. There was no influence of the method of saliva collection on the values of salivary Na:K ratio in both periods. Nevertheless, the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Saliva; Collection; Methods; Sheep; Salivary sodium: potassium ratio.
Ano: 1997 URL:
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Accounting for Heterogeneity in Hedging Behavior: Comparing & Evaluating Grouping Methods AgEcon
Pennings, Joost M.E.; Garcia, Philip; Irwin, Scott H..
Heterogeneity, i.e., the notion that individuals respond differently to economic stimuli, can have profound consequences for the interpretation of behavior and the formulation of agricultural policy. This paper compares and evaluates three grouping techniques that can be used to account for heterogeneity in financial behavior. Two are well established: company-type grouping and cluster analysis. A third, the generalized mixture regression model, has recently been developed and is worth considering as market participants are grouped such that their response to the determinants of economic behavior is similar. We evaluate the grouping methods in a hedging framework by assessing their ability to reflect relationships consistent with theory. The empirical...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Economic behavior; Heterogeneity; Hedging; Methods; Risk and Uncertainty; A10; B40; C1; D0; G0; L2; Q13.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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An analysis of seafood consumption survey methods in France. ArchiMer
Girard, Sophie; Mariojouls, Catherine; Paquotte, Philippe; Wisner-bourgeois, Claude.
(Not controled OCR) The different statistical data sources available for seafood I consumption analysis in France belong to three types : the apparent consumption estimated on the basis of a balance between production and trade, used at national scale and for international comparison, the data in value published by the national Institute for economic statistics, aggregating food balance sheet, and economic results of inquiries about the activities of the branch industries, and the household consumption estimated through consumers' panels. A critical and historical analysis of the different available data series is presented, with focus on the major difficulties when interpreting and cross-checking the data (series breaking-nomenclature items, range of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: France; Analysis; Methods; Consumption; Seafood; SEM.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Autoradiography as a tool in primary production research OMA
Mommaerts, J.-P..
Autoradiography of C-14 labelled phytoplankton collected onto a millipore filter allows the determination of the number of photosynthetically active cells in a water sample and thus gives useful information on the standing crop in primary production studies.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Autoradiography; Methods; Primary production.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Capture sequence and relative abundance of bats during surveys Rev. Bras. Zool.
Esbérard,Carlos E. L..
It is expected that rare species will be gradually added to biodiversity surveys over time and that complete inventories will include rare species. The objective in the present work is to test whether the capture sequence of species during a bat survey is related to species abundance. Species with capture rates lower than 0.01x10-3 captures/hour-net were considered rare. At Ilha da Gipóia, rare species accounted for 22.22% of the total and, at Rio das Pedras Reserve, they represented 30.00%. The existence of a negative relationship between the relative abundance and the first night of capture of each species for the Ilha da Gipóia and the high significance level for the accumulation curve at both localities suggest that the documentation of a large number...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Abundance; Atlantic Forest; Sampling effort; Methods; Southeastern Brazil.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Comparação de dois métodos de avaliação da fenologia de plantas, sua interpretação e representação Rev. Bras. Bot.
Este trabalho compara dois métodos de avaliação fenológica e sua representação gráfica. O estudo foi desenvolvido no Núcleo Picinguaba, Ubatuba, Estado de São Paulo (23º22' S e 44º48' W), em três formações florestais: floresta de restinga, floresta de planície e floresta de encosta. A floração, frutificação, queda de folhas e brotamento foram estimados mensalmente para cada indivíduo arbóreo, durante 18 meses. Foram comparados: i) percentual de intensidade de Fournier ou índice de intensidade: escala intervalar de cinco categorias de 0 a 4, com intervalo de 25% entre classes; e ii) índice de atividade ou porcentagem de indivíduos. O índice de atividade e o percentual de intensidade de Fournier forneceram informações distintas e complementares, facilitando...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Atlantic forest; Phenology; Methods; Tropical forest; Synchrony.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Comparaison de méthodes d'évaluation de la production secondaire d'une population de l'annélide polychète Ditrupa arietina (O.F. Muller) ArchiMer
Medernach, L; Gremare, A.
We compared the ability of three direct methods (increment summation, loss summation and instantaneous growth rate coefficient), the size-frequency method, and eight indirect methods (Banse and Mosher, Benke, Brey, Edgar, Morin and Bourassa, Plante and Downing, Robertson and Schwinghamer et al.) to measure or to predict the secondary production of a Mediterranean population of the polychaete Ditrupa arietina. This comparison was carried out both on the 1994 cohort during its two-year lifespan and on the entire population during the two years of the study (1994-1996). Our results showed that all three direct methods are more or less equivalent. Results referring to the year 1994-1995 showed a strong overestimation of the actual production by the size...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Production secondaire; Méthodes; Polychètes; Méditerranée; Secondary production; Methods; Polychaetes; Mediterranean Sea.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Comparing marine primary production estimates through different methods and development of conversion equations ArchiMer
Regaudie-de-gioux, Aurore; Lasternas, Sébastien; Agustí, Susana; Duarte, Carlos M..
Numerous studies have compared the rates of primary production using various techniques at specific locations and times. However, these comparisons are local and cannot be used to compare or scale rates of primary production using different methods across ocean basins or seasonal time scales. Here, we quantify the range in rates of primary production derived using different techniques and provide equations that allow conversions of estimates between different methods. We do so on the basis of a compilation of data on volumetric estimates of primary production rates concurrently estimated with at least two different methods. We observed that the comparison of estimates of marine phytoplankton primary production derived from different methods reveals very...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine; Phytoplankton; GPP; Methods; Conversion.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Comparison of methodologies for moisture determination on dried bee pollen samples Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Melo,Illana Louise Pereira de; Almeida-Muradian,Ligia Bicudo de.
Bee pollen moisture value is one of the quality parameters for this product. Some countries such as Argentina, Brazil, Bulgaria, Poland and Switzerland have bee pollen regulations on quality parameters, but these are not clear regarding which method should be used for moisture determination. The aim of this paper was to compare six methods of moisture determination in dried bee pollen samples. The methods were: conventional oven at 100 °C, vacuum oven at 70 °C, desiccator with sulfuric acid, drying out process with infrared light at 85 °C, lyophilization and Karl Fisher's method. Based on the results, the best methods for moisture determination of bee pollen were the drying process with infrared and the lyophilization, since these have shown lower moisture...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bee pollen; Moisture; Methods.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Gotardo,Jackeline T.; Rodrigues,Lineu N.; Gomes,Benedito M..
ABSTRACT This study aimed to compare methods for estimating reference evapotranspiration using an experimental basin in the Brazilian Cerrado, for water management purposes. For that, we estimated daily reference evapotranspiration over a certain period (time series between 1982 and 2012) through different empirical methods. These methods consisted of Blaney-Criddle (BC), Hargreaves & Samani (HS), ASCE Penman-Monteith (ASCE- PM), Penman (1948/1963) (PO), Priestley-Taylor (PT), which were all compared to the standard Penman-Monteith FAO-56 (PM-FAO56). Based on statistics, ASCE- PM, P and BC methods should be recommended for cerrado areas, either in rainy or dry seasons. After these, the PT also stood out. Among the less complex methods, based on...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Evapotranspiration; Methods; Penman-Monteith FAO-56.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Conservation des laminaires apres sechage a tres hautes temperatures. ArchiMer
Perez, René.
Laminaria digitata is the only brown alga used in the French alginate industry. Air-dried and flash-dried (in a current of air at 200 to 850 degree C) algae were compared. Quality was assessed viscometrically and the results expressed graphically. Quality after drying and keeping properties were found better in flash-dried algae and the method was shown to be the cheapest of methods currently available.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Methods; High temperatures; Preservation; Laminaria digitata.
Ano: 1972 URL:
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Control of ammonia emissions in naturally ventilated dairy cattle facilities in Portugal REA
Pereira,José; Trindade,Henrique.
We conducted a study of the processes associated to NH3 emission in naturally ventilated dairy cattle facilities, having described factors that regulate NH3 emission, as well as methodologies for measuring these emissions at these facilities. Appropriate techniques to mitigate NH3 emission in facilities located in regions with warm climates were also identified. The most effective mitigation techniques with simple implementation include strategies associated to: (i) installation design and flooring, which lead to reduced emissions, (ii) excreta pre-excretion, namely the use of diets with optimized crude protein content and increased milk production at farm level; and (iii) excreta post-excretion, particularly by changing the conditions of environmental...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Facilities; Gases; Methods; Floors; Mitigation techniques.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Controle de plantas daninhas em pastagens. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Controle; Plantas daninhas; Pastagens; Metodos; Control; Pasture; Methods.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Cruzamento em gado de corte. Infoteca-e
Escolha do sistema de cruzamento; Base genética da heterose e calculo da heterozigose; Características gerais das raças bovinas de corte; Sistemas de cruzamento; Vantagens e desvantagens dos diferentes tipos de cruzamentos; Cruzamentos versus seleção; Ambiente e melhoramento genético de bovinos de corte; Demanda/ambiente versus escolha do sistema de cruzamento; Alguns resultados de pesquisa em cruzamento de Bos taurus com Bos indicus no Brasil.
Tipo: Livros Palavras-chave: Sistema; Methods; Melhoramento genético; Gado de corte; Cruzamento animal; Seleção; Vigor hibrido; Genética; Breeding; Beef cattle.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Determinação de açuçares redutores pelo ácido 3,5-dinitrosalicílico: histórico do desenvolvimento do método e estabelecimento de um protocolo para o laboratório de bioprocessos. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Açucares redutores; Métodos; Methods; Reducing sugars.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Diseño de un sistema de riego a través del programa WCADI y comparación de resultados con el diseño manual del mismo. Colegio de Postgraduados
Yescas Diego, Salvador.
A nivel mundial, la utilización eficiente del agua en la producción agrícola sólo se puede lograr cuando se planifica el proyecto de riego, con un diseño que permita opera el recurso, con el fin de atender en cantidad y tiempo, las necesidades de agua de un cultivo, para un crecimiento óptimo y altos rendimientos. Lo que implica realizar un adecuado diseño del sistema de riego, donde en la actualidad existen varios software para el diseño de sistemas de riego, todos ellos siendo de gran aceptación por su versatilidad y facilidad de manejo y el poco tiempo que se emplea para realizar los diseños. Sin embargo todos y cada uno de ellos tienen su sustento en los procedimientos y métodos de cálculo manual que se han desarrollado a lo largo de la historia. El...
Palavras-chave: Software; Eficiente; Métodos; Herramienta; Efficient; Research; Methods; Tools; Hidrociencias; Maestría.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Distribution of relief seed and fertilizer in Zimbabwe Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Retail marketing; Weather hazards; Farm inputs; Tropical zones; Marketing; Methods; Crops; Biological phenomena; State.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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