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Centennial-scale Holocene North Atlantic surface temperatures from Mg/Ca ratios in Globigerina bulloides ArchiMer
Farmer, Elizabeth J.; Chapman, Mark R.; Andrews, Julian E..
A high-resolution record of Mg/Ca ratios from the planktonic foraminifer Globigerina bulloides has been produced for IMAGES core MD99-2251 from the subpolar North Atlantic. The record extends from the Younger Dryas-Preboreal transition through the Holocene at similar to 70 year resolution, with a more detailed section at similar to 20 year resolution through the interval encompassing the major cooling episode 8200 years ago. Mg/Ca derived temperatures show significant variations through the Holocene, with surface temperatures ranging from similar to 8 to 13 degrees C. The onset of the Holocene is marked by an abrupt warming, with a further increase in early Holocene temperatures occurring prior to 9.5 ka. This is followed by a mid-Holocene period of cooler...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Planktonic foraminifera; Mg/Ca; G. bulloides; North Atlantic; Holocene.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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East Asian monsoon forcing of suborbital variability in the Sulu Sea during Marine Isotope Stage 3: Link to Northern Hemisphere climate ArchiMer
Dannenmann, S; Linsley, Bk; Oppo, Dw; Rosenthal, Y; Beaufort, L.
We have generated a new high-resolution record of variations in planktonic foraminiferal oxygen isotopes (delta(18)O) and Mg/Ca from a sediment core (IMAGES 97-2141) in the Sulu Sea located in the Philippine archipelago of western tropical Pacific. This record reveals distinct, suborbital-scale delta(18)O changes, most notably during Marine Isotope Stage 3 (MIS3) (similar to30,000 to 60,000 years B.P.). The amplitudes of these delta(18)O fluctuations (0.4 to 0.7parts per thousand) exceed that which can be attributed to sea level changes and must be due to changes in sea surface conditions. In the same interval, variations in planktonic foraminifera Mg/Ca suggest that suborbital surface ocean temperature variations of 1 to 1.5degreesC in the Sulu Sea were...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Paleoceanography; Isotope stage 3; SE Asian Monsoon; Mg/Ca; Oxygen isotopes; Millennial-scale climate change; Paleoceanography; Climate dynamics.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Evolution of the northeast Labrador Sea during the last interglaciation ArchiMer
Winsor, Kelsey; Carlson, Anders E.; Klinkhammer, Gary P.; Stoner, Joseph S.; Hatfield, Robert G..
Boreal summer insolation during the last interglaciation (LIG) generally warmed the subpolar to polar Northern Hemisphere more than during the early Holocene, yet regional climate variations between the two periods remain. We investigate northeast Labrador Sea subsurface temperature and hydrography across terminations (T) I and II and during the LIG to assess the impact of two different magnitudes of boreal summer insolation increase on the northeast Labrador Sea. We use Mg/Ca ratios in Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) as a proxy of calcification temperature to document changes in subsurface temperatures over Eirik Drift. Our corresponding record of delta O-18 of seawater documents changes in water mass salinity. Mg/Ca calcification temperatures...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral); Labrador Sea; Mg/Ca; Deglaciations; Interglaciations; Subpolar gyre.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Meridional shifts in the marine ITCZ and the tropical hydrologic cycle over the last three glacial cycles ArchiMer
Schmidt, Matthew W.; Spero, Howard J..
Paleoproxy studies show a strong correlation between tropical climate and high-latitude temperature variability recorded in the Greenland ice cores over the last glacial cycle. In particular, abrupt cooling events in the Greenland Ice Sheet Project II delta(18)O ice record appear synchronous with a southward migration of the Intertropical Convergence Zone (ITCZ) in the Atlantic, a weakening of the Indian and East Asian monsoon systems, and a strengthening of the South American monsoon system. Because this high-to-low-latitude climate teleconnection significantly alters the tropical hydrologic cycle around the globe, it plays a critical role in regulating global climate on glacial-interglacial time scales. We compare delta(18)O(seawater) reconstructions (a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hydrologic cycle; Mg/Ca; Quaternary; Tropics; Salinity; ITCZ.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Mg/Ca ratios in the planktonic foraminifer Neogloboquadrina pachyderma (sinistral) in the northern North Atlantic/Nordic Seas ArchiMer
Meland, My; Jansen, E; Elderfield, H; Dokken, Tm; Olsen, A; Bellerby, Rgj.
In core top samples in the Nordic Seas, Mg/Ca ratios of N. pachyderma ( sin.) are generally consistent with previous high-latitude calibration data but do not reflect the modern calcification temperature gradient from 2 degrees C in the northwest to 8 degrees C in the southeast. This is because Mg/Ca ratios in foraminiferal shells from the central Nordic Seas are similar to 0.4 mmol/mol higher than expected from calibrations of Nurnberg ( 1995) and Elderfield and Ganssen ( 2000). The enhanced Mg/Ca ratios are observed in an area with low sedimentation rates (< similar to 5 cm/kyr). Possible factors that may cause this include bioturbation, Holocene variability in old core tops, dissolution, pore water chemistry, occurrence of volcanic ash, and other...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Planktonic foraminifera; N. pachyderma (sin.); Mg/Ca; Paleothermometry; Paleoceanography; Nordic Seas.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Mg/Ca ratios of two Globigerinoides ruber (white) morphotypes: Implications for reconstructing past tropical/ subtropical surface water conditions ArchiMer
Steinke, S; Chiu, Hy; Yu, Ps; Shen, Cc; Lowemark, L; Mii, Hs; Chen, Mt.
Tests of the planktonic foraminifer Globigerinoides ruber ( white; d'Orbigny) have become a standard tool for reconstructing past oceanic environments. Paleoceanographers often utilize the Mg/Ca ratios of the foraminiferal tests for reconstructing low-latitude ocean glacial-interglacial changes in sea surface temperatures (SST). We report herein a comparison of Mg/Ca measurements on sample pairs (n = 20) of two G. ruber (white) morphotypes (G. ruber sensu stricto (s. s.) and G. ruber sensu lato ( s. l.)) from surface and downcore samples of the western Pacific and Indian Oceans. G. ruber s. s. refers to specimens with spherical chambers sitting symmetrically over previous sutures with a wide, high arched aperture, whereas G. ruber s. l. refers to a more...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Planktonic foraminifera; Globigerinoides ruber (white); Morphotypes; Mg/Ca; Stable isotopes; Sea surface temperature.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Mg/Ca-paleothermometry in the western Mediterranean Sea on planktonic foraminifer species Globigerina bulloides: Constraints and implications ArchiMer
Boussetta, Soumaya; Kallel, Nejib; Bassinot, Franck; Labeyrie, Laurent; Duplessy, Jean-claude; Caillon, Nicolas; Dewilde, Fabien; Rebaubier, Helene.
We generated a high-resolution SSTMg/Ca record for the surface-dwelling planktonic foraminifera Globigerina bulloides from the core MD99-2346 collected in the Gulf of Lion, and compared it to that obtained using modern analogue techniques applied to fossil foraminiferal assemblages (SSTMAT). The two temperature records display similar patterns during the last 28,000 years but the SSTMg/Ca estimates are several degrees warmer (similar to+4 degrees C) than SSTMAT. The temperature shift between SSTMg/Ca and SSTMAT remained relatively constant over time. This seems to exclude a bias on the Mg/Ca record associated with salinity or secondary Mg-rich calcite encrustation on the foraminiferal tests during early diagenesis. Therefore, anomalously high Mg/Ca...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mediterranean; Mg/Ca; Planktonic foraminifera; Sea surface Temperature; Salinity; Diagenesis; Vital effect.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Millennial-scale variability of deep-water temperature and delta O-18(dw) indicating deep-water source variations in the Northeast Atlantic, 0-34 cal. ka BP ArchiMer
Skinner, Lc; Shackleton, Nj; Elderfield, H.
Paired measurements of Mg/Ca and delta(18)O(cc) (calcite delta(18)O) in benthic foraminifera from a deep-sea core recovered on the Iberian Margin (MD99-2334K; 37degrees 48'N, 10degrees10'W; 3,146 m) have been performed in parallel with planktonic delta(18)O(cc) analyses and counts of ice-rafted debris (IRD). The synchrony of temperature changes recorded in the Greenland ice cores and in North Atlantic planktonic delta(18)O(cc) allows the proxy records from MD99-2334K to be placed confidently on the GISP2 time-scale. This correlation is further corroborated by AMS C-14-dates. Benthic Mg/Ca measurements in MD99-2334K permit the reconstruction of past deep-water temperature (T-dw) changes since -34 cal. ka BP (calendar kiloyears before present). Using these...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Deep-water temperature; Mg/Ca; Termination I; Thermohaline circulation; Paleoceanographycal and chemical : trace elements; Oceanography : biological and chemical : trace elements; Oceanography : biological and chemical : stable isotopes.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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New spatial Mg/Ca-temperature calibrations for three Arctic, benthic foraminifera and reconstruction of north Iceland shelf temperature for the past 4000 years ArchiMer
Kristjansdottir, G. B.; Lea, D. W.; Jennings, A. E.; Pak, D. K.; Belanger, C..
We have developed cold-end Mg/Ca-temperature calibrations for three common Arctic benthic foraminifera, Islandiella norcrossi/helenae, Melonis barleeanus, and Cassidulina neoteretis, and compare the three calibrations in a late Holocene downcore record (0-4000 cal yr B.P.). The calibration and downcore trends for the three Arctic species extend the observation that Mg incorporation into benthic foraminifera is species specific. For the calibration we use a set of CTD casts, bottom water delta(18)O(seawater) measurements, and surface grab-samples collected from the Iceland margin (cruise B997) and the Greenland margin (cruise BS1191). Water depth of sites used ranges from 165 to 656 m, while spatial bottom temperature ranges from 0 to 7 degrees C. Mg/Ca...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mg/Ca; Benthic foraminifera; Temperature calibrations; Arctic; Shelf environment; Iceland shelf.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios in Niger Delta sediments: Implications for authigenic carbonate genesis in cold seep environments ArchiMer
Bayon, Germain; Pierre, C; Etoubleau, Joel; Voisset, Michel; Cauquil, E; Marsset, Tania; Sultan, Nabil; Le Drezen, Eliane; Fouquet, Yves.
We report on a reconnaissance analysis of the geochemical composition of authigenic carbonates and sediment samples collected from various seepage sites on the Niger deep-sea fan. Our aim has been to investigate whether evidence for the presence of authigenic carbonates and gas hydrates within sediments is discernible from solid-phase sediment geochemistry. We show that sedimentary Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios can be used to infer the presence of authigenic aragonite (Sr-rich) and Mg-rich carbonate phases (high-Mg calcite, dolomite) in cold seep settings. Using Sr/Ca and Mg/Ca ratios, the proportion (wt.%) of authigenic carbonates in Niger Fan sediments can be calculated from a mixing model between sediment fractions of terrigenous material, biogenic calcite,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Niger Delta; Gas hydrates; Cold seeps; Mg/Ca; Sr/Ca; Authigenic carbonates.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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Temperature calibration of Mg/Ca ratios in the intermediate water benthic foraminifer Hyalinea balthica ArchiMer
Rosenthal, Yair; Morley, Audrey; Barras, Christine; Katz, Miriam E.; Jorissen, Frans; Reichart, Gert-jan; Oppo, Delia W.; Linsley, Braddock K..
Core top samples from Indonesian and northeast Atlantic depth transects were used to calibrate Mg/Ca and delta O-18 in tests of the calcitic benthic foraminifer Hyalinea balthica to bottom water temperature between 4 degrees C and 13 degrees C. This shallow infaunal species is primarily abundant in neritic to upper bathyal sediments (< 600 m). Both linear and exponential calibrations suggest a temperature sensitivity of similar to 12% per degrees C that is similar to 4 times higher than observed in other species of deep-sea benthic foraminifera. Culture experiments support the core top calibration. We find no discernible effect of salinity and saturation on Mg/Ca. Comparison between the measured benthic foraminiferal delta O-18 and predicted equilibrium...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mg/Ca; Benthic foraminifera; Temperature calibration; Isotope.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Trace element cartography of Globigerinoides ruber shells using particle-induced X-ray emission ArchiMer
Gehlen, M; Bassinot, F; Beck, L; Khodja, H.
Micro particle-induced X-ray emission (PIXE) is a nondestructive elemental analysis technique that can be used to map the distribution of elements with a spatial resolution of +/-4 mum(2) and a penetration depth of +/-2 mum in a calcite matrix. To test its potential to improve our understanding of trace element distribution in foraminifera shells, we mapped the Mg distribution across individual chambers of the planktonic species Globigerinoides ruber. G. ruber shells were picked from equatorial Atlantic surface sediments (Sierra Leone Rise). They ranged from well-preserved to heavily dissolved tests. The mapping of trace elements across test chambers made it possible to discriminate between variability inherent to the shell material and heterogeneity...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Foraminifera; Mg/Ca; Dissolution; Trace elements; Instruments and techniques.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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