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Caractérisation et quantification moléculaires de l’écosystème microbien d’altération du saumon cru et des crevettes cuites 5
Mace, Sabrina.
Raw salmon and cooked shrimp sold in supermarket are usually found under vacuum or CO2 modified atmosphere packaging (MAP). This type of packaging inhibit growth of some bacteria, therefore, CO2 tolerant bacteria dominate spoilage microbiota of these products. The aim of this study is to improve knowledge about bacteria involved in spoilage. Spoilage microbial ecosystems of raw salmon and tropical cooked shrimp were described using classic miocrobiological and molecular methods like PCR-TTGE and pyrosequencing. Lactic acid bacteria, notably Lactococcus piscium, Carnobacterium maltaromaticum, Carnobacterium divergens, Lactobacillus sakei, and Gram negative bacteria like Photobacterium phosphoreum and Enterobacteriaceae (Serratia spp.) has been described as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Produits de la mer; Microbiote; PCR-TTGE; Pyroséquençage; Potentiel d’altération; P. phosphoreum; PCR en temps-réel; Seafood products; Microbiota; PCR-TTGE; Pyrosequencing; Spoilage potential; P. phosphoreum; Real-time PCR.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Influence de l'environnement trophique de l'élevage en biofloc sur les performances physiologiques de la crevette Litopenaeus stylirostris : Étude de paramètres de la nutrition, de l'immunité et de la reproduction 5
Cardona, Emilie.
Biofloc is an intensive rearing system with zero or minimal water exchange where a diverse population of microorganisms (microalgae, zooplankton and bacteria) develops in association with organic matter to form the floc particles. These particles play the double role of biological filter and dietary supplement. This dissertation aims to better understand the process of this rearing system and its interactions with the Litopenaeus stylirostris shrimp. Two specific objectives were integrated within the framework of this general objective: (i) to measure the production gain from biofloc rearing and (ii) to study the interaction between biofloc environment and shrimp and to assess its role on production performances of shrimps. Thus, our results show...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biofloc; Crevette; Nutrition; Stress oxydant; Défenses antioxydantes; Immunité; Reproduction; Oeufs; Larves; Bactéries; Microbiote; Biofloc; Shrimp; Nutrition; Oxidative stress; Antioxidant defences; Immunity; Reproduction; Eggs; Larvae; Bacteria; Microbiota.
Ano: 2015 URL:
Registros recuperados: 2
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