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L'agrégation de thons de sub-surface au sein du système [DCP ancré - macronecton - environnement - pêche] en Martinique : étude hiérarchique par méthodes acoustiques, optiques et halieutiques ArchiMer
Doray, Mathieu.
Artificial Fish Aggregating Devices (FADs) are known to concentrate tropical tunas. This aggregative behaviour drastically increases the vulnerability of these species to fishing. Alternatively, FADs can be used as oceanic observatories to study the aggregative behaviour of large pelagic fish. We conducted sea surveys in Martinique (Lesser Antilles) to i) establish a typology of the pelagic fish aggregations found around moored FADs ii) study their relations with their biotic and abiotic environment and the local fishery. The mean biomass of large pelagic fish aggregations was also estimated to provide scientific inputs to achieve a sustainable management of the moored FAD fishery. The first part presents the background of the study. We introduce the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Martinique; Lesser Antilles; Hierarchy; Advection diffusion models; Geostatistics; Micronekton; Tuna/environment relationships; Aggregative behaviour; Tuna; Underwater video; Echosounding; FAD; Martinique; Petites Antilles; Hiérarchie; Modèles d'advection diffusion; Géostatistique; Micronecton; Relation thon/environnement; Comportement agrégatif; Thon; Vidéo sous marine; Acoustique; DCP.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Les couches diffusantes du golfe de Gascogne : caractérisation acoustique, composition spécifique et distribution spatiale ArchiMer
Remond, Barbara.
Fisheries acoustic data are continuously collected during ecosystemic surveys to detect sh schools of commercial species and to quantify the sh abundance. These multifrequency data also contain information about smaller target aggregations producing ubiquitous Sound Scat- tering Layers (SSLs) on the echograms, with quite diverse shape, frequency responses and taxonomic compositions. In this work, we focus on the SSLs observed in spring in the Bay of Biscay during the PELGAS surveys. The objectives are: i) to classify SSLs, ii) to describe their spatial meso-scale distribution, iii) to investigate their relationships with oher exosystme components, and iv) to investigate the taxonomic composition of resonant SSLs at ne scale. A Multiple Correspondence...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Acoustique; Multifréquences; Couches diffusantes; Micronecton; Golfe de Gascogne; PELGAS; Acoustic; Multifrequency; Sound scattering layers; Micronekton; Bay of Biscay; PELGAS.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Mesoscale Eddies Structure Mesopelagic Communities ArchiMer
Della Penna, Alice; Gaube, Peter.
Mesoscale eddies play a key role in structuring open ocean ecosystems, affecting the entire trophic web from primary producers to large pelagic predators including sharks and elephant seals. Recent advances in the tracking of pelagic predators have revealed that these animals forage in the mesopelagic and the depth and duration of their foraging dives are affected by the presence of eddies. The ways in which eddies impact the distribution of mesopelagic micronekton, however, remain largely unknown. During a multi-seasonal experiment we used a shipboard scientific echosounder transmitting at 38 kHz to observe the distribution of acoustic backscattering in the energetic mesoscale eddy field of the northwestern Atlantic. Observations were collected at 24...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: NAAMES; North Atlantic Aerosols and Ecosystems Study; Micronekton; Mesoscale; Eddies; Echosounder; Bioacoustics; Intermediate trophic levels.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Micronekton distribution in the southwest Pacific (New Caledonia) inferred from shipboard-ADCP backscatter data ArchiMer
Receveur, Aurore; Kestenare, Elodie; Allain, Valerie; Ménard, Frédéric; Cravatte, Sophie; Lebourges-dhaussy, Anne; Lehodey, Patrick; Mangeas, Morgan; Smith, Neville; Radenac, Marie-hélène; Menkes, Christophe.
Acoustic data are invaluable information sources for characterizing the distribution and abundance of mid-trophic-level organisms (micronekton). These organisms play a pivotal role in the ecosystem as prey of top predators and as predators of low-trophic-level organisms. Although shipboard-ADCP (acoustic Doppler current profiler) acoustic backscatter signal intensity cannot provide an absolute biomass estimate, it may be a useful proxy to investigate variability in the distribution and relative density of micronekton. This study used acoustic recordings data spread across 19 years (1999–2017) from 54 ADCP cruises in New Caledonia’s subtropical EEZ (exclusive economic zone) to assess seasonal and interannual variabilities and spatial distribution of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Micronekton; Southwest Pacific ocean; SEAPODYM; Acoustic; Ecosystem.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Micronekton distributions and assemblages at two shallow seamounts of the south-western Indian Ocean: Insights from acoustics and mesopelagic trawl data ArchiMer
Annasawmy, Pavanee; Ternon, Jean-francois; Cotel, Pascal; Cherel, Yves; Romanov, Evgeny V.; Roudaut, Gildas; Lebourges-dhaussy, Anne; Ménard, Fréderic; Marsac, Francis.
Micronekton distributions and assemblages were investigated at two shallow seamounts of the south-western Indian Ocean using a combination of trawl data and multi-frequency acoustic visualisation techniques. La Pérouse (∼60 m) seamount is located on the outskirts of the oligotrophic Indian South Subtropical Gyre province with weak mesoscale activities and low primary productivity all year round. The “MAD-Ridge” seamount (thus termed in this study; ∼240 m) is located in the productive East African Coastal (EAFR) province with high mesoscale activities to the south of Madagascar. This resulted in higher micronekton species richness at MAD-Ridge compared to La Pérouse. Resulting productivity at MAD-Ridge seamount was likely due to the action of mesoscale...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Micronekton; Seamount; South-western Indian Ocean; Acoustics; Seamount-associated fauna.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Seasonal abundance and vertical distributions of macroplankton and micronekton in the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea ArchiMer
Sardou, J; Etienne, M; Andersen, V.
Based on monthly samplings over an entire year, variations of abundance, vertical distributions and diel vertical migrations are described in the 0-1000 m water column in a coastal area of the Northwestern Mediterranean Sea for the main pelagic invertebrates. Detailed results are given for 21 species of macrozooplankton and micronekton. On an annual basis, the most numerous species by numbers comprised the euphausiid Meganyctiphanes norvegica, the pteropod Cavolinia inflexa, the siphonophores Abylopsis tetragona and Chelophyes appendiculata, the crustacean decapods Sergestes arcticus and Pasiphaea sivado, and the salps Salpa fusiformis and Thalia democratica. Species of the same genus, such as Sergestes arcticus, S. corniculum and S. robustus or Pasiphaea...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Seasonal cycle; Vertical distribution; Macroplankton; Micronekton.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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Vertical distributions of macroplankton and micronekton in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas (northwestern Mediterranean) ArchiMer
Andersen, V; Francois, F; Sardou, J; Picheral, M; Scotto, M; Nival, Paul.
Vertical distributions and diel migrations at nineteen stations located in the Ligurian and Tyrrhenian Seas (northwestem Mediterranean) are described in detail and compared for the main species of micronekton and macroplankton. Sampling was performed in April 1994 in the 0-700 m water column in most cases, down to 350, 450 or 550 m for the coastal or relatively shallow sites. Most of the twenty species showed similar distributions throughout the sampled area, either non-diel-migrating distributions such as the euphausiid Stylocheiron longicorne and the fish Cyclothone braueri, or clear diel-migrant behaviour (e.g. the siphonophore Chelophyes appendiculata and the euphausiid Euphausia krohni). Four species, the siphonophore Lensia conoidea, the pteropods...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Distribution verticale; Macroplancton; Micronecton; Mer Méditerranée; Mer Tyrrhénienne; Vertical distribution; Macroplankton; Micronekton; Mediterranean Sea; Tyrrhenian Sea.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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