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Are epiphytes a significant component of intertidal Zostera noltii beds? 5
Lebreton, Benoit; Richard, Pierre; Radenac, Gilles; Bordes, Monique; Breret, Martine; Arnaud, Christophe; Mornet, Francoise; Blanchard, Gerard F..
The role of epiphytes in an intertidal Zostera noltii seagrass bed in Marennes-Oleron Bay was assessed in comparison with the other main benthic primary producers (Z. noltii, microphytobenthos) at two bathymetric levels and on a seasonal basis. Assemblage and biomass of epiphytes were studied using scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Z noltii and its detrital matter followed a typical seasonal pattern: microphytobenthos was present in large quantities throughout the year representing 21% of the total biomass while detrital matter, above-ground parts and below-ground parts accounted for 65, 9 and 5%, respectively. Only two species of epiphytic diatoms, Cocconeis scutellum and Cocconeis placentula, were observed on seagrass leaves. Epiphyte biomass was very...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: SEM; Cocconeis spp.; Epiphyte diatom; Microphytobenthos; Zostera noltii; Intertidal seagrass bed; Primary producer.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Assessing Alternative Microscopy-Based Approaches to Species Abundance Description of Intertidal Diatom Communities 5
Ribeiro, Lourenço; Brotas, Vanda; Hernandez Farinas, Tania; Jesus, Bruno; Barille, Laurent.
Diatoms usually dominate microphytobenthic biofilms in coastal and estuarine intertidal environments. Yet, functional studies on biofilms often skip species analysis because benthic diatoms are notoriously difficult to extract from sediments and challenging to identify at that taxonomic level. Valid, less time-consuming alternatives would surely be welcomed and increase the inclusion of community structure information in microphytobenthos (MPB) ecophysiological studies. Starting with an original 181-species abundances matrix (OSM), obtained during a 2-year spatial–temporal survey in a Tagus Estuary intertidal flat with contrasting sediment textures, the current study assessed the effectiveness of several approaches to species abundances analysis. The...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Diatoms; Community structure; Intertidal flats; Microphytobenthos; Multivariate analysis; Taxonomic sufficiency.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Bacterial Dynamics in a Microphytobenthic Biofilm: a Tidal Mesocosm Approach 5
Agogue, Helene; Mallet, Clarisse; Orvain, Francis; De Crignis, Margot; Mornet, Francoise; Dupuy, Christine.
In intertidal mudflats, during low tide exposure, microphytobenthos (MPB) migrate vertically through the surface sediment and form, with the heterotrophic bacteria, a transient biofilm. Inside this biofilm, multiple interactions exist between MPB and bacteria. These micro-organisms secrete a wide range of extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which are major components of the biofilm matrix. In this study, we used a tidal mesocosm experiment in order to decipher the interactions of the MPB-EPS-bacteria complex within the biofilm. We tried to determine if the EPS could control bacterial activities and/or production and/or richness according to the age of the biofilm and to the immersion/emersion period. The dynamics of biomasses of MPB and prokaryotes,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Muddy sediment; Microphytobenthos; Bacteria; Extracellular polymeric substances; Interactions; Mesocosm.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Benthic microalgal communities in the inner part of the Bahia Blanca estuary (Argentina): a preliminary qualitative study 5
Parodi, Er; Barria De Cao, S.
The intertidal zone of the inner part of the Bahia Blanca estuary, Argentina is characterised by the presence of muddy tidal flats and salt marshes, habitats for burrowing crabs and halophytic plants. The surface layer of the sediments is composed of silt and clay. The sediments are substrate for the proliferation of benthic microalgal communities. The aim of this study was to analyse qualitatively the species composition of these communities and their role in the stabilisation of the sediments. Samples came from two stations: Puerto Cuatreros and Villarino Viejo. Puerto Cuatreros is an old pier without harbour activities closer than Villarino Viejo to the harbour zone affected by dredging. Both stations showed similar physical and chemical parameters. In...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytobenthos; Stabilisation des sédiments; Benthic microalgal communities; Microbial mats; Sediments stabilisation.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Biomasse et production primaire du phytoplancton et du microphytobenthos de deux biotopes sableux (Golfe de Fos, France) 5
Plante-cuny, Marie-reine; Bodoy, Alain.
The primary production (phytoplankton and microphytobenthos) of a coastaL shallow water ecosystem (0.5 m) was investigated in two sandy areas, differing by their wave exposure. The physical and chemical parameters, the functional chlorophyll and pheopigments as well as the primary production were measured monthly, throughout a two-year study. The bivalve Ruditapes decussatus was the dominant species in the sheltered station (RD), whereas Donax trlmcu/us inhabited the other station (DT) which was exposed to the open-sea waves. Microphytic biomasses were determined after extracting chlorophyll a and pheopigments in 90% acetone. by spectrophotometric measurements before and after acidification. Gross hourly primary production was estimated by measuring the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biomasse; Production primaire; Phytoplancton; Microphytobenthos; Mediterranee; Biomass; Primary production; Phytoplancton; Microphytobenthos; Mediterranean.
Ano: 1987 URL:
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Cadmium pathways in an exploited intertidal ecosystem with chronic cadmium inputs (Marennes-Oleron, Atlantic coast, France) 5
Pigeot, J; Miramand, P; Guyot, T; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Fichet, D; Le Moine, Olivier; Huet, V.
The Marennes-Oleron Bay is subject to chronic pollution by cadmium (Cd) from the Gironde watershed. An ecosystem approach was used to study the fate of cadmium in the different biological compartments. The median Cd concentration was 0.4 mu g g(-1) dry weight for the 63 benthic species measured. When combined with the respective biomasses for the different species studied, we estimated that 7 kg of Cd is partitioned into the soft tissues of the benthic species in the bay. The majority of this cadmium was distributed between primary producers, mainly microphytobenthos (40 %), and suspension-feeders, mainly oysters (40 %). All other benthic species measured were associated with negligible masses of Cd. Two trophic levels contained 98 % of the Cd: 3 kg was...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marennes Oleron Bay; Trophic food web; Bioaccumulation; Cadmium; Macrofauna; Microphytobenthos; Macrophytes.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Dissolved inorganic nitrogen uptake by intertidal microphytobenthos: nutrient concentrations, light availability and migration 5
Longphuirt, Sorcha Ni; Lim, Jae-hyun; Leynaert, Aude; Claquin, Pascal; Choy, Eun-jung; Kang, Chang Keun; An, Shu.
The importance of intertidal flats as areas of nitrogen filtering has become increasingly apparent in recent times. TO understand fully the cycling of this nutrient. in these areas of high metabolic activity, it is necessary to elucidate the influence of microphytobenthos (MPB) on stocks of ammonium and nitrate in surface areas. In this study, we aimed to quantity nitrogen uptake and relate it to the in Situ concentrations and environmental conditions to which MPB are exposed. In an estuarine system on the Korean Peninsula, we conducted kinetic experiments using N-15 stable isotopes and core sampling over the tidal cycle to determine the temporal evolution of porewater nutrient concentrations and the migration of MPB. The results revealed a range of K-s...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: N 15 stable isotope; Porewater; Microphytobenthos; Kinetic; Nitrogen.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Does the size of the microphytobenthic biofilm on intertidal muflats depend on the available photosynthetic biomass? 5
Herlory, Olivier; Blanchard, G; Planche, S; Huet, V; Richard, Pierre.
Many scientists consider that the top centimetre of the sediment on intertidal mudflats contains the photosynthetic competent biomass (PCB). Part of this biomass migrates upward to the surface of the sediment during diurnal emersion periods to form a temporary biofilm: the photosynthetic active biomass (PAB). The present study tests the hypothesis that the size of the biofilm (PAB) is functionally dependent on PCB. Therefore, we have plotted PAB as a function of PCB for a range of different environmental conditions: 3 seasons and 5 tidal situations, representing a total of 600 cores. This investigation points out that, in spring and autumn, there was a simple linear relationship between PAB and PCB, thus indicating that the maximum size of the biofilm...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Functional relationship; Biofilm; Biomass; Intertidal mudflat; Microphytobenthos.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Dynamic model of the short-term variability of microphytobenthic biomass on temperate intertidal mudflats 5
Guarini, Jean-marc; Blanchard, Gf; Gros, Philippe; Gouleau, Dominique; Bacher, Cedric.
In the present paper, we list and document the relevant behavioral and physiological processes controlling primary productivity of epipelic microalgae on intertidal mudflats in order to develop a simplified model. We first propose, in an attempt to characterize the 'photosynthetically active biomass' of the epipelic community, a new approach to describe the photic environment at the sediment surface, by substituting a discrete a-layer model in place of continuous vertical light distribution. This concept thus allows us to build a functional representation of the distribution of the photosynthetically active biomass in the sediment and, by then integrating the light and temperature forcing of the latter biomass, to predict the dynamics of the whole epipelic...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytobenthos; Intertidal mudflat; Primary production; Dynamic model; Migratory rhythm; Ecophysiological response.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Dynamics and sources of suspended particulate organic matter in the Marennes-Oléron oyster farming bay: Insights from stable isotopes and microalgae ecology 5
Malet, Nathalie; Sauriau, Pierre-guy; Ryckaert, Mireille; Malestroit, Pascale; Guillou, Gael.
The aim of this study was to distinguish between sources of the complex variety of Marennes-Oléron Bay suspended particulate organic matter (SPOM) contributing to the tropho-dynamics of the Marennes-Oléron oyster farming bay. Basic biomarkers (Chl a, C/N and POC/Chl a ratios), carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes from SPOM were analyzed and the microalgae community was characterized. The sampling strategy was bimonthly from March 2002 to December 2003; samples were taken from an intertidal mudflat. Four main sources contributed to the SPOM pool: terrigenous input from rivers, neritic phytoplankton, resuspended microphytobenthos and periodic inputs from intertidal Zostera noltii meadows. Seasonal fluctuations were observed in both years of the study period:...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Heatwave; Zostera noltii; Mudflat; Microphytobenthos; Phytoplankton; Suspended particulate organic matter; Marennes Oléron Bay.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Dynamics of phytoplankton productivity and exopolysaccharides (EPS and TEP) pools in the Seine Estuary (France, Normandy) over tidal cycles and over two contrasting seasons 5
Morelle, Jerome; Schapira, Mathilde; Claquin, Pascal.
Exopolysaccharides (EPS) play an important role in the carbon flux and may be directly linked to phytoplankton and microphytobenthos production, most notably in estuarine systems. However the temporal and spatial dynamics of estuarine EPS are still not well understood, nor how primary productivity triggers this variability at these different scales. The aim of this study was to investigate the primary productivity of phytoplankton and EPS dynamics in the Seine estuary over a tidal cycle in three different haline zones over two contrasted seasons. The other objectives was to investigate the origin of pools of soluble carbohydrates (S-EPS) and transparent exopolymeric particles (TEP) in phytoplankton, microphytobenthos or other compartments. High frequency...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplankton; Microphytobenthos; PAM fluorometer; Electron transport rate.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Dynamics of spatial patterns of microphytobenthic biomass: inferences from a geostatistical analyisis of two comprenhensive surveys in Marennes-Oléron Bay (France) 5
Guarini, Jean-marc; Blanchard, Gerard; Bacher, Cedric; Gros, Philippe; Riera, Pascal; Richard, Pierre; Gouleau, Dominique; Galois, Robert; Prou, Jean; Sauriau, Pierre-guy.
Microphytobenthos plays an important role as primary producer in shallow embayments subject to a tidal regime. The present paper aims to characterize the spatial patterns of sedimentary chlorophyll a (chl a) biomass in 2 seasons in the wide intertidal mudflats of the Marennes-Oleron Bay (France); furthermore, it provides estimates of total microphytobenthic biomass. Accordingly, a systematic sampling scheme was performed in June 1995 and in January 1996. On average, biomass was higher in June (ca 120 mg chl a m-2) than in January (ca 85 mg chl a m-2). Moreover, the geostatistical analysis revealed that spatial similarities were propagated over larger distances in June (6 km) than in January (2.2 km). In order to account for this result , we suggest that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marennes Oleron; Intertidal mudflat; Geostatistics; Spatial distribution; Chrlorophyll a; Microphytobenthos.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Dynamics of spatial patterns of microphytobenthic biomass: inferences from a geostatistical analysis of two comprehensive surveys in Marennes-Oleron bay (France) 5
Guarini, Jean-marc; Blanchard, Fabian; Bacher, Cedric; Gros, Philippe; Riera, P; Richard, P; Gouleau, D; Galois, R; Prou, Jean; Sauriau, Pg.
Microphytobenthos plays an important role as primary producer in shallow embayments subject to a tidal regime. The present paper aims to characterize the spatial patterns of sedimentary chlorophyll a (chl a) biomass in 2 seasons in the wide intertidal mudflats of the Marennes-Oleron Bay (France); furthermore, it provides estimates of total microphytobenthic biomass. Accordingly, a systematic sampling scheme was performed in June 1995 and in January 1996. On average, biomass was higher in June (ca 120 mg chi a m(-2)) than in January (ca 85 mg chi a m(-2)). Moreover, the geostatistical analysis revealed that spatial similarities were propagated over larger distances in June (6 km) than in January (2.2 km). In order to account or this result, we suggest that...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytobenthos; Chlorophyll a; Spatial distribution; Geostatistics; Intertidal mudflat.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Dynamique spatiale et temporelle de la production primaire de l'estuaire de la Seine 5
Morelle, Jérôme.
The estuaries play an important ecological role and are the site of many human activities because of their strategic position at the interface between continental and marine waters. Seine estuary is characteristic of large anthropized estuaries. Long-term management requires better knowledge of the spatial and temporal dynamics of the estuarine food webs. Phytoplankton and microphytobenthos are the main contributor of primary production (PP) in these ecosystems and are at the basis of trophic food webs. These compartments are often reduced to the chlorophyll concentration and their productivity has never been measured along the Seine estuary. The objective of this study was to estimate the PP of these compartments along the salinity gradient. In order to...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: PAM; ETR; 13C; TEP; EPS; Exopolymeric substances; Phytoplankton; Microphytobenthos; Transparent Exopolymeric Particles.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Ecologie alimentaire de l'huitre Crassostrea gigas : dynamiques des compositions isotopiques naturelles 5
Malet, Nathalie.
Trophic transfers of particulate organic matter sources to the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas were investigated in the oyster farming bay of Marennes-Oléron for two years. Stable isotope ratios of carbon and nitrogen were used to trace the origin and fate of primary production and organic matter inputs into the bay, and to depict trophic transfers to oysters that were experimentally reared according to traditional methods. Characterizing particulate organic matter sources available for oysters utilized a combination of hydrobiological parameters and stable isotope ratios. Processes of food incorporation by oysters were described for five organs such as gills, digestive gland, mantle, muscle and gonads, and were interpreted taking into account...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytobenthos; Phytoplankton; Organs; Trophic discrimination; Tissue turnovers; Particulate organic matter; Marennes Oléron Bay; Pertuis Charentais; Stable isotopes; Pacific oysters; Crassostrea gigas; Microphytobenthos; Phytoplancton; Hydrologie; Organes; Enrichissement trophique; Renouvellement tissulaire; Matière organique particulaire; Bassin de Marennes Oléron; Pertuis Charentais; Isotopes stables; Crassostrea gigas; Huître creuse.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Ecologie trophique de l'espèce ingénieur Crepidula fornicata et implications pour le fonctionnement de son habitat 5
Androuin, Thibault.
The slipper limpet (Crepidula fornicata) is an invasive species of European coasts. Protandric hermaphrodite, this gregarious species forms individuals' stacks which accumulate in high density on bottom. For a long time considered as a detrimental invader, the slipper limpet is also an ecosystem engineer, modifying its habitat both physically and biologically. It is model to study how invasive and engineer species can structure and modify the ecosystem that they colonize. In this Ph.D. thesis, these effects have been examined through the trophic functioning of habitats colonized by the slipper limpet, with a special reference to the primary benthic production. Experimental stimulation of subtidal microphytobenthos (MPB) has been demonstrated by the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Isotopes stables; Acides gras; Imagerie hyperspectrale; Microphytobenthos; Rade de Brest; Stable isotopes; Fatty acids; Hyperspectral imaging; Microphytobenthos; Bay of Brest.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Étude de la dynamique du microphytobenthos des vasières intertidales aux latitudes tempérées : approche combinée modélisation couplée physique-biologie et analyse de données satellitales 5
Savelli, Raphael.
The high primary production (PP) of intertidal mudflats at temperate latitudes is mostly supported by microphytobenthos (MPB), which support both benthic and pelagic food webs. In the present thesis, we use a physical-biological coupled model to investigate the spatial and temporal variability of MPB dynamics on a large temperate intertidal mudflat of the French Atlantic coast. The model explicitly simulates the MPB biomass and the grazer (Peringia ulvae) biomass and density. The outputs provide key findings on MPB dynamics. In winter-spring, optimal light and mud surface temperature (MST) conditions for MPB growth lead to a MPB spring bloom. Light is the most limiting driver over the year. However, a high MST limits the MPB growth 40% of the time during...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microphytobenthos; Vasière intertidale; Production primaire; Modélisation physique-biologie; Télédétection; Microphytobenthos; Intertidal mudflat; Primary production; Physical-biological modelling; Remote sensing.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Evaluation de l’état écologique des masses d’eau de transition dans le cadre de la DCE. Etude de la pertinence du suivi des peuplements du microphytobenthos estuarien 5
Ribeiro, Lourenço; Le Bris, Anthony; Hernandez Farinas, Tania; Buchet, Remi; Dutertre, Mickaël; Metzger, Edouard; Rosa, Philippe; Gernez, Pierre; Lerouxel, Astrid; Barille, Laurent.
In order to establish the ecological status of water bodies, the European Water Framework Directive (WFD) is based on the evaluation of a number of biological quality elements, as well as physical parameters supporting the biology. In estuaries, phytoplankton monitoring was not considered relevant because of the high turbidity characterizing the large metropolitan estuaries and the French overseas departments (Guyana). In this work, we considered the possibility of using microphytobenthos (MPB) as a biological indicator of the ecological status of estuaries. This activity report summarizes the actions undertaken in 2017 under an AFB / Université de Nantes convention, which is structured around two main axes: the first axis is based on the analysis of the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: DCE; Diatomées benthiques; Diversité; Estuaires; Facteurs naturels; Gradient de perturbation; Loire; Bio-indication; Microphytobenthos; Pressions anthropiques; Télédétection.; Anthropogenic pressures; Benthic diatoms; Bio-indication; Diversity; Estuary; Loire; Microphytobenthos; Natural factors; Perturbation gradient; Remote sensing; WFD.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Fonctionnement des marais maritimes atlantiques: échanges d'énergie et effets des flux aquacoles diffus 5
Bel Hassen, Malika.
French estuaries, from the Atlantic coast to the English channel, have been characterized by a poor phytoplankton biomass. The turbidity has always been considered as the limiting factor for phytoplankton. Estuarine ecosystems are situated at the boundary between the land and the sea. Consequently, they are subject to an enrichment by nutrient loadings from upland ecosystems. Although it has been demonstrated that a part of the nutrient loadings support an important benthic production. The part, which escapes to the estuarine benthic and planktonic food web and is exported to adjacent estuarine ecosystems, still remains undetermined. Quantifying the nu trient and particulate matter exchange between a macrotidal Bay, the Fier d'Ars, and the adjacent ocean...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Exportation; Matière dissoute; Fiers d'Ars; Systèmes d'Information Géographique; Importation; Usages; Lumière; Micorphytobenthos; Modélisation; Nutriments; Matière organique; Matière particulaire; Phytoplancton; Sédimentation; Aquaculture; Export; Dissolved matter; Fier d'Ars Bay; Geographic Information Systems; Import; Land use; Light; Microphytobenthos; Modelling; Nutrients; Organic matter; Particulate matter; Phytoplankton; Sedimentation.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Food source of intertidal nematodes in the Bay of Marennes-Oleron (France), as determined by dual stable isotope analysis 5
Riera, P; Richard, P; Gremare, A; Blanchard, G.
Nematodes living on an intertidal mudflat of the Marennes-Oleron Bay (France) were assayed for delta(13)C and delta(15)N ratios together with their potential food resources between July 1992 and May 1993. Results suggest that nematodes do not exploit all the components of the sedimented organic matter (SOM) pool at the same rate. Furthermore, based on coefficients of average trophic enrichment found in the literature for both C and N, the enrichment of nematodes in C-13 and their depletion in N-15 relative to SOM suggest that microphytobenthos constitutes their main food source in this particular environment.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nematodes; Microphytobenthos; Food sources; Stable isotope ratios.
Ano: 1996 URL:
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