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How ocean waves rock the Earth: two mechanisms explain microseisms with periods 3 to 300 s ArchiMer
Ardhuin, Fabrice; Gualtieri, Lucia; Stutzmann, Eleonore.
Microseismic activity, recorded everywhere on Earth, is largely due to ocean waves. Recent progress has clearly identified sources of microseisms in the most energetic band, with periods from 3 to 10 s. In contrast, the generation of longer-period microseisms has been strongly debated. Two mechanisms have been proposed to explain seismic wave generation: a primary mechanism, by which ocean waves propagating over bottom slopes generate seismic waves, and a secondary mechanism which relies on the nonlinear interaction of ocean waves. Here we show that the primary mechanism explains the average power, frequency distribution, and most of the variability in signals recorded by vertical seismometers, for seismic periods ranging from 13 to 300 s. The secondary...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Hum; Infragravity waves; Numerical model; Microseisms.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Large-Scale Forces Under Surface Gravity Waves at a Wavy Bottom: A Mechanism for the Generation of Primary Microseisms ArchiMer
Ardhuin, Fabrice.
Primary microseisms are background seismic oscillations recorded everywhere on Earth with typical frequencies 0.05 < f < 0.1 Hz. They appear to be generated by ocean waves of the same frequency f, propagating over shallow bottom topography. Previous quantitative models for the generation of primary microseisms considered wave propagation over topographic features with either large scales, equivalent to a vertical point force, or small scales matching ocean wave wavelengths, equivalent to a horizontal force. While the first requires unrealistic bottom slopes to explain measured Rayleigh wave amplitudes, the second produced Love waves and not enough Rayleigh waves. Here we show how the small scales actually produce comparable horizontal and vertical...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Microseisms; Ocean waves; Topography; Sand waves.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Observing Sea States ArchiMer
Ardhuin, Fabrice; Stopa, Justin; Chapron, Bertrand; Collard, Fabrice; Husson, Romain; Jensen, Robert E.; Johannessen, Johnny; Mouche, Alexis; Passaro, Marcello; Quartly, Graham D.; Swail, Val; Young, Ian.
Sea state information is needed for many applications, ranging from safety at sea and on the coast, for which real time data are essential, to planning and design needs for infrastructure that require long time series. The definition of the wave climate and its possible evolution requires high resolution data, and knowledge on possible drift in the observing system. Sea state is also an important climate variable that enters in air-sea fluxes parameterizations. Finally, sea state patterns can reveal the intensity of storms and associated climate patterns at large scales, and the intensity of currents at small scales. A synthesis of user requirements leads to requests for spatial resolution at kilometer scales, and estimations of trends of a few centimeters...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Sea state; Waves; Altimeter; SAR; Swell; Remote sensing; Buoy; Microseisms.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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