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Factors controlling margin instability during the Plio-Quaternary in the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea) 5
Gauchery, Tugdual; Rovere, Marzia; Pellegrini, Claudio; Cattaneo, Antonio; Campiani, Elisabetta; Trincardi, Fabio.
This study presents novel findings on the Pliocene and Quaternary evolution of the Gela Basin (Strait of Sicily, Mediterranean Sea), an area recording the interaction between tectonics, climate change at a Milankovitch and sub-Milankovitch timescales, and dynamic water masses exchange between the eastern and western Mediterranean Sea. The calibration of seismic profiles with exploration boreholes allowed for the refining the chronostratigraphic framework of the Gela Basin and highlighted the main phases of margin growth. Since the Pliocene, the margin has recorded the deposition of 100 m high shelf-edge clinothems, accompanied by sediment drifts on the slope and mass-transport deposits (MTDs), possibly triggered by seismic activity. Through the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Stratigraphy; Middle Pleistocene Transition; Plio-Quaternary; Contourites; Clinothems; Mass-transport deposits; Continental margin evolution; Glacio-eustatic variations.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Orbital variations in planktonic foraminifera assemblages from the Ionian Sea during the Middle Pleistocene Transition 5
Incarbona, Alessandro; Dinares-turell, Jaume; Di Stefano, Enrico; Ippolito, Giuseppe; Pelosi, Nicola; Sprovieri, Rodolfo.
The Middle Pleistocene Transition (1.2-0.7 Ma) is the most recent re-organization of the global climate system which includes variations in the frequency and amplitude of glacial/interglacial cycles, increased ice sheet volume, sea surface temperature cooling and a significant drop in the CO2 atmospheric levels. Here we present high-resolution planktonic foraminifera data (mean sampling resolution of about 780 years) from core LC10 recovered in the Ionian Sea (eastern Mediterranean), between 1.2 and 0.9 Ma. Selected taxa, among them G. ruber, T. quinqueloba and G. bulloides, show significant periodicities that can be associated to orbital cycles, mainly precession and obliquity. The planktonic foraminifera based paleoclimatic curve exhibits a cooling...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Middle Pleistocene Transition; Planktonic foraminifera; Ionian Sea; Orbital climate variability; Neogloboquadrina pachyderma sinistral coiling.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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