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Effect of organic sources of minerals on fat-corrected milk yield of dairy cows in confinement 96
Del Valle,Tiago Antonio; Jesus,Elmeson Ferreira de; Paiva,Pablo Gomes de; Bettero,Vitor Pereira; Zanferari,Filipe; Acedo,Tiago Sabella; Tamassia,Luis Fernando Monteiro; Rennó,Francisco Palma.
This study evaluated the effects of organic and inorganic sources of minerals in diets for mid-lactation dairy cows on milk yield and composition, intake and total apparent digestibility of dry matter and nutrients, blood parameters, microbial protein synthesis, and energy and protein balances. Twenty Holstein cows averaging 146.83±67.34 days in milk and weighing 625.30±80.37 kg were used. The experimental design was a crossover. Diets were composed of corn silage (50%), ground grain corn, and soybean meal, differing with regard to the sources of trace minerals, plus an organic and inorganic mix. The organic mineral source increased milk fat and fat-corrected milk yield without changing milk yield, intake, or total apparent digestibility. Blood parameters,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Holstein; Milk fat; Mineral nutrition; Organic mineral.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Los lípidos, componente indispensable en la dieta para niños 20
Santana, T.; Camejo, J..
El objetivo de esta reseña fue destacar la importancia que tiene la presencia de las grasas y los aceites vegetales en la dieta para niños. En el trabajo se exponen las características fundamentales de ambos grupos de lípidos. Se compara la grasa láctea y la grasa materna en cuanto a composición, haciendo énfasis en esta última debido a que los alimentos para infantes deben mantener la relación de ácidos grasos esenciales en el mismo orden en que se encuentran en la grasa materna. Se resumen los requerimientos de grasa del niño en distintas etapas de su vida, la composición de los aceites vegetales más utilizados en la elaboración de los alimentos, así como algunos aspectos a tener en cuenta al seleccionar una grasa para utilizar en la alimentación infantil.
Tipo: Journal Contribution Palavras-chave: Milk; Lipids; Acids; Oils; Reviews (literature); Milk fat; Essential fatty acids; Human milk; Vegetable oils.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Productive performance of dairy cows fed with hydrolyzed sugarcane 65
Teixeira Junior,Donizeti; Missio,Regis Luis; Sforcini,Mariana Paula Rossi; Oliveira,Mauro Dal Secco de; Ferrari,Viviane Borba; Santos,Rafael Ferreira.
This study aimed to evaluate the productive performance of dairy cows fed with sugarcane treated with 5g kg-1 of calcium oxide (CaO) or hydroxide [Ca(OH)2]. Eight Holstein cows with 638.01±12.52kg of body weight and milk yield of 20.32±1.5kg d-1 were randomly assigned into two 4x4 Latin squares, fed with the following diets composed of corn silage (CS), fresh sugarcane (FS), sugarcane treated with calcium oxide (STCO) or calcium hydroxide (STCH) as only forage. Data collection lasted five days, after 15 days of adaptation to diets and facilities. The dry matter intake (% of body weight) was higher in diets with CS (3.08) compared to those with FS (2.67), STCO (2.73) or STCH (2.73), which did not differ. Diets with CS determined milk production adjusted for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Hydrated lime; Hydrolysis; Milk fat; Nutrient intake; Quicklime..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Simulation of Holstein and Jersey profitability by varying milk price payment system 96
Cunha,Daniel de Noronha Figueiredo Vieira da; Pereira,José Carlos; Campos,Oriel Fajardo de; Gomes,Sebastião Teixeira; Braga,José Luis; Martuscello,Janaina Azevedo.
The objective of the study was to compare through simulation Holstein and Jersey breed herds, considering the farm size, zootechnical and economic indexes and profitability of the activity, by using different systems of bonus payment for milk price based in percentage of fat and protein in the milk. The comparisons were made, initially, disregarding the bonus payment for milk price based on the increase in the fat and protein percentage in milk. After that, the profitability of the activity was compared considering bonus payment for milk price of the Jersey breed herd, for each unit increment in fat and protein percentage in milk above those obtained with the Holstein breed herd. Finally, the profitability of the activity was compared by using the bonus...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Dairy cattle; Milk fat; Milk protein modeling; Simulation.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Szarvasmarhafajták tejtermelésének gazdasági értékelése 31
Buzas, Gyula; Szabo, Ferenc.
Azt vizsgáltuk, hogy a különböző mennyiségű, zsír- és fehérjetartalmú tejet termelő szarvasmarhafajták (holstein-fríz, magyar tarka, jersey) esetében miképpen alakulnak a tejtermelés bevételei és költségei, valamint azt, hogy a koncentráltabb tejért fizetett felárak és a feldolgozásukban jelentkező költségmegtakarítás milyen arányban állnak egymással. Megállapítható volt, hogy a tehenészetek mindhárom fajtánál, a jelenlegi árviszonyok mellett, némi jövedelmet csak a költségvetési támogatásoknak köszönhetően érnek el. A tejtermelésben a fajták versenyképessége legpontosabban a termelési érték és a takarmányköltség különbözete alapján ítélhető meg, az egyéb költségek többségének alakulása ugyanis nem a fajtától függő. A magyar tarka a tejtermelésben nem...
Tipo: Article Palavras-chave: Tejhozam; Tejzsír; Tejfehérje; Tejfeldolgozás; Felárak; Milk yield; Milk fat; Milk protein; Milk processing; Premiums; Livestock Production/Industries; Production Economics.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Yield and composition of milk from dairy cows fed diets containing cashew nuts 124
Pimentel,Patrícia Guimarães; Reis,Ronaldo Braga; Neiva,José Neuman Miranda; Coelho,Sandra Gesteira; Pinto,Andréa Pereira.
ABSTRACT This work evaluated the production and composition of milk from dairy cows fed increasing levels of cashew nuts in the concentrate portion of the diet. Eight Holstein multiparous cows were used, between the third and fifth lactation, with an average milk yield of 28.0 ? 4.0 kg day-1, arranged in a double 4 x 4 Latin square experimental design. The assessed diets consisted of including different amounts of ground cashew nuts (CN): 0; 80; 160 and 240 g kg-1 of concentrate portion, which resulted in ether extract contents of 31.6; 46.0; 68.9 and 73.1 g kg-1 of dietary dry matter, respectively. Corn silage was used as the only roughage at a proportion of 50% and diets were formulated to be isoprotein. Diet was offered as a complete mixture. Average...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Byproduct; Conjugated linoleic acid; Lipids; Milk fat; Milk protein.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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乳脂肪およびその分別物のリパーゼ分解 19
丹治, 幹男; 大西, 正男; 司城, 不二; Tanji, Mikio; Ohnishi, Masao; Tsukasaki, Fuji.
微生物起源の市販リパーゼを用いて、天然のバターフレーバーを強化する目的で乳脂肪を分解した。 1)市販酵素であるパラターゼAとリパーゼFを比較すると、 リパーゼFの方が分解率が高く、フレーバーも良好であった。 また、酵素添加量を増やすことにより短時間で分解率を上げることができた。 2)リパーゼFでバターオイルを分解した壌合、水相量の違い(10%と20%)、水道水の使用および水酸化物添加による加水分解率への影響はほとんどなかった。 3)リパーゼ分解により遊離した脂肪酸としては11種が検出され、そのうち主なものはパルミチン酸、ステアリン酸およびオレイン酸であった。24hと48hの分解時間で比較すると、遊離した脂肪酸量には違いがあったが、その組成はほとんど変わらなかった。またショートニング希釈およびマドレーヌでの実用試験においても、分解時間によるフレーバーの違いは単に強度的なものだけであった。 4)乳脂肪から分別された低融点画分を同様にリパーゼで分解すると、分解率はバターオイルの場合と比べて多少低かったが、遊離した短・中鎖の脂肪酸組成には差がなかった。官能試験では、刺激臭が弱くなり風味的にマイルドで、またマドレーヌでの実用試験にいでもフレーバー改善効果が認められた。しかし、これはバターフレーバー成分が分別の過程で低融点性画分に多く移行したことによると判断された。
Palavras-chave: バター; 乳脂肪; リパーゼ; 加水分解; フレーバー; Butter; Milk fat; Lipase; Hydrolysis; Flavor.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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