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Contractual Relationships in the Hungarian Milk Sector AgEcon
Bakucs, Lajos Zoltan; Ferto, Imre; Szabo, Gabor G..
In this paper we present an empirical analysis of farmers’ contracting choice in the Hungarian milk sector using 2005 milk producer survey data, employing transaction cost economics. We focus on analysing some key determinants of farmers’ contracting choices: type of contracts, duration, number of contractors, incentives provided in the contract and business history of farmers and buyers. Some of the main results include the importance and effect of farm size, quantity of milk delivered, planned short and long run or contract related investment on farm, the possibility of farmer to influence prices on the contracting choices.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Transaction costs; Contracts; Milk products; Hungary; Agricultural and Food Policy; Institutional and Behavioral Economics; Political Economy.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Crop-livestock linkages in watersheds of Andhra Pradesh Open Agri
Subrahmanyam, S..
Palavras-chave: Watersheds; Milk; Milk products; Cropping patterns; Fallow systems; Arid zones; Concentrates; Dry matter; Assets; Sampling.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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DELICIAS naturais: queijo Andino. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Queijo Andino; Fabricação; Milk products; Processed products; Caprino; Leite de Cabra; Tecnologia de alimento; Produto derivado do leite; Goat cheese; Goat milk.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Economic value of sorghum stover traded as fodder for urban and peri-urban dairy production in Hyderabad, India Open Agri
Blümmel, M..
Palavras-chave: Crude protein; Sorghum; Hybrids; Grain; Proteins; Milk products; Sampling; Marketing; Millets; Milk.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Proceedings of the Planning Workshop of Regional Stakeholders on Increasing Livestock Productivity in Mixed Crop-Livestock Systems in South Asia Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Milk; Mixed farming; Crops; Farming systems; Milk products; Products; Statistics; Veterinary services; Land management; Livestock.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Processamento artesanal de queijo caprino simbiótico tipo petit-suisse. Infoteca-e
VIEIRA, A. D. S.; SANTOS, K. M. O. dos; BARCELOS, S. C. de; OLIVEIRA, I. C.; SAAD, S. M. I..
Descreve o processo desenvolvido para a produção do queijo tipo petit-suisse simbiótico a partir de leite de cabra e polpa de maracujá, com adição da cultura probiótica Lactobacillus rhamnosus Lr-32 e dos ingredientes prebióticos inulina e frutooligossacarideos (FOS). Alternativamente, outras culturas probióticas comercialmente disponíveis e diferentes polpas de frutas podem ser utilizadas para a produção do queijo caprino tipo petit-suisse, mediante ajustes na formulação recomendada.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Alimento funcional; Produção artesanal; Petit-suisse Cheese; Synbiotic; Milk products; Caprino; Queijo; Tecnologia de alimento; Produto derivado do leite; Goat cheese; Probiotics; Prebiotics.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Production of yeast extracts from whey for food use: market and technical considerations Ciênc. Tecnol. Aliment.
Whey is produced in large amounts by cheese industries. This by-product can be used for biomass production by yeast cultivation, resulting in commercially attractive products. The use of yeast extracts as source of flavour enhancer consists of an expansible market, encouraged by costumer's choice for natural additives. The development of a suitable and economically viable project for the generation of valued-added by-products, may allow the dairy industry to diversify their portfolio and increase their rentability.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Milk products; Cheese whey; Yeast; Yeast extract; Food enhancers.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Queijo Coalho caprino maturado e defumado adicionado de cultura lática nativa com potencial probiótico. Infoteca-e
LAGUNA, L. E.; SANTOS, K. M. O. dos; BARCELOS, S. C. de; SALLES, H. O.; MORAES, G. M. D. de; EGITO, A. S. do.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Queijo de cabra; Alimento funcional probiótico; Produto lácteo; Fabricação artesanal; Processamento artesanal; Queijo defumado; Queijo maturado; Milk products; Caprino; Tecnologia de Alimento; Produto Derivado do Leite; Food technology; Goat cheese; Goat milk; Lactobacillus rhamnosus; Probiotics; Health foods.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Queijos caprinos elaborados com cultura láctica termofílica. Infoteca-e
O objetivo do presente trabalho foi desenvolver, em escala laboratorial, um processo tecnológico adequado à utilização da cultura láctica termofílica, na elaboração de um novo tipo de queijo caprino.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Bacteria termofilica; Produto lácteo; Bactéria lática; Milk products; Tecnologia de alimento; Produto derivado do leite; Caprino; Leite de cabra; Queijo; Processamento; Food technology; Goat cheese; Goat milk; Food processing; Lactic acid bacteria.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Technology options for sustainable livestock production in India Open Agri
Palavras-chave: Technology; Breeds (animals); Milk; Crossbreds; Milk products; Wool; Breeding methods; Grazing systems; Oligosaccharides.
Ano: 2024 URL:
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The patterns of retail price variation. The case of milk products AgEcon
Ferto, Imre; Bakucs, Lajos Zoltan.
We examine retail price variation across a range of milk products in Hungary. Our results show that majority of products have regular prices and the most deviations from that regular price are upward. We find significant differences across products in terms of price distributions. Sales are infrequent for majority of products and its role is limited in annual price variation. Results do not confirm that durable goods should have qualitatively different pricing pattern than less-durable goods. Although existing models of retail sales yield predictions consistent with some aspects of the retail pricing distributions, all of these models fail to explain other important aspects of retail pricing identified here.
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Retail prices; Sales; Milk products; Demand and Price Analysis; Industrial Organization; Marketing; L 13.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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インド北部ヒマラヤ山脈西部北斜面チャンタン地域における遊牧民の生業構造についての予備調査 : 遊牧民カルナクパD世帯における食料摂取の事例から OAK
平田, 昌弘; Hirata, Masahiro.
The preliminary nutritional survey on a D household of “Karnak-pa” nomad was conducted in Changtang area, Ladakh region of north India to understand the situation of food intake by the nomads of which subsistence depend only on livestock keeping, not on crop producing, and analyze its characteristics. The characteristics of food intake in the D household are summarized as the following 9 points. 1) The daily food intake is composed by 5 times such us morning cheese-barley soup named as “Tsam thuk”, breakfast, lunch, evening tea/food and dinner. 2) The energy intake of Karnak-pa nomad was supplied by 39.3 % - 45.0 % from self-sufficient foods and 55.0 % - 60.7 % from purchased foods. Although Karnak-pa nomads don’t engage in any agricultural production...
Palavras-chave: 遊牧; 乳製品; 大麦; ; ; 有限性; 謙虚; 高地適応; Nomadism; Milk products; Barley; Beans; Meat; Limitation; Modesty; Adaptation in high altitude.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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インド北部ラダーク山岳地帯の移牧民の生業構造 : ドムカル村における食料摂取の視座から OAK
平田, 昌弘; Hirata, Masahiro.
The food intake of agro-pastoralists was surveyed in the hilly high altitude of Ladakh,northern India to understand the characteristics of those subsistence,to discuss their adaptation strategy to high altitude circumstances and to reconsider the pastoralism theory through the case study of transhumance. The characteristics of their food intake are 1) the daily food intake is composed by 5 times such us morning tea,breakfast,lunch, evening tea and dinner,2) they don't take any meat in normal daily life, 3) necessary nutrients are mostly supplied by taking beans,fresh and dry vegetables,milk products and cereals,4) cereals contribute mostly to the nutrient intake,5) the intake of purchased wheat and rice become bigger than self-supplied barley,6) the milk...
Palavras-chave: 移牧; 乳製品; 大麦; ; ; 有限性; 謙虚; 高地適応; Transhumance; Milk products; Barley; Beans; Meat; Limitation; Modesty; Adaptation in hilly high altitude.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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