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A laboratory model system for analysing microbial interactions occurring in anoxic estuarine sediments. ArchiMer
Herbert, R; Keith, S.
Defined mixed populations of Clostridium butyricum, Desulfovibrio desulfuricans and Chromatium vinosum co-existed for long periods when grown in a single stage chemostat with glucose as sole carbon source. The nature and availability of the inorganic nitrogen source exerted a major effect on carbon flow in the experimental system. The data show that both the C. butyricum and D. desulfuricans isolates can utilise NO sub(3) as an e super(-)acceptor with an increase in cell yield. Under these growth conditions the free S super(2-) levels were lower resulting in more stable mixed populations. In addition the data show that the C. butyricum produces more oxidised fermentation end-products (acetate) when NO sub(3) super(-) was available and more reduced products...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Chromatium vinosum; Desulfovibrio desulfuricans; Clostridium butyricum; Biogeochemistry; Models; Bacteria; Detritus; Mineralization; Anoxic sediments; Estuarine sedimentation; Analytical techniques; Carbon cycle; Interspecific relationships; Microbiology.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Action des epandages de craie (ou CaCO3) sur les vases des claires et des parcs ostreicoles. ArchiMer
Feuillet, Michelle; Gouleau, Dominique.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Water quality; Mineralization; Mud; Oyster pond; Chalk spreeding.
Ano: 1977 URL:
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Alternativas para mineralização de bovinos em Roraima. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Alternativa; Brasil; Roraima; Bovine; Bovino; Mineralização; Brazil; Mineralization.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Comparison of the Growth and Mineralization of the Femur, Tibia, and Metatarsus of Broiler Chicks Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Avic.
Han,JC; Qu,HX; Wang,JG; Chen,GH; Yan,YF; Zhang,JL; Hu,FM; You,LY; Cheng,YH.
ABSTRACTThis study aimed at comparing the growth and mineralization of the femur, tibia, and metatarsus of male and female broiler chicks. On the day of hatch, 100 male and 100 female Ross 308 broiler chicks were transferred stainless cages with 10 birds per cage. On d 7, 14, 21, 28, 35, and 42, five males and five females were sacrificed and their femur, tibia, and metatarsus were collected. Results showed that the tibia was the heaviest and the longest and contained the highest content of ash and calcium (Ca) among the three leg bones. The femur had the greatest diameter. The weight, length, diameter, and ash weight of the femur, tibia, and metatarsus linearly increased with age. The ash, Ca, and phosphorus (P) content in the femur and the tibia...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bone; Mineralization; Calcium; Phosphorus; Broiler chick..
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Controle sanitário e mineralização para bovinos na região dos cerrados. Infoteca-e
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Supplements; Mineral nutrition; MIneralization Cerrado; Bovino; Cerrado; Mineralização; Nutrição; Nutrição Animal; Saúde; Suplemento Mineral; Veterinária; Animal health; Animal nutrition; Cattle; Mineralization.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Decomposition and nutrient release of leguminous green manure species in the Jaguaribe-Apodi region, Ceará, Brazil Ciência Rural
Pereira,Natanael Santiago; Soares,Ismail; Miranda,Fábio Rodrigues de.
ABSTRACT: The use of leguminous green manure can be an alternative for the region agricultural systems due to its ability to incorporate significant amounts of nutrients into the soil through decomposition and nutrient release from biomass. This study aimed to evaluate the decomposition rates and nutrient release of six leguminous green manure species ( Crotalaria juncea , Canavalia ensiformes , Cajanus cajan , Crotalaria spectabilis , Dolichos lablab and Mucuna deeringiana ) in an area of the Jaguaribe-Apodi agricultural region, Brazil. Experiment was carried out under field conditions in a randomized block design with five replications. Decomposition and nutrient release from leguminous biomass were monitored by sampling at 30, 60, 90, 120, 150 and 180...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Mineralization; Nutrient cycling; Plant residues.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Dinâmica do nitrogênio no solo em áreas de cerrado e de pastagens cultivadas no Pantanal Sul Mato-Grossense. Infoteca-e
Um estudo foi conduzido em fazenda do Pantanal Sul Mato-Grossense, visando avaliar as alteracoes nas taxas de mineralizacao de N e nitrificacao liquidas no solo, em consequencia do desmatamento e implantacao de pastagens cultivadas. Foram tomadas dez amostras de solo compostas, em seis epocas a partir da semeadura da graminea, analisados os teores de amonia e nitrato, e calculadas as taxas de mineralizacao e nitrificacao. Os resultados mostraram que o desmatamento e implantacao de pastagem provocou alteracoes significativas na dinamica do nitrogenio do solo, com conteudos menores de amonia e maiores de nitrato, e menores taxas de mineralizacao e nitrificacao liquidas no solo das areas sob pastagem em relacao ao solo das areas sob cerrado nativo.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Pasture; Mineralização; Nitrogênio; Pastagem; Solo; Pantanal; Nitrogen; Mineralization; Soil.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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Dissolved inorganic carbon and metabolism of an eutrophic lacustrine system: variations from a 36-hours study BJB
Based on variations of pelagial dissolved inorganic carbon (DIC) concentrations this article provides estimations of net primary productivity and net mineralization -- net carbon metabolism -- in Cima Lake (Rio de Janeiro State). DIC concentrations varied from 203 to 773 µmol L-1 and %CO2(aq) (saturation) from 339 to 4,901. Net carbon metabolism per light/dark periods from the 36 hours of study ranged, respectively, from -556 to 503 mmol DIC m-2 12 h-1. Marked variations in daily net carbon metabolism of the lake were also observed. The values ranged from -25 to -194 mmol DIC m-2 day-1. The findings were discussed as indicators of dynamic biological behavior toward production or mineralization of organic matter in the system. And, the system seemed to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: DIC; Carbon metabolism; Net primary productivity; Mineralization; Eutrophic lake.
Ano: 2000 URL:
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Dissolved organic carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus in the N-E Atlantic and the N-W Mediterranean with particular reference to non-refractory fractions and degradation ArchiMer
Aminot, Alain; Kerouel, Roger.
Dissolved organic carbon (DOC), dissolved organic nitrogen (DON) and dissolved organic phosphorus (DOP) measured in deep profiles in the N-E Atlantic and in the N-W Mediterranean in the period 1984-2002 are described. After accurate validation, they show close agreement with those previously published. Classic profiles were obtained, with concentrations decreasing in deep waters. In the Mediterranean and in the Atlantic comparable concentrations were found in the 1500-2000 m waters, 44-46 mumol 1(-1) DOC, 2.6-2.8 mumol 1(-1) DON and 0.02-0.03 mumol 1-1 DOP. In the surface layers, DOC concentrations were higher, but DON and DOP concentrations lower, in the Mediterranean than in the Atlantic, leading to higher element ratios in the Mediterranean. In autumn,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: N W Mediterranean; N E Atlantic; Mineralization; Non refractory; Refractory; Dissolved organic phosphorus; Dissolved organic nitrogen; Dissolved organic carbon.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Diuron Sorption, Desorption and Degradation in Anthropogenic Soils Compared to Sandy Soil Planta Daninha
ABSTRACT: The aim of this study was to evaluate diuron sorption, desorption and degradation in two anthropogenic soils (Terra Preta de Índio - TPI) in contrast to a sandy soil (Quartzarenic Neosol - NQo). Sorption-desorption studies were performed by the batch equilibrium method and biodegradation in biometric bottles using radiolabeled diuron in 14C. Freundlich coefficient (Kf) values ranged from 13.50 to 50.41 µmol(1-1/n) L1/n kg-1 in TPI-2 and TPI-1, respectively, indicating very high diuron sorption in anthropogenic soils, following the order: TPI-1 ≥ TPI-2 > NQo (99.10, 98.95 and 60.8%, respectively). Diuron desorption was very low in anthropogenic soils, ranging from 1.36 (TPI-1) to 1.70% (TPI-2), and 24% to NQo. Accumulated diuron mineralization...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bound residue; Mineralization; Sorption isotherms; Amazonian soils.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effect of P depletion on the functional pools of diatom carbohydrates, and their utilization by bacterial communities ArchiMer
Labry, Claire; Delmas, Daniel; Moriceau, Brivaela; Gallinari, Morgane; Quere, Julien; Youenou, Agnes.
Phosphorus (P) limitation of phytoplankton growth is known to affect the accumulation and release of carbohydrates (CHO) by micro-algae. However, relatively little is known about the fate of algal exudates, notably their bacterial degradation. The CHO chemical characterization is also not exhaustive, especially in ‘functional’ pools relevant for phytoplankton physiology (particulate reserve [R] or structural [S] CHO) and for bacterial degradation (dissolved mono- [MDCHO] and polysaccharides [P-DCHO]). In this study, we investigated how P depletion and repletion affect the CHO composition in diatom Thalassiosira weissflogii cultures, and the shortterm response of free and diatom-attached bacteria in terms of abundance and potential βglucosidase activity...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: P limitation; Phytoplankton; Diatom; Bacteria; Mineralization; Carbohydrate; Glucosidase.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effect of previous soil management on sugarcane response to nitrogen fertilization Scientia Agricola
Otto,Rafael; Mariano,Eduardo; Mulvaney,Richard Lesley; Khan,Saeed Ahmad; Boschiero,Beatriz Nastaro; Tenelli,Sarah; Trivelin,Paulo Cezar Ocheuze.
ABSTRACT: N Fertilizer recommendations must be improved to optimize N use efficiency (NUE) for bioenergy crops. A study was conducted to test the hypothesis that sites varying in historical usage of by-product differ in soil N-supplying power and sugarcane (Saccharum spp.) responsiveness to N fertilization. Our aim was to quantify soil N availability and N fertilizer rates, sources, and application timings for their effects on sugarcane yield and NUE. Three N response trials, each involving 0 to 200 kg N ha−1, were conducted in the state of São Paulo, Brazil, at sites varying historically in the usage of vinasse. Before fertilizer application and at harvest, soil inorganic N content was quantified and potential N mineralization estimated by the Illinois...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Saccharum spp.; Illinois Soil N Test; Inorganic N; Vinasse; Mineralization.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Effects of fluoride on proliferation and mineralization in periodontal ligament cells in vitro BJMBR
Li,K.Q.; Jia,S.S.; Ma,M.; Shen,H.Z.; Xu,L.; Liu,G.P.; Huang,S.Y.; Zhang,D.S..
Fluoride, which is often added to toothpaste or mouthwash in order to protect teeth from decay, may be a novel therapeutic approach for acceleration of periodontal regeneration. Therefore, we investigated the effects of fluoride on proliferation and mineralization in human periodontal ligament cells in vitro. The periodontal ligament cells were stimulated with various concentrations of NaF added into osteogenic inductive medium. Immunohistochemistry of cell identification, cell proliferation, alkaline phosphatase (ALP) activity assay, Alizarin red S staining and quantitative real-time-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) were performed. Moderate concentrations of NaF (50-500 μmol/L) had pro-proliferation effects, while 500 μmol/L had the best effects. ALP...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fluoride; Periodontitis; Periodontal ligament cells; Mineralization.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Enhanced degradation of metalaxyl in agricultural soils of São Paulo State, Brazil PAB
Papini,Solange; Andréa,Mara Mercedes de.
This work investigated the effect of repeated applications on enhanced degradation of metalaxyl in two different agricultural soils used for cultivation of orange and lemon from Casa Branca and Itapetininga districts of São Paulo State, Brazil. Soil samples were collected from areas repeatedly treated with commercial ridomil 50GR for six successive years, and from other areas never exposed to this fungicide. At the laboratory, soil samples received a 14C-metalaxyl solution and its degradation was studied through radiometric techniques to measure biomineralization and recovery of extractable- and soil-bound products. Enhanced degradation was verified only in one soil, although partial degradation and mineralization of the fungicide were detected in both...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Fungicides; Biodegradation; Mineralization; Soil deterioration.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Fontes de alimentos para caprinos. Infoteca-e
RAMOS, G. M.; BEZERRA, A. A. de C.; CAMARA, J. A. da S..
Forrageiras nativas - arvores e arbustos; Melhoramento das pastagens nativas; Restos de culturas; Leguminosas arbustivas cultivadas; Fabricacao de feno de feijao guandu, leucena e rama de mandioca; Mineralizacao; Mistura multipla; Aguadas.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Leguminosa arbustiva; Leucena; Rama de mandioca; Mistura multipla; Goat; Feeding; Native pasture; Caprino; Guandu; Mineralização; Nutrição Animal; Pastagem Nativa; Cassava; Legumes; Pigeon peas; Mineralization.
Ano: 1999 URL:
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Glyphosate behavior in a Rhodic Oxisol under no-till and conventional agricultural systems Rev. Bras. Ciênc. Solo
Prata,Fábio; Lavorenti,Arquimedes; Regitano,Jussara Borges; Vereecken,Harry; Tornisielo,Valdemar Luiz; Pelissari,Adelino.
The behavior of glyphosate in a Rhodic Oxisol, collected from fields under no-till and conventional management systems in Ponta Grossa, Parana state (Brazil) was investigated. Both agricultural systems had been in production for 23 years. Glyphosate mineralization, soil-bound forms, sorption and desorption kinetics, sorption/desorption batch experiments, and soil glyphosate phythoavailability (to Panicum maximum) were determined. The mineralization experiment was set up in a completely randomized design with a 2 x 2 factorial scheme (two management systems and two 14C radiolabelled positions in the glyphosate), with five replicates. 14CO2 evolution was measured in 7-day intervals during 63 days. The glyphosate sorption kinetics was investigated in a batch...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Herbicide; Sorption; Degradation; Mineralization; Phytotoxicity; Panicum maximum.
Ano: 2005 URL:
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Glyphosate Mineralization: Effect of Temperature and Soybean and Corn Crop Residues Chilean J. Agric. Res.
Rampoldi,Ariel; Hang,Susana; Barriuso,Enrique.
Mineralization is the main mechanism of dissipation of glyphosate herbicide (N-[phosphonomethyl] glycine) in soil. However, there is scarce information about the mineralization process in strata formed by stubbles in no-tillage systems. The kinetics and rate of mineralization of herbicide in stubbles of soybean (Glycine max L. Merr.) and corn (Zea mays L.) were investigated. To evaluate the effect of age of crop residues, samples of soybean stubbles were collected immediately after harvest (Soja 1) and four months after harvest (Soja 2). Corn crop residues were collected three months after harvest. Glyphosate evolution and total microbial activity (TMA) were monitored by release of 14C-CO2 and C-CO2 under laboratory conditions with two temperatures, 15 and...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Glyphosate; Stubbles; Mineralization; Non-tillage system; Total microbial activity.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Influence of repeated applications of glyphosate on its persistence and soil bioactivity PAB
Andréa,Mara Mercedes de; Peres,Terezinha Bonanho; Luchini,Luiz Carlos; Bazarin,Sheila; Papini,Solange; Matallo,Marcus Barifouse; Savoy,Vera Lucia Tedeschi.
Pesticide degradation studies are essential to evaluate its impact in the environment and on non-target organisms. The effect of repeated soil applications of the herbicide glyphosate on its dissipation and on soil microorganisms was studied by radiometric and microbial techniques. Results indicated fast dissipation of the [14C]-glyphosate or [14C]metabolites extractable residues (half-life of 0.92±0.29 month), but increasing half-lives of total mineralization ranging from 2.2 to 3.4 months as the number of applications increased from 1 to 4. No significant correlation was found between 14CO2 production and dehydrogenase activity.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Pesticide residues; Mineralization; Dehydrogenases; Soil treatment.
Ano: 2003 URL:
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Interrelations entre des communautes mixtes de bacteries anaerobies isolees de sediments marins ArchiMer
Marty, D.
The mineralization of cellulose was examined in mono and cocultures of marine anaerobic bacteria (cellulolytic bacteria, fermentative non-cellulolytic bacteria and methane-producing bacteria). These studies displayed interactions between these groups of microorganisms: inhibition relationships (inhibition of methanogens during active growth of fermentative bacteria) and syntrophic relationships (growth of fermentative non-cellulolytic bacteria depended on metabolites produced by cellulolytic bacteria; increased in rate of cellulose hydrolysis in presence of fermentative non-cellulolytic bacteria; interspecies H sub(2) transfer reaction between fermentative bacteria and methane-producing bacteria).
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Biogeochemistry; Sedimentation; Sediments; Fermentation; Mineralization; Cellulose; Methanogenesis; Interspecific relationships; Anaerobic bacteria.
Ano: 1984 URL:
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Kinetics of the aerobic decomposition of Talauma ovata and Saccharum officinarum - doi: 10.4025/actascibiolsci.v34i4.9396 Biological Sciences
Gimenes, Karen Zauner; Universidade Federal de São Carlos; Leite-Rossi, Luciene Aparecida; Universidade Federal de São Carlos; Cunha-Santino, Marcela Bianchessi; Universidade Federal de São Carlos; Bianchini Junior, Irineu; Universidade Federal de São Carlos; Trivinho-Strixino, Susana; Universidade Federal de São Carlos.
The aim of this study is to evaluate the kinetics of aerobic decomposition of Saccharum officinarum and Talauma ovata leaves. For each species, decomposition chambers (leaves and water) were set up, which were maintained under controlled conditions. Each sampling day (1, 7, 15, 30, 39, 58, 72 and 90 days), the concentrations of total organic carbon, pH and electrical conductivity (EC) were determined in the dissolved fraction, while the mass and cell wall fractions (CWF) were determined in the particulate fraction. The pH stabilization of the chambers with T. ovata and S. officinarum leaves occurred in alkaline (ca. 8 - 8.5) and close to the neutrality (ca. 7 - 7.5) environment, respectively. The EC values were on average 1.6 times higher in incubations...
Palavras-chave: riparian zone; Mass loss; Mineralization; Dissolved organic carbon; Particulate organic carbon
Ano: 2012 URL:
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