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Evaluating deepwater fisheries management strategies using a mixed-fisheries and spatially explicit modelling framework ArchiMer
Marchal, Paul; Vermard, Youen.
Wehave used in this study a spatially explicit bioeconomic modelling framework to evaluate management strategies, building in both datarich and data-limited harvest control rules (HCRs), for a mix of deepwater fleets and species, on which information is variable. The main focus was on blue ling (Molva dypterygia). For that species, both data-rich and data-limited HCRs were tested, while catch per unit effort (CPUE) was used either to tune stock assessments, or to directly trigger management action. There were only limited differences between the performances of both HCRs when blue ling biomass was initialized at the current level, but blue ling recovered more quickly with the data-rich HCR when its initial biomass was severely depleted. Both types of HCR...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bioeconomic model; Catch per unit effort; Fleet dynamics; Harvest control rules; Management strategy evaluation; Mixed fisheries.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Evidence of package trading in a mature multi-species ITQ market ArchiMer
Innes, James; Thebaud, Olivier; Norman-lopez, Ana; Little, L. Richard; Kung, John.
In multi-species fisheries managed under ITQs, the existence of joint production may lead to complex catch-quota balancing issues. Previous modelling and experimental research suggest that, in such fisheries, some fishers may benefit from the ability to trade packages of fishing quotas, rather than fulfil their quota needs by simultaneously bidding on separate single-species quota markets. This note presents evidence of naturally occurring package trades in a real fishery. Based on this evidence, we suggest that further empirical and modelling research is required on the potential and limitations of package quota trading in mixed fisheries managed with ITQs.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: ITQs; Mixed fisheries; Package trading; Joint production; Great Barrier Reef.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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Exploring habitat credits to manage the benthic impact in a mixed fishery ArchiMer
Batsleer, J.; Marchal, Paul; Vaz, Sandrine; Vermard, Youen; Rijnsdorp, A. D.; Poos, J. J..
The performance of a combined catch quota and habitat credit system was explored to manage the sustainable exploitation of a mix of demersal fish species and reduce the benthic impacts of bottom trawl fisheries using a dynamic state variable model approach. The model was parameterised for the Eastern English Channel demersal mixed fishery using otter trawls or dredges. Target species differed in their association with habitat types. Restricting catch quota for plaice and cod had a limited effect on benthic impact, except when reduced to very low values, forcing the vessels to stay in port. Quota management had a minimal influence on fishing behaviour and hence resulted in a minimal reduction of benthic impact. Habitat credits may reduce the benthic impacts...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fleet dynamics; Dynamic state variable modelling; TAC; Total allowable catch; Mixed fisheries; Eastern English Channel; Plaice; Cod.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Fishing fleet typology, economic dependence, and species landing profiles of the French fleets in the Bay of Biscay, 2000-2006 ArchiMer
Daures, Fabienne; Rochet, Marie-joelle; Van Iseghem, Sylvie; Trenkel, Verena.
Thirty French fleets fishing primarily in the Bay of Biscay were defined based on techno-economic input criteria: i) 18 fishing gear or gear combinations ii) the location of fishing grounds visited during a year (<12 nautical miles from coast, beyond 12 nm or both) and iii) total vessel length (<20 m for trawlers and other gears <24 m). The fleets were then characterised in terms of horse power, economic dependence on a list of nine dominant commercial species (sole, Nephrops, sea bass, hake, monkfish, anchovy, cuttlefish, sardine and squid) and their contribution to the landings of these species from the Bay of Biscay. Most fleets derived the majority of their income from one or two among the nine species. Species dependencies changed little...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing methods; Fishing vessels; Fleet dynamics; Mixed fisheries; Catch distribution; Economy; Atlantic Ocean.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Fishing strategy development under changing conditions: examples from the French offshore fleet fishing in the North Atlantic ArchiMer
Holley, Jean-francois; Marchal, Paul.
A typology is presented for the French offshore fleet fishing in the North Atlantic. The investigation was carried out separately for all years between 1985 and 2002. Two methods were combined: PCA and cluster analysis. In 1985, most vessels targeted saithe off western Scotland (vessels from Lorient) and in the northern North Sea (vessels from Boulogne and Fecamp). Then, probably because of the decline in biomass of saithe, some vessels started to target deepwater species from the early 1990s. In 2002, some vessels fished exclusively for saithe (>80%), while others targeted mainly deepwater species. In all, 12 fisheries are identified for the period 1985-2002. Results are given of a preliminary investigation trying to identify the external factors...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Saithe; Multivariate analyses; Mixed fisheries; Fishing strategy; Fisheries dynamics; Deepwater species.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Flexibility of joint production in mixed fisheries and implications for management ArchiMer
Briton, Florence; Thebaud, Olivier; Macher, Claire; Gardner, Caleb; Richard Little, Lorne.
Over the past decade, efforts have been made to factor technical interactions into management recommendations for mixed fisheries. Yet, the dynamics underlying joint production in mixed fisheries are generally poorly captured in operational mixed fisheries models supporting total allowable catch advice. Using an integrated ecological–economic simulation model, we explore the extent to which fishers are likely to alter the species composition of their landings in a mixed fishery managed with individual transferable quotas, the Australian Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery. Our simulations capture three different types of joint production problems, highlighting the flexibility that exists in terms of achievable catch compositions when quota...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fishing behaviour; ITQ; Joint production; Mixed fisheries; Southern and Eastern Scalefish and Shark Fishery; TAC advice.
Ano: 2021 URL:
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Impact des mesures de gestion sur la dynamique de la pêcherie pélagique du golfe de Gascogne : Quelles certitudes ? Quels descripteurs ? ArchiMer
Lehuta, Sigrid.
Quantitative evaluations of management measure impact on resource and fleet viability are required to provide diagnostics and feed decision process. Fisheries are complex systems where numerous dynamics interact at various spatial and temporal scales. This complexity and the difficulty to observe marine systems are responsible for the high uncertainty surrounding fishery functioning that makes it hard to identify adequate management measures. The increasing consideration of uncertainties in diagnostics argues in favor of robust management measures rather than optimal management measures. Identifying robust management measures requires the development of models that account for complexity and uncertainty in the description and prediction of management...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Modélisation; Pêcherie mixte; Gestion des pêcheries; Incertitudes; Simulation; Analyse de sensibilité; Indicateurs; Gestion spatialisée; ISIS-Fish; Modeling; Mixed fisheries; Fishery management; Uncertainty; Simulation; Sensitivity analysis; Indicators; Spatialised management; ISIS-Fish.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Les pêcheries mixtes de langoustine et merlu du Golfe de Gascogne, modélisation bio-économique et simulation des procédures de gestion ArchiMer
Charuau, Anatole.
Fishing crayfish on the gulf's mudflats is a traditional business practised by 450 boats of 12 to 18 metres in length and employs 2,500 sailors. In the north of the gulf, this activity is exclusive, in the south, immature hake are also caught, because the crayfish areas coincide, in part, with the nurseries of the northern stock of this species. Management of these fisheries, called mixed, of crayfish and hake is one of the greatest problems of the Gulf of Gascony. All assessments tend to show the responsibility of the crayfish boats in the future of the hake stock. The solution is likely to pass through a generalised increase of the 80 mm meshing that would lead, eventually, the hake stock yield to its maximum, but would eliminate a great many trades...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mixed fisheries; Bio economical modelisation; Bay of Biscay; Simulation; Prawn; Hake; Fishing fleet strategy; Fishing assessment; Pecherie mixre; Golfe de Gascogne; Modele bio economique; Simulation; Langoustine; Merlu; Stratégie des flottilles; Gestion des pêcheries.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Mixed fisheries management: protecting the weakest link ArchiMer
Batsleer, Jurgen; Poos, J. J.; Marchal, Paul; Vermard, Youen; Rijnsdorp, A. D..
North Sea cod Gadus morhua stock is outside safe biological limits, and total allowable catch (TAC) management has proved ineffective to rebuild the stock. The European Commission is considering the imposition of a discard ban to preserve vulnerable and economically important fish stocks. We explored the potential effects of a discard ban in mixed fisheries management using the French mixed fisheries in the Eastern English Channel as a model system. We examined in particular the performance of 2 different management scenarios: (1) individual quota management with a tolerance for discarding and (2) individual quota management in combination with a discard ban, using a dynamic state variable model. The model evaluates a time series of decisions taken by...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Discard ban; TAC; Dynamic State Variable Modelling; Eastern English Channel; Cod; Gadus morhua; Mixed fisheries; Fleet dynamics.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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Reconciling single-species TACs in the North Sea demersal fisheries using the Fcube mixed-fisheries advice framework ArchiMer
Ulrich, Clara; Reeves, Stuart A.; Vermard, Youen; Holmes, Steven J.; Vanhee, Willy.
Single-species management is a cause of discarding in mixed fisheries, because individual management objectives may not be consistent with each other and the species are caught simultaneously in relatively unselective fishing operations. As such, the total allowable catch (TAC) of one species may be exhausted before the TAC of another, leading to catches of valuable fish that cannot be landed legally. This important issue is, however, usually not quantified and not accounted for in traditional management advice. A simple approach using traditional catch and effort information was developed, estimating catch potentials for distinct fleets (groups of vessels) and metiers (type of activity), and hence quantifying the risks of over-and underquota utilization...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Advice; Demersal; Effort; Fcube; Mixed fisheries; North Sea; TACs.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Regional metier definition: a comparative investigation of statistical methods using a workflow applied to international otter trawl fisheries in the North Sea ArchiMer
Deporte, Nicolas; Ulrich, Clara; Mahevas, Stephanie; Demaneche, Sebastien; Bastardie, Francois.
The European Common Fisheries Policy recognizes the importance of accounting for heterogeneity in fishing practices, and metier-based sampling is now at the core of the EU Data Collection Framework. The implementation of such an approach would require Member States to agree on the standard regional metier definitions and on practical rules to categorize logbook records into metiers. Several alternative approaches have been used in the past to categorize landings profiles, but no consensus has yet emerged. A generic open-source workflow is developed to test and compare a selection of methods, including principal components analysis (PCA), hierarchical agglomerative clustering (HAC), K-means, and Clustering LARge Applications (CLARA), and to provide simple...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Cluster; Data Collection Framework (DCF); Logbooks; Mtier; Mixed fisheries; Multivariate analysis; North Sea.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Spatial distribution of discards in mixed fisheries: species trade-offs, potential spatial avoidance and national contrasts ArchiMer
Robert, Marianne; Calderwood, Julia; Radford, Zachary; Catchpole, Tom; Reid, David G.; Pawlowski, Lionel.
Since 2015, the European Union gradually implemented the landing obligation (LO). This prohibits at-sea discarding of species under total allowable catch management. Spatiotemporal avoidance strategies and increasing fishing gear selectivity are two complementary levers that could help fishers in reducing the amount of discards. The objective of this paper is to analyse discarding practices of demersal mixed fisheries in the central part of the Celtic Sea to inform on potential spatial avoidance strategies of unwanted catches in a multi-species context. This study provides the first international and fine scale discard maps based on combined observer at-sea data from Ireland, France and the UK, the main countries fishing in the area. Using a suite of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fisheries management; Landing obligation; Discards; Mixed fisheries; Celtic Sea.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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