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Predictive ageing of elastomers: Oxidation driven modulus changes for polychloroprene 5
Le Gac, Pierre-yves; Celina, Mathew; Roux, Gerard; Verdu, Jacques; Davies, Peter; Fayolle, Bruno.
The oxidative ageing in the range of 60 °C–140 °C of sulfur vulcanized polychloroprene has been studied by FTIR spectroscopy (double bond consumption), modulus changes and oxygen absorption measurements. Experiments were carried out on thin films and thick samples to investigate both homogeneous and inhomogeneous (diffusion controlled) oxidation with the goal of establishing the underlying correlation between oxidative degradation chemistry and mechanical property changes. A correlation between oxidatively driven degradation chemistry and modulus is possible using the established approaches of rubber elasticity where an effective crosslinking yield due to double bond reactions is of the order of 30% for this material (i.e. the loss of 3 double bonds...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Polychloroprene; Ageing; Sulfur vulcanization; Oxidation; Kinetic modeling; Modulus changes.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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