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Amélioration des productions phytoplanctoniques en écloserie de mollusques : caractérisation des microalgues fourrage ArchiMer
Robert, Rene; Chretiennot-dinet, Marie-josèphe; Kaas, Raymond; Martin-jezequel, Véronique; Moal, Jeanne; Le Coz, Jean-rene; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Bernard, Eudes; Connan, Jean-paul; Le Dean, Loic; Le Gourrierec, Gaetane; Leroy, Bertrand; Quere, Claudie.
in mollusc hatcheries. Consequently, we assessed themost commonly used species to establish their growth and size profiles, their cytomorphological, biochemical, biomolecular identification as well as their cytometer signs, and also their ability to grow under extreme conditions of temperature and salinity. This work aimed at matching the conformity of the strains used in Argenton (dispatched to most of the French commercial hatcheries) to those of a referenced culture collection. A previous screening preceded this study, because of the 45 species and/or clones held originally, Argenton kept no more than 15 species. As most of the latter are also represented in referenced collection, our strains are therefore correctly identified. On the other hand, the...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ecological limits; Biomolecular profile; Flow cytometry; Biochemical composition; Cytomorphology; Phytoplankton; Mollusc; Hatchery; Ecotolérance; Profil biomoléculaire; Cytométrie en flux; Composition biochimique; Cytomorphologie; Phytoplancton; Mollusques; Ecloserie.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Analysis of shell colour determinism in the Manila clam Ruditapes philippinarum ArchiMer
Peignon, Jean-marie; Gerard, Andre; Naciri, Yamama; Ledu, Christophe; Phelipot, Pascal.
The Manila clam presents a large polymorphism for shell colours and patterns. No experiment has been conducted to study the determinism of such a polymorphism which has been well known for a long time. The aim of this study was firstly to determine the genetic variation for shell colour and secondly to produce some homozygous lines for the shell colouring. These lines could then be used as controls for laboratory experiments. The colouring is defined by three characters: asymmetry, ornamentation and hue. Clams with asymmetrical colouring are not fully pigmented, except for a posterior band on the left valve. Clams with symmetrical colouring are fully pigmented on the two valves. Four cross series were conducted between the different characters: Asymmetry...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusque; Bivalve; Palourde; Ruditapes philippinarum; Génétique; Hérédité mendélienne; Coloration; Asymétrie; Mollusc; Bivalve; Manila clam; Ruditapes philippinarum; Genetics; Mendelian inheritance; Colouration; Asymmetry.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Bilan des perturbations phytoplanctoniques observées sur les côtes françaises en 1986 ArchiMer
Belin, Catherine; Berthome, Jean-paul.
In 1986, 23 discolored waters were observed ; dinoflagellates often were the cause of them. Many developments of Prorocentrum minimum occured ; two of them were associated with shel1fishes mortalities. At contrary, other species which are suspected to be toxic for shellfishes, as Gyrodinium aureolum and Gyrodinium spirale, have not been associated with mortalities, although they have been observed in several areas. The developments of Dinophysis (cf. acuminata or sacculus) caused provisional prohibitions of shellfishes selling, especially in the south of Brittany. Another specie was also implicated in toxicities : Prorocentrum lima. Human intoxications and economic consequences were rather important.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Phytoplancton; Toxicité; Surveillance; Santé publique; Mollusque; Phytoplankton; Toxicity; Survey; Public health; Mollusc.
Ano: 1988 URL:
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Characterization of MRNP34, a novel methionine-rich nacre protein from the pearl oysters ArchiMer
Marie, Benjamin; Joubert, Caroline; Belliard, Corinne; Tayale, Alexandre; Zanella-cleon, Isabelle; Marin, Frederic; Gueguen, Yannick; Montagnani, Caroline.
Nacre of the Pinctada pearl oyster shells is composed of 98% CaCO3 and 2% organic matrix. The relationship between the organic matrix and the mechanism of nacre formation currently constitutes the main focus regarding the biomineralization process. In this study, we isolated a new nacre matrix protein in P. margaritifera and P. maxima, we called Pmarg- and Pmax-MRNP34 (methionine-rich nacre protein). MRNP34 is a secreted hydrophobic protein, which is remarkably rich in methionine, and which is specifically localised in mineralizing the epithelium cells of the mantle and in the nacre matrix. The structure of this protein is drastically different from those of the other nacre proteins already described. This unusual methionine-rich protein is a new member in...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Matrix protein; Methionine-rich; Biomineralization; Mollusc; Nacre; Calcifying mantle.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Colour or no colour in the juvenile shell of the black lip pearl oyster, Pinctada margaritifera? ArchiMer
Trinkler, Nolwenn; Le Moullac, Gilles; Cuif, Jean-pierre; Cochennec-laureau, Nathalie; Dauphin, Yannicke.
Pinctada margaritifera mollusc is cultivated in French Polynesia for the production of black pearls. For this study, the colour of juvenile samples (48 days old) was investigated in the visible range spectra (430-700 nm) using spectrophotometry. A first measurement was done with the soft parts still inside the shell (entire animal). Then, the soft parts were removed in order to do a second measurement on the growing edge of the shell. Comparison of the two measurements shows that the estimation of the living animal colour with unaided eye is strongly influenced by the colour of the soft parts. The use of the International Commission on Illumination (ISI) chromaticity diagram shows that at this growth stage, the shells are "white"; i.e. present no...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Juvenile shell; Colour-scoring; Mollusc; Pearl oyster; Pinctada margaritifera.
Ano: 2012 URL:
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Contaminação por mercúrio em sedimento e moluscos da Bacia do rio Bento Gomes, MT. Infoteca-e
VIEIRA, L. M.; ALHO, C. J. R..
Os níveis de mercúrio total detectados no sedimento e tecidos moles de moluscos gastrópodos provenientes da bacia hidrográfica do rio Bento Gomes, embora baixos, mostraram indícios de contaminação. De um total de 69 amostras de sedimento analisadas, 26% apresentaram níveis de mercúrio total variando de 0,01 a 0,25 µg.g-1 de mercúrio (peso úmido). Os níveis de mercúrio obtidos em 54 amostras dos moluscos Ampullaria scalaris; A. canaliculata e Marisa planogira evidenciaram que 39% estavam contaminadas com níveis variando de 0,02 a 1,6 µg.g-1 de peso úmido. Estes resultados indicam que o mercúrio utilizado na extração de ouro de aluvião está atingindo o ambiente aquático e contaminado o sedimento e os organismos bentônicos desta área do Pantanal.
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Biomagnificação; Mollusc; Biomagnification; Sediment; Pantanal wetland; Molusco; Mercúrio; Sedimento; Pantanal; Mercury.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Croissance et mortalite du petoncle noir Chlamys varia dans le bassin d'Arcachon, France ArchiMer
Trut, Gilles; Robert, Rene; Laborde, Jean-louis.
Until 1960, the Black scallop Chlamys varia was relatively abundant along the French Atlantic coasts. Today most of these natural beds have disappeared. Because mollusc hatchery and nursery techniques have been mastered, the reintroduction of this species, under control, was carried out in several areas and particularly in the bay of Arcachon, from 1989 to 1992. Good results were obtained in hatchery and nursery but the development of the juveniles in the natural fields was poor. The growth of Chlamys varia was satisfactory but heavy mortalities were rapidly recorded which could not be related to the hydrobiological conditions. This species seems to be very sensitive to short emersion and removal operations which are incompatible with aquaculture processes.
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bassin d'Arcachon; Mortalité; Croissance; Chlamys varia; Mollusque; Bay of Arcachon; Mortality; Growth; Chlamys varia; Mollusc.
Ano: 1994 URL:
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Cryopreservation of Crassostrea gigas vesicular cells: Viability and metabolic activity ArchiMer
Hanquet, Anne-caroline; Kellner, K; Heude, C; Naimi, Amine; Mathieu, M; Poncet, J.m..
Cryopreservation is widely used for long-term conservation of various tissues, embryos or gametes. However, few studies have described cryopreservation of invertebrate primary cell cultures and more particularly of marine invertebrate somatic cells. This technique would however be of great interest to facilitate the study of various metabolic processes which vary seasonally. The aim of the present study was to develop a protocol for cryopreservation of Crassostrea gigas vesicular cells. Different parameters were adjusted to improve recovery of cells after freezing. The most efficient cryoprotectant agent was a mix of Me2SO, glycerol, and ethylene glycol (4% each). The optimal cooling rate was -1 degrees C min(-1) down to -70 degrees C before transfer into...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Glycogen metabolism; Vesicular cells; Cryopreservation; Mollusc; Oyster; Crassostrea gigas.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Derivation of toxicity equivalency factors for marine biotoxins associated with Bivalve Molluscs ArchiMer
Botana, Luis M.; Hess, Philipp; Munday, Rex; Nathalie, Arnich; Degrasse, Stacey L.; Feeley, Mark; Suzuki, Toshiyuki; Van Den Berg, Martin; Fattori, Vittorio; Gamarro, Esther Garrido; Tritscher, Angelika; Nakagawa, Rei; Karunasagar, Iddya.
Background Seafood toxins pose an important risk to human health, and maximum levels were imposed by regulatory authorities throughout the world. Several toxin groups are known, each one with many analogues of the major toxin. Regulatory limits are set to ensure that commercially available seafood is not contaminated with unsafe levels. Scope and Approach The mouse bioassay was used to measure the toxicity in seafood extracts to determine if a sample exceeded regulatory limits. The advantage of this approach was to provide an estimation of the total toxicity in the sample. As instrumental methods of analysis advance and serve as replacements to the mouse bioassay, the challenge is translating individual toxin concentrations into toxicity to determine...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Marine toxins; Toxicity Equivalency Factors; FAO; WHO; Bivalve; Mollusc.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Etudes sur les mortalites larvaires de la coquille st Jacques Pecten maximus en ecloserie ArchiMer
Robert, Rene; Miner, Philippe; Nicolas, Jean-louis; Mazuret, Michel; Connan, Jean-paul.
Larval mortalities occurring in molluscan hatcheries have often been associated with bacterial contamination. Although batches of oyster and clam larvae have been routinely reared in the hatchery of Argenton without antibiotics, high larval mortalities have been recorded with Pecten maxirnus under similar conditions. For this species, an addition of chloramphenicol was found necessary. However, this chemical has now been banned in Europe. Thus either substitition products or an improvement in the rearing procedures is essential. Studies carried out have shown that neither a decrease in larval density (1 larvae. ml"l) nor sea water change frequency (1 per day) had any positive effects. Furthermore, elective substances such as sugars were not suitable and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mortality; Pecten maximus; Hatchery; Larvae; Mollusc; Mortalité; Pecten maximus; Ecloserie; Larve; Mollusque.
Ano: 1995 URL:
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Haliotis tuberculata , a generalist marine herbivore that prefers a mixed diet, but with consistent individual foraging activity ArchiMer
Roussel, Sabine; Poitevin, Pierre; Day, Robert; Le Grand, Fabienne; Stiger‐pouvreau, Valérie; Leblanc, Catherine; Huchette, Sylvain.
While population foraging behaviour of herbivores has been extensively studied, individual choice is still poorly understood. Very few studies have focused on the individual consistency of foraging behaviour in marine herbivores. Because marine ectotherms are strongly influenced by their environment and because a mixed diet is appropriate for herbivores, we hypothesized that Haliotis tuberculata, a large marine gastropod, would not exhibit significant individual consistency in foraging activity and would display generalist food choices. To test these hypotheses, the behaviour of 120 abalone was studied using a choice test of eight macroalgal species over 3 weeks, with video recording 24 hr a day. In addition, primary components, secondary metabolites and...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Food choice; Foraging activity; Individual consistency; Intraclass correlation; Marine herbivore; Mollusc; Proportion similarity index.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Les pêcheries de buccin (Buccinum undatum L. : Gastropoda) du Golfe Normand-Breton. Eléments de gestion de la ressource ArchiMer
Santarelli Chaurand, Leonardo.
The whelk (Buccinum undatum) fisheries in the gulf between Brittany and Normandy have grown quickly over the past ten years. In 1983, 35 potters and 14 dories from Granville harbour and the Blainville maritime station landed 3,900 tonnes of whelk (for a value of 7.5 million francs). In spite of a sharp drop in profitability, the number of fishers is still growing. This study aimed to provide decision-making elements for rational management of the resource : stock abundance, catches per unit effort, mortality due to fishing effort and biological properties. In order to assess the impact of measures to organise the fishing effort on total catches in balance, two predictive models were used: Pella and Tomlinson's generalised production model and Ricker's...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bio economic modelling; Sampling; Population dynamics; Stock management; Mollusc; Modélisation bioéconomique; Echantillonnage; Dynamique de populations; Gestion de stocks; Mollusque.
Ano: 1985 URL:
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Maintenance of Octopus vulgaris Type II paralarvae in an estuarine area R. Bras. Zootec.
Bastos,Penélope; Vieira,Graziela Cleuza.
ABSTRACT We assessed the survival of paralarvae kept in a floating wooden box attached to an oyster extensive cultivation system with no extra food supply. A total of 7700 newly hatched paralarvae were maintained in a 10.5-L floating box (7 cm height × 30 cm width × 50 cm length) covered with a 180-μm mesh net for 14 days with no extra food supply. Skin damages and tentacle deformities were observed in 43% of the paralarvae at 14 days after hatching (DAH). The survival rate was 64.7% at 7 DAH and 42.8% at 14 DAH. The floating box is a promising structure for culturing O. vulgaris paralarvae in an extensive system.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Aquaculture; Larviculture; Mariculture; Mollusc.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Mantle histology, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the pearl oyster Pinctada margaritifera (L.) ArchiMer
Jabbour-zahab, Roula; Chagot, Dominique; Blanc, François; Grizel, Henri.
The edge and isthmus of the mantle of Pinctada margaritifera (Mollusc, Bivalvia) were studied using light and electron microscopy from a morphological and histochemical point of view. Six areas with several subareas were differentiated in the mantle edge. One of these areas is similar to the epithelium isthmus, Trials to elucidate the nature of the pigment responsible for the black colour of the shell and pearl indicate a melanin-like material. Possible functions of the distinctive epithelial areas in Pinctada margartifera mantle are discussed according to available data on the secretion of organic matrix of the shell, protein sclerotization and deposition of crystals in some pearl-forming molluscs. Three different epithelial areas in the outer mantle edge...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Bivalvia; Mollusc; Pinctada margaritifera; Pigment; Ultrastructure; Structure; Mantle; Bivalves; Mollusques; Pinctada margaritifera; Pigment; Ultrastructure; Structure; Manteau.
Ano: 1992 URL:
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Mineral phase in shell repair of Manila clam Venerupis philippinarum affected by brown ring disease ArchiMer
Trinkler, Nolwenn; Bardeau, Jean-francois; Marin, Frederic; Labonne, Maylis; Jolivet, Aurelie; Crassous, Philippe; Paillard, Christine.
The mineral phase of shell repair in the Manila clam Venerupis philippinarum affected by brown ring disease (BRD) was characterised at various scales and at various stages of shell repair by confocal Raman microspectrometry and scanning electron microscopy. Spherulitic and quadrangular aragonite microstructures associated with polyene pigments were clearly observed. Von Kossa staining showed that at the beginning of shell repair, hemocytes are filled with insoluble calcium carbonate salts in all fluids and then are transported toward the extrapallial fluids and the repair sites. Our analyses suggest that after a Vibrio tapetis attack and BRD deposit some clams rapidly cover the deposit, resulting in a modification in the microstructure, which could be...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Aragonite; Hemocytes; Shell microstructure; Calcium carbonate; Biomineralization; Mollusc; Raman microspectrometry; Scanning electron microscopy.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Molecular identification and expression of the phosphoglucomutase (PGM) gene from the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Tanguy, Arnaud; Boutet, Isabelle; Boudry, Pierre; Degremont, Lionel; Laroche, Jean; Moraga, Dario.
Phosphoglucomutase is a key enzyme in glycolysis and has been widely studied in vertebrates and some invertebrates but no molecular information is available in marine invertebrates despite the importance of this marker in ecological and genetical studies. In this work, we isolated a cDNA and the corresponding genomic sequence that encode PGM-2 locus in the Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas. We used sequences drawn from the database to construct an evolutionary framework for examining the position of mollusc PGM sequences among prokaryotic and eukaryotic homologues and showed that oyster PGM gene organization was closer to vertebrates PGM genes than other invertebrates as previously found in other Lophotrochozoa species. We also investigated PGM mRNA...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Gene expression; Xenobiotics; Mollusc; Phosphoglucomutase.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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Optimizing sperm cryopreservation in great scallop (Pecten maximus) ArchiMer
Suquet, Marc; Malo, Florent; Gourtay, Clemence; Ratiskol, Dominique; Riobe, Marion; Le Grand, Jacqueline; Queau, Isabelle; Mingant, Christian.
A basic cryopreservation protocol for great scallop sperm was recently published, with which thawed sperm survival remained limited to 25% of control values (Suquet et al. 2014). We designed here a set of five experiments to test ways of improving thawed sperm survival and storage by studying the effects of (1) cryoprotectant concentration; (2) sugar incorporation in the extender; (3) egg yolk addition to the extender; (4) sperm dilution rate; and (5) storage capacity of thawed sperm at 4 degrees C. A sixth experiment was then performed to compare rearing performances of larvae produced using thawed sperm from the optimal protocol defined in the present study with those produced using fresh sperm. During the first experiment, a significantly higher...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Pecten maximus; Mollusc; Sperm; Cryopreservation; Larval rearing.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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Relations entre le contenu lipidique des ovocytes de Pecten maximus (Mollusque, bivalve) et les performances des larves en élevage ArchiMer
Le Pennec, Marcel; Gueguen,.
The lipid content of spawned oocytes of Pecten maximus was studied by image analysis of semi -thin histological sections and a lipid index was defined. The female gametes were obtained by thermic stimulations of mature adults scallops from different populations after out of season conditioning or sampled in situ during the spawning season. After fertilization, the larval development was followed. The results reveal a large variability in lipid content of normal oocytes. The lipid content can be regarded as homogeneous inside a spawning but the heterogeneity is greater for wild scallops than for conditioned ones. A strong relationship appears between the lipid index and the hatching success, and the number of abnormal larvae after two days rearing. But no...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Mollusques; Bivalves; Pecten maximus; Ovocytes; Lipides; Elevages larvaires; Mollusc; Bivalve; Pecten maximus; Oocytes; Lipids; Larval development.
Ano: 1990 URL:
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REPAMO : a French network for the surveillance of molluscs health ArchiMer
Guichard, Benjamin; Garcia, Celine; Joly, Jean-pierre; Lupo, Coralie; Chollet, Bruno; Robert, Maeva; Omnes, Emmanuelle; Arzul, Isabelle.
The REPAMO is a French Network for the surveillance of Mollusc diseases that notably meets the obligations of the European Directive 2006/088/EC. It is entirely funded by the French State. The coordination of this network entrusted to the Institut Français de Recherche pour l`Exploitation de la Mer since 1986 aims at monitoring the notifiable endemic diseases, detecting the emergence of exotic or new pathogens and ensuring a minimum level of surveillance of the general health condition of molluscs. Beside IFREMER, different partners are involved in the surveillance of mollusc health at the national level: the Departmental direction for territories and sea who are the local representatives of the competent authority and the producers who have the obligation...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Surveillance; Mollusc; Pathology; Network.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Structural and functional characterizations of an Activin type II receptor orthologue from the pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas ArchiMer
Le Quere, Herve; Herpin, Amaury; Huvet, Arnaud; Lelong, Christophe; Favrel, Pascal.
Members of the Transforming Growth factor beta (TGF-beta) superfamily of cell signalling polypeptides are known to play important roles in cell proliferation and differentiation during development and in various physiological processes of most animal clades. Recent findings in the mollusc Crassostrea gigas demonstrate the occurrence of a diversity of TGF-beta signalling components including various ligands, three type I receptors but only a single type II receptor. This report describes the characterization of Cg-ActRII, a new type II receptor displaying homology with vertebrate and Drosophila Activin type II receptors. The use of zebrafish embryo as a reporter organism revealed that, in a way similar to its zebrafish counterpart, overexpression of...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Activin receptor; Nervous tissues; Development; Lophotrochozoa; Mollusc.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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