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Production and partial characterization of polygalacturonases produced by thermophilic Monascus sp N8 and by thermotolerant Aspergillus sp N12 on solid-state fermentation 58
Freitas,Paula Mendes de; Martin,Natalia; Silva,Dênis; Silva,Roberto da; Gomes,Eleni.
Polygalacturonases production by newly isolated Monascus sp N8 and Aspergillus sp N12 strains was carried out in solid-state fermentation using mixtures of wheat bran, sugar cane bagasse and orange bagasse as carbon sources. The maximal activity values of exo-polygalacturonases (exo-Pg) from Monascus sp and Aspergillus sp were obtained using wheat bran/sugar cane bagasse/orange bagasse mixture (6.6 U/mL) and wheat bran/orange bagasse mixture (10 U/mL), respectively. Enzyme production by both strains was higher at 45ºC after 72 h and 1.6 U/mL at 50ºC after 120 h. Endo-polygalacturonase (endo-Pg) production was higher in wheat bran/orange bagasse mixture and was not affected by temperature of incubation for both fungi. Endo-Pg production by Monascus was 1.8...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Monascus sp; Aspergillus sp; Thermophilic; Polygalacturonase; Solid-state fermentation.
Ano: 2006 URL:
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