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Analgesic and side effects of intravenous recombinant Phα1β J. Venom. Anim. Toxins incl. Trop. Dis.
Rigo,Flavia Karine; Rossato,Mateus Fortes; Borges,Vanessa; Silva,Juliana Figueira da; Pereira,Elizete Maria Rita; Ávila,Ricardo Andrez Machado de; Trevisan,Gabriela; Santos,Duana Carvalho dos; Diniz,Danuza Montijo; Silva,Marco Aurélio Romano; Castro Junior,Célio José de; Cunha,Thiago Mattar; Ferreira,Juliano; Gomez,Marcus Vinicius.
ABSTRACT Background: Intrathecal injection of voltage-sensitive calcium channel blocker peptide toxins exerts analgesic effect in several animal models of pain. Upon intrathecal administration, recombinant Phα1β exerts the same analgesic effects as the those of the native toxin. However, from a clinical perspective, the intrathecal administration limits the use of anesthetic drugs in patients. Therefore, this study aimed to investigate the possible antinociceptive effect of intravenous recombinant Phα1β in rat models of neuropathic pain, as well as its side effects on motor, cardiac (heart rate and blood pressure), and biochemical parameters. Methods: Male Wistar rats and male Balb-C mice were used in this study. Giotto Biotech® synthesized the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Recombinant Phα1β Analgesia Neuropathic pain Intravenous drug delivery system Side effects; Cardiac function; Motor activity; Biochemicals.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Effects of elevated calcium on motor and exploratory activities of rats BJMBR
Godinho,A.F.; Trombini,T.V.; Oliveira,E.C..
The effects of serum and brain calcium concentration on rat behavior were tested by maintaining animals on either distilled water (N = 60) or water containing 1% calcium gluconate (N = 60) for 3 days. Animals that were maintained on high calcium drinking water presented increased serum calcium levels (control = 10.12 ± 0.46 vs calcium treated = 11.62 ± 0.51 µg/dl). Increase of brain calcium levels was not statistically significant. In the behavioral experiments each rat was used for only one test. Rats that were maintained on high calcium drinking water showed increased open-field behavior of ambulation (20.68%) and rearing (64.57%). On the hole-board, calcium-supplemented animals showed increased head-dip (67%) and head-dipping (126%), suggesting...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Calcium supplementation; Behavior; Rat; Motor activity; Exploratory activity.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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Stretch-induced nerve injury: a proposed technique for the study of nerve regeneration and evaluation of the influence of gabapentin on this model BJMBR
Machado,J.A.; Ghizoni,M.F.; Bertelli,J.; Teske,Gabriel C.; Teske,Guilherme C.; Martins,D.F.; Mazzardo-Martins,L.; Cargnin-Ferreira,E.; Santos,A.R.S.; Piovezan,A.P..
The rat models currently employed for studies of nerve regeneration present distinct disadvantages. We propose a new technique of stretch-induced nerve injury, used here to evaluate the influence of gabapentin (GBP) on nerve regeneration. Male Wistar rats (300 g; n=36) underwent surgery and exposure of the median nerve in the right forelimbs, either with or without nerve injury. The technique was performed using distal and proximal clamps separated by a distance of 2 cm and a sliding distance of 3 mm. The nerve was compressed and stretched for 5 s until the bands of Fontana disappeared. The animals were evaluated in relation to functional, biochemical and histological parameters. Stretching of the median nerve led to complete loss of motor function up to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nerve regeneration; Median nerve; Motor activity; Rat model.
Ano: 2013 URL:
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The effects of surgery on gastrointestinal motor activity BJMBR
Quigley,.M.M.; Thompson,J.S..
Gastrointestinal surgical procedures have the potential to disrupt motor activity in various organs of the gastrointestinal tract or, indeed, throughout the entire alimentary canal. Several of these motor effects have important clinical consequences and have also served to advance our understanding of the regulation of gastrointestinal motor activity. This review will focus, in particular, on the effects of surgery on the small intestine, and will attempt to emphasize the implications of these studies for our understanding of small intestinal motility, in general.
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Motility; Motor activity; Small intestine; Surgery; Intestinal resection; Intestinal transplantation.
Ano: 1998 URL:
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