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Coupling spectral analysis and hidden Markov models for the segmentation of behavioural patterns ArchiMer
Heerah, Karine; Woillez, Mathieu; Fablet, Ronan; Garren, Francois; Martin, Stephane; De Pontual, Helene.
Background Movement pattern variations are reflective of behavioural switches, likely associated with different life history traits in response to the animals’ abiotic and biotic environment. Detecting these can provide rich information on the underlying processes driving animal movement patterns. However, extracting these signals from movement time series, requires tools that objectively extract, describe and quantify these behaviours. The inference of behavioural modes from movement patterns has been mainly addressed through hidden Markov models. Until now, the metrics implemented in these models did not allow to characterize cyclic patterns directly from the raw time series. To address these challenges, we developed an approach to i) extract new metrics...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Fourier transform; Non negative matrix factorization; Classification; Animal behaviour; European sea bass; Movement ecology; Diurnal and tidal cycles; Biologging; Data storage tags.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Deepwater Horizon oil spill impacts on sea turtles could span the Atlantic ArchiMer
Putman, Nathan F.; Abreu-grobois, F. Alberto; Iturbe-darkistade, Inaky; Putman, Emily M.; Richards, Paul M.; Verley, Philippe.
We investigated the extent that the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill potentially affected oceanic-stage sea turtles from populations across the Atlantic. Within an ocean-circulation model, particles were backtracked from the Gulf of Mexico spill site to determine the probability of young turtles arriving in this area from major nesting beaches. The abundance of turtles in the vicinity of the oil spill was derived by forward-tracking particles from focal beaches and integrating population size, oceanic-stage duration and stage-specific survival rates. Simulations indicated that 321 401 (66 199-397 864) green (Chelonia mydas), loggerhead (Caretta caretta) and Kemp's ridley (Lepidochelys kempii) turtles were likely within the spill site. These predictions...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ocean-circulation model; Sea turtle; Oil spill; Movement ecology; Distribution.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Metrics for describing dyadic movement: a review ArchiMer
Joo, Rocio; Etienne, Marie-pierre; Bez, Nicolas; Mahevas, Stephanie.
In movement ecology, the few works that have taken collective behaviour into account are data-driven and rely on simplistic theoretical assumptions, relying in metrics that may or may not be measuring what is intended. In the present paper, we focus on pairwise joint-movement behaviour, where individuals move together during at least a segment of their path. We investigate the adequacy of twelve metrics introduced in previous works for assessing joint movement by analysing their theoretical properties and confronting them with contrasting case scenarios. Two criteria are taken into account for review of those metrics: 1) practical use, and 2) dependence on parameters and underlying assumptions. When analysing the similarities between the metrics as...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Collective behaviour; Dyadic movement; Indices; Movement ecology; Spatio-temporal dynamics; Trajectories.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Movimento e área de uso do jacaré-do-pantanal. Infoteca-e
O estudo dos padrões de movimento dos jacarés do Pantanal ocorreu em uma área de lagos isolados e em uma área cortada por rios intermitentes no Pantanal. Foram marcados jacarés em 100 lagos, na área de lagos (1986-2001), e em 2 rios, na área de rios (1987-1999), recapturados 163 machos adultos, 132 fêmeas adultas e 237 jovens e monitorados 67 jacarés adultos por radiotelemetria nas duas áreas. No intervalo de 2 anos, a maioria dos jovens moveram-se apenas dentro da área de lagos ou da de rios, numa distância máxima de 6,0 km (x = 0,5; DP = 1,0 km), na área de lagos, e de 1,25 km (x= 0,6; DP = 0,3 km), na área de rios. Somente cinco jovens marcados nos lagos foram recapturados depois de um intervalo de 5 a 10 anos. Um jovem permaneceu na área de lago e...
Tipo: Folhetos Palavras-chave: Yacare; Movement ecology; Dispersion; Caimans; Management; Ecologia; Dispersão; Jacaré; Manejo; Movimento; Pantanal.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Statistical ecology comes of age ArchiMer
Gimenez, Olivier; Buckland, Stephen T.; Morgan, Byron J. T.; Bez, Nicolas; Bertrand, Sophie; Choquet, Remi; Dray, Stephane; Etienne, Marie-pierre; Fewster, Rachel; Gosselin, Frederic; Merigot, Bastien; Monestiez, Pascal; Morales, Juan M.; Mortier, Frederic; Munoz, Francois; Ovaskainen, Otso; Pavoine, Sandrine; Pradel, Roger; Schurr, Frank M.; Thomas, Len; Thuiller, Wilfried; Trenkel, Verena; De Valpine, Perry; Rexstad, Eric.
The desire to predict the consequences of global environmental change has been the driver towards more realistic models embracing the variability and uncertainties inherent in ecology. Statistical ecology has gelled over the past decade as a discipline that moves away from describing patterns towards modelling the ecological processes that generate these patterns. Following the fourth International Statistical Ecology Conference (1–4 July 2014) in Montpellier, France, we analyse current trends in statistical ecology. Important advances in the analysis of individual movement, and in the modelling of population dynamics and species distributions, are made possible by the increasing use of hierarchical and hidden process models. Exciting research perspectives...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Citizen science; Hidden Markov model; Hierarchical model; Movement ecology; Software package; Spatially explicit capture-recapture; Species distribution modelling; State-space model.
Ano: 2014 URL:
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The potential of marginal coastal nursery habitats for the conservation of a culturally important Caribbean marine species ArchiMer
Stieglitz, Thomas C.; Dujon, Antoine M.; Peel, Joanne R.; Amice, Erwan.
Aim Identifying the potential of marginal habitats for species conservation is of key importance when their core high-quality habitats are under substantial disturbances and threats. However, there is currently a knowledge gap on how useful marine marginal habitats may be for conserving endangered marine species. Here, we investigate the potential of groundwater-fed coastal areas for the conservation of the queen conch, an economically and culturally important marine gastropod. Location The inlet of Xel-Ha, typical of groundwater-fed coastal areas widely distributed along the Yucatan Peninsula coast in Mexico and partially protected by a network of marine protected areas. Methods We tracked 66 queen conchs (Lobatus gigas) using acoustic telemetry over a...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Connectivity; Dispersal; Fisheries; Marine protected area; Movement ecology; Sub-optimal habitats.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Uncovering ecological state dynamics with hidden Markov models ArchiMer
Mcclintock, Brett T.; Langrock, Roland; Gimenez, Olivier; Cam, Emmanuelle; Borchers, David L.; Glennie, Richard; Patterson, Toby A.; Coulson, Tim.
Ecological systems can often be characterised by changes among a finite set of underlying states pertaining to individuals, populations, communities or entire ecosystems through time. Owing to the inherent difficulty of empirical field studies, ecological state dynamics operating at any level of this hierarchy can often be unobservable or ‘hidden’. Ecologists must therefore often contend with incomplete or indirect observations that are somehow related to these underlying processes. By formally disentangling state and observation processes based on simple yet powerful mathematical properties that can be used to describe many ecological phenomena, hidden Markov models (HMMs) can facilitate inferences about complex system state dynamics that might otherwise...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Behavioural ecology; Community ecology; Ecosystem ecology; Hierarchical model; Movement ecology; Observation error; Population ecology; State-space model; Time series.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Validation of Dive Foraging Indices Using Archived and Transmitted Acceleration Data: The Case of the Weddell Seal ArchiMer
Heerah, Karine; Cox, Samantha; Blevin, Pierre; Guinet, Christophe; Charrassin, Jean-benoît.
Dive data collected from archival and satellite tags can provide valuable information on foraging activity via the characterization of movement patterns (e.g., wiggles, hunting time). However, a lack of validation limits interpretation of what these metrics truly represent in terms of behavior and how predators interact with prey. Head-mounted accelerometers have proven to be effective for detecting prey catch attempt (PrCA) behaviors, and thus can provide a more direct measure of foraging activity. However, device retrieval is typically required to access the high-resolution data they record, restricting use to animals returning to predictable locations. In this study, we present and validate data obtained from newly developed satellite-relay data tags,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Satellite relayed data logger; Accelerometers; Diving behavior; Movement ecology; Foraging; Sea-ice; Biologging.
Ano: 2019 URL:
Registros recuperados: 8
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