Silva,Manuela da; Manfio,Gilson Paulo; Canhos,Vanderlei Perez. |
The fatty acid profiles of several fungi of the order Mucorales (Zygomycetes), including Backusella lamprospora (Lendner) Benny and R.K. Benj., Benjaminiella youngii P.M. Kirk, Circinella simplex van Tieghem, Cunninghamella blakesleeana Lendner, Mortierella ramanniana (Möller) Linnem., Mucor circinelloides f. janssenii (Lendner) Schipper, Mycotypha microspora Fenner, Rhizomucor miehei (Cooney and R. Emerson) Schipper and Rhizomucor pusillus (Lindt) Schipper, and of Volutella sp. Fr., from the class Ascomycetes, were qualitatively analysed by gas-liquid chromatography in order to determine the taxonomic value of these chemotaxonomic markers. The fatty acids present in all strains were palmitic (16:0), oleic (18:1), linoleic (18:2) and <FONT... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Taxonomy; Chemotaxonomic marker; Fatty acids; Mucorales. |
Ano: 1998 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0001-37141998000400008 |
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Lima,Diogo Xavier; Souza-Motta,Cristina Maria; Lima,Catarina Letícia Ferreira de; Souza,Carlos Alberto Fragoso de; Ribeiro,Jonathan Ramos; Santiago,André Luiz Cabral Monteiro de Azevedo. |
ABSTRACT As primary decomposers of organic matter, mucoralean fungi have an important ecological role in edaphic systems in the Atlantic Forest. However, there is a knowledge gap regarding how communities of Mucorales are structured in soils of Atlantic Forest areas, and whether these communities are influenced by edaphic attributes in this domain. Thus, the current study aimed to understand the influence of edaphic attributes linked to species richness, abundance and composition of Mucorales in dense ombrophilous forest, ‘tabuleiro’ forest, sandbank and mangrove ecosystems located in Pernambuco, Brazil. Altogether, twenty-three taxa, including seven new records, were reported from soil samples from the ecosystems. Species composition was similar among the... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Basal fungal order; Diversity; Ecology; Mucorales; Mucoromycota; Mucoromycotina; Soil; Taxonomy. |
Ano: 2020 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-33062020000400796 |
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Walther, G.; Pawłowska, J.; Alastruey-Izquierdo, A.; Wrzosek, M.; Rodriguez-Tudela, J.L.; Dolatabadi, S.; Chakrabarti, A.; Hoog, G.S. de. |
The order Mucorales comprises predominantly fast-growing saprotrophic fungi, some of which are used for the fermentation of foodstuffs but it also includes species known to cause infections in patients with severe immune or metabolic impairments. To inventory biodiversity in Mucorales ITS barcodes of 668 strains in 203 taxa were generated covering more than two thirds of the recognised species. Using the ITS sequences, Molecular Operational Taxonomic Units were defined by a similarity threshold of 99 %. An LSU sequence was generated for each unit as well. Analysis of the LSU sequences revealed that conventional phenotypic classifications of the Mucoraceae are highly artificial. The LSU- and ITS-based trees suggest that characters, such as rhizoids and... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Backusella; Biodiversity; Clinical relevance; DNA barcoding; Intraspecific variability; ITS; LSU; Mucor; Mucorales; Nomenclature; Rhizomucor; Taxonomy; Zygorhynchus. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532353 |
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Santiago,André Luiz Cabral Monteiro Azevedo; Souza-Motta,Cristina Maria de. |
A presença de metais pesados no solo proporciona impacto sobre os microrganismos, vegetação e os processos funcionais do ecossistema. Visando comprovar que Mucorales são afetados pela extração de cobre na Mineradora Caraíba, Jaguarari, BA, espécies de Mucorales foram isoladas de amostras de solo coletadas nas épocas seca e chuvosa. Os Mucorales foram identificados e caracterizados quanto à capacidade de degradar amido e inulina. Utilizando os métodos de diluição e placa de solo, foram obtidos 46 isolados de Mucorales pertencentes a sete diferentes espécies. Absidia blakesleeana Lendner, A. cylindrospora Hagem, A. hialospora (Saito) Lendn., Cunninghamella elegans Lendner, Rhizopus microsporus V. Thieghen, R. oryzae Went. & Prinsen Geerl. e... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Mucorales; Mineração do cobre; Enzimas; Semi-árido; Caatinga. |
Ano: 2006 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-33062006000300014 |
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Schoenlein-Crusius,Iracema Helena; Milanez,Adauto Ivo. |
Treze táxons de Mucorales (Zygomycotina), distribuídos num total de 266 registros, foram isolados de folhas de Alchornea triplinervia (Spreng.) Müll. Arg. colocadas em ambientes terrestre e aquático, e de amostras de solo e de água de riacho, coletadas mensalmente, de julho de 1988 a maio de 1990 na Reserva Biológica do Alto da Serra de Paranapiacaba, no município de Santo André, SP. As espécies que apresentaram os maiores números de registro de ocorrência foram Mucor hiemalis Wehmer (78 registros), Mucor circinelloides van Tieghem f. janssenii (Ledner) Schipper (42 registros) e Rhizopus arrhizus Fischer (30 registros). Cinqüenta por cento dos Mucorales encontrados na região são constituídos por espécies que estão sendo citadas pela primeira vez para a... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Mata Atlântica; Zygomycotina; Mucorales; Diversidade; Alchornea triplinervia. |
Ano: 1997 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0102-33061997000100010 |
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Visando contribuir para o conhecimento sobre Mucorales (Zygomycota) em Recife, PE, foram realizadas coletas mensais, de junho/1997 a maio/1998, totalizando 120 amostras de fezes dos herbívoros: Bison bonasus H. Smith, Bos indicus L., Bubalus bubalis H. Smith, Capra hircus L., Oryctolagus cuniculus Lilljeborg, Dasyprocta fuliginosa Wagler, Taurotragus oryx Wagner, Equus caballus L., Ovis aries L. e Mazama gouazoubira Fischer, mantidos em cativeiro no Parque Dois Irmãos e no Departamento de Zootecnia da Universidade Federal Rural de Pernambuco. As amostras de fezes foram acondicionadas em câmara úmida (placa de Petri) à temperatura ambiente sendo observadas diariamente, do 2º ao 15º dia de incubação. As colônias de interesse foram isoladas e, após... |
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article |
Palavras-chave: Mucorales; Mucor spp.; Taxonomy; Herbivorous dung; Recife. |
Ano: 2002 |
URL: http://www.scielo.br/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0100-84042002000200004 |
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Hoffmann, K.; Pawłowska, J.; Walther, G.; Wrzosek, M.; Hoog, G.S. de; Benny, G.L.; Kirk, P.M.; Voigt, K.. |
The Mucorales (Mucoromycotina) are one of the most ancient groups of fungi comprising ubiquitous, mostly saprotrophic organisms. The first comprehensive molecular studies 11 yr ago revealed the traditional classification scheme, mainly based on morphology, as highly artificial. Since then only single clades have been investigated in detail but a robust classification of the higher levels based on DNA data has not been published yet. Therefore we provide a classification based on a phylogenetic analysis of four molecular markers including the large and the small subunit of the ribosomal DNA, the partial actin gene and the partial gene for the translation elongation factor 1-alpha. The dataset comprises 201 isolates in 103 species and represents about one... |
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor |
Palavras-chave: Mucorales; Families; Phylogeny. |
Ano: 2013 |
URL: http://www.repository.naturalis.nl/record/532035 |
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