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Canonical correlation for morphoagronomic and bromatological traits in silage corn genotypes 53
Crevelari,Jocarla Ambrosim; Durães,Nayara Norrene Lacerda; Santos,Paulo Ricardo dos; Azevedo,Flávio Henrique Vidal; Bendia,Laila Cecília Ramos; Preisigke,Sandra da Costa; Gonçalves,Gabriel Moreno Bernardo; Ferreira Junior,José Arantes; Pereira,Messias Gonzaga.
ABSTRACT The aim of this study is to assess whether there is linear dependence between groups of morphoagronomic and bromatological traits in hybrid silage corn. Nineteen topcross hybrids and five checks were assessed in two different environments in Campos dos Goytacazes and Itaocara counties, Rio de Janeiro State, during the growing seasons 2013/2014. The study followed a randomized blocks design with four replicates. The phenotypic and canonical correlations between the groups of seven morphoagronomic and five bromatological traits were assessed. There is linear dependence between the group pairs of morphoagronomic, and bromatological variables. The morphoagronomic trait green mass yield can be adopted in indirect selection processes to indicate the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zea mays L.; Topcross; Tester; Multicollinearity.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Correlations between agronomic traits and path analysis for silage production in maize hybrids 53
Crevelari,Jocarla Ambrosim; Durães,Nayara Norrene Lacerda; Bendia,Laila Cecília Ramos; Vettorazzi,Julio Cesar Fiorio; Entringer,Geovana Cremonini; Ferreira Júnior,José Arantes; Pereira,Messias Gonzaga.
ABSTRACT The aim of the current study is to estimate the correlation coefficients and the consequence of genotypic correlations on direct and indirect effects through path analysis between agronomic traits of maize hybrids used for silage production. Eight (8) topcross hybrids and seven (7) checks were analyzed in completely randomized blocks, with six replications, in two environments: Campos do Goytacazes and Itaocara counties – Rio de Janeiro State, in the crop year 2015/2016. The following agronomic traits were assessed: plant height, first ear height, culm diameter, number of ears, ear yield with straw at silage maturity, ear yield without straw at silage maturity, grain yield at silage maturity, grains ratio in the fresh matter and fresh matter...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zea mays L.; Topcross; Tester; Multicollinearity.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Paris, Quirino.
Multicollinearity hampers empirical econometrics. The remedies proposed to date suffer from pitfalls of their own. The ridge estimator is not generally accepted as a vital alternative to the ordinary least-squares (OLS) estimator because it depends upon unknown parameters. The generalized maximum entropy (GME) estimator of Golan, Judge and Miller depends upon subjective exogenous information that affects the estimated parameters in an unpredictable way. This paper presents novel maximum entropy estimators inspired by the theory of light that do not depend upon any additional information. Monte Carlo experiments show that they are not affected by any level of multicollinearity and dominate OLS uniformly. The Leuven estimators are consistent and...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Multicollinearity; Mean squared error; Ordinary least squares; Generalized maximum entropy; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods; C2.
Ano: 2001 URL:
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Path analysis for selection of feijoa with greater pulp weight 65
Donazzolo,Joel; Salla,Vanessa Padilha; Sasso,Simone Aparecida Zolet; Danner,Moeses Andrigo; Citadin,Idemir; Nodari,Rubens Onofre.
ABSTRACT: The objective of this paper was to identify the direct and indirect effects of feijoa fruits (Acca sellowiana) traitson pulp weight, in order to use these traits in indirect genotypes selection. Fruits of five feijoa plants were collected in Rio Grande do Sul, in the years of 2009, 2010 and 2011. Six traits were evaluated: diameter, length, total weight, pulp weight, peel thickness and number of seeds per fruit. In the path analysis, with or without ridge regression, pulp weight was considered as the basic variable, and the other traits were considered as explanatory variables. Total weight and fruit diameter had high direct effect, and are the main traits associated with pulp weight. These traits may serve as criteria for indirect selection to...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Acca sellowiana; Multicollinearity; Ridge path analysis; Indirect selection.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Pre-weaning performance evaluation of a multibreed Aberdeen Angus × Nellore population using different genetic models 96
Lopes,Jader Silva; Rorato,Paulo Roberto Nogara; Weber,Tomás; Araújo,Ronyere Olegário de; Dornelles,Mariana de Almeida; Comin,Juliana Grigolleto.
This work aimed at estimating the genetic effects that affect the pre-weaning performance of animals from multibreed crosses. In order to do so, it was used information of the weight at weaning of 79,521 animals, sired by 1,020 bulls and 61,898 cows from Aberdeen Angus and Nellore breeds and from many genetic groups resulted from their crosses. Five genetic models were tested: model 1, containing the fixed breed genetic effects (additive direct and maternal effects, heterozygote direct and maternal effects, epystatic direct and maternal effects, joint additive direct and maternal effects); model 2, equal to model 1, excluding direct and maternal joint additive effects; model 3, equal to model 1, excluding direct and maternal epystatic effects; model 4,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Additive effect; Complementarity among breeds; Epistasis; Heterozygous; Multicollinearity; Weaning weight.
Ano: 2010 URL:
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Sample Size and Robustness of Inferences from Logistic Regression in the Presence of Nonlinearity and Multicollinearity 31
Bergtold, Jason S.; Yeager, Elizabeth A.; Featherstone, Allen M..
The logistic regression models has been widely used in the social and natural sciences and results from studies using this model can have significant impact. Thus, confidence in the reliability of inferences drawn from these models is essential. The robustness of such inferences is dependent on sample size. The purpose of this study is to examine the impact of sample size on the mean estimated bias and efficiency of parameter estimation and inference for the logistic regression model. A number of simulations are conducted examining the impact of sample size, nonlinear predictors, and multicollinearity on substantive inferences (e.g. odds ratios, marginal effects) and goodness of fit (e.g. pseudo-R2, predictability) of logistic regression models. Findings...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Logistic Regression Model; Multicollinearity; Nonlinearity; Robustness; Small Sample Bias; Research Methods/ Statistical Methods.
Ano: 2011 URL:
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Use of ridge regression for the prediction of early growth performance in crossbred calves 74
Pimentel,Eduardo da Cruz Gouveia; Queiroz,Sandra Aidar de; Carvalheiro,Roberto; Fries,Luiz Alberto.
The problem of multicollinearity in regression analysis was studied. Ridge regression (RR) techniques were used to estimate parameters affecting the performance of crossbred calves raised in tropical and subtropical regions by a model including additive, dominance, joint additive or "profit heterosis" and epistatic effects and their interactions with latitude in an attempt to model genotype by environment interactions. A software was developed in Fortran 77 to perform five variant types of RR: the originally proposed method; the method implemented by SAS; and three methods of weighting the RR parameter lambda. Three mathematical criteria were tested with the aim of choosing a value for the lambda coefficient: the sum and the harmonic mean of the absolute...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Crossbreeding; Epistasis; Genotype by environment interaction; Heterosis; Multicollinearity.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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