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Multiple goals in farmers’ decision making: The case of sheep farming in Western Greece 31
Sintori, Alexandra; Rozakis, Stelios; Tsiboukas, Kostas.
Management strategies and performance differ among farmers, as a result of different, multiple and often conflicting goals. Many approaches to building farm level models that incorporate multiple goals have been developed over the years, most of which share a common weakness. The determination of the goals to be used as attributes in the utility function is the result of a highly interactive process with the individual farmer, often difficult to implement. In this study, we use a non-interactive methodology, described in recent literature, to elicit the utility function of selected sheep farmers in western Greece, since farmers often appear reluctant to answer straightforward questions about their goals and preferences. Τhe results indicate that sheep...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Sheep farming; Mixed integer programming; Multiple goals; Noninteractive elicitation; Livestock Production/Industries; C61; D21; Q12.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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