Lobley, Matt; Butler, Allan J.; Courtney, Paul; Ilbery, Brian; Kirwan, James; Maye, Damian; Potter, Clive; Winter, Michael. |
The purpose of this study was to take a fresh look at the nature of organic production, consumption and marketing in England and Wales in order to better assess its current and likely contribution to rural development and its ability to meet consumer expectations. Based on a mixed methodological approach the study consulted with 2,300 individuals to reveal a complex and multi-dimensional sector with a highly committed consumer base. The research aimed to describe and account for: (1)The socio-economic impacts of the organic farm supply chains on rural development; (2)The extent to which organic food delivers consumer expectations; and (3) The barriers affecting conversion to organic farming and expansion of existing organic farms. The research reported... |
Tipo: Report |
Palavras-chave: Organic markets; Organic farming; Organic consumers; Rural Economy; Multiplier Analysis; Simple Value Chains; Agricultural and Food Policy; Consumer/Household Economics; Farm Management; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety; Marketing. |
Ano: 2009 |
URL: http://purl.umn.edu/90374 |
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