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Avaliação de contratos: uma abordagem utilizando a Análise Fatorial de Correspondência AgEcon
Freire Junior, Weimar da Rocha; Carvalheiro, Elizangela Mara; Staduto, Jefferson Andronio Ramundo; Opazo, Miguel Angel Uribe.
This study, in the light of transaction cost theory, has assessed the contractual relationships, eliciting the contracts in the Brazilian agribusiness. By using the transaction attributes in their main vectors of the features in which give the possibility to design the government structure of the lower cost. The contracts present a government structure, which when they are widely considered to represent a variety of agreement among the economic agents. On this system, the analysis to be developed is going to adopt a statistic multivariate method, which is going to assess nine contracts mostly consonant with the agribusiness (five contracts on sales, three on franchising and one on agriculture joint venture). These relationships facilitate to emphasize...
Tipo: Journal Article Palavras-chave: Contract; Transaction costs economy; Multivariate analysis.; Agribusiness; Q13; L14.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Drivers of consumer’s adoption of innovative food AgEcon
Loizou, Efstratios; Michailidis, Anastasios; Tzimitra-Kalogianni, Irene.
Over the last years, food safety, health and environmental issues are a few among many other reasons that force consumers to adopt new innovative food products – organic, private label, genetically modified and functional – as part of their consumption. This spectacular shift of the consumption forwards “innovative” food products attracts the interest of the analyst as it can shed new light on consumer’s behaviour and on modeling and understanding better his long-term behaviour. Thus, this study attempts to investigate the factors that influence consumer’s decision in purchasing either traditional or new innovative products and to what extend this shift between those two groups of products is related to pre-defined elements. This is achieved by employing...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Adoption; Consumption; Food; Innovative products; Multivariate analysis.; Agricultural and Food Policy; Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety.
Ano: 2009 URL:
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Linear associations among phenological, morphological, productive, and energetic-nutritional traits in corn PAB
Alves,Bruna Mendonça; Cargnelutti Filho,Alberto; Burin,Cláudia; Toebe,Marcos.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to verify if there is linear dependence between the phenological, morphological, and productive traits and the energetic-nutritional ones in early maturing and super-early maturing corn genotypes. A total of 36 early maturing and 22 super-early maturing corn genotypes were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with three replicates, and the phenological, morphological, productive, and energetic-nutritional traits were measured. The matrix of phenotypic correlation coefficients among traits was determined; the multicollinearity diagnosis was carried out within each group of traits; and the canonical correlation analysis was performed. Linear dependence was observed between the groups of phenological,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Zea mays; Chemical composition; Multivariate analysis..
Ano: 2017 URL:
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Physico-chemical characterization of banana varieties resistant to black leaf streak disease for industrial purposes Ciência Rural
Godoy,Rossana Catie Bueno de; Waszczynskj,Nina; Santana,Fernanda Alves; Silva,Sebastião de Oliveira e; Oliveira,Luciana Alves de; Santos,Guilherme Godoy dos.
ABSTRACT: Cultivated bananas have very low genetic diversity making them vulnerable to diseases such as black-Sigatoka leaf spot. However, the decision to adopt a new banana variety needs to be based on a robust evaluation of agronomical and physical-chemical characteristics. Here, we characterize new banana varieties resistant to black-Sigatoka leaf spot and compare them to the most widely used traditional variety (Grand Naine). Each variety was evaluated for a range of physic-chemical attributes associated with industrial processing and flavor: pH, TTA, TSS/TTA, total sugars, reducing sugars and non-reducing sugars, humidity, total solids and yield. The Thap Maeo variety had the highest potential as a substitute for the Grand Naine variety, having higher...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Musa spp.; Postharvest; Raw material; Aptitude; Multivariate analysis..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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