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Unilateral Pectoralis Minimus Muscle: A Case Report 77
Rai,Rajalakshmi; Ranade,Anu V; Prabhu,Latha V; Prakash,; Rajanigandha,V; Nayak,Soubhagya R.
Presence of additional muscles in the pectoral region has often been reported. We report about the presence of Pectoralis Minimus muscle, in a male cadaver. It was present deep to the pectoralis major muscle and superomedial to the pectoralis minor muscle. The variant was closely related to the branches of thoracoacromial vessels where one of the branches was passing between the pectoralis minor muscle and the variant muscle. Hyperabduction of the arm may compress these vessels giving rise to certain vascular symptoms. Also these variations should be borne in mind during certain surgical procedures in the pectoral region.
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Muscle variation; Anatomy; Pectoral muscles.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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