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Bohemian mineralogy in the early 19th century: the Vaterländisches Museum in Böhmen Naturalis
Schweizer, C.R..
The Vaterländisches Museum in Prague was officially founded in 1822 by Caspar and Franz Sternberg as a manifestation of Bohemian nationalism. It aimed at 1) the education of the public, 2) the sponsorship of Bohemian scientific and cultural research, and 3) the economical utilization of scientific knowledge. Under these aspects also the development of the oryctognostic collection of the museum should be regarded. In 1818, private mineral collections were donated. After its official opening in 1822, the united collections were split into two parts, a systematic and a local native collection. The first was basically distinguished by a prominent sortiment of gems, particularly by the typical garnet species and varieties, furthermore by the meteorites of...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: 19th century; Bohemia; Museum; Collections; Research; Mineralogy; 38.30.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Collection fund of the Slovak Mining Museum Naturalis
Labuda, J..
The Slovak Mining Museum in Banská Sˇtiavnica belongs to museums of Slovak field activity and includes several exhibition departments: Natural history – collection of minerals and fossils in Berggericht building with 37,500 pieces. Historical – collections and exhibitions linked to specific community developments of miners in the region: archeology, history, numismatics, ethnography, development of architecture, lapidary. Exhibitions in the Old and New Castles of 17,628 pieces. Gallery – a collection of art-historical character from the region, modern fine art; for example sacral art, portraits of chamber earls, artists of the 20th century – the Gallery of Jozef Kollár of 3650 pieces. Technical – a unique Slovak collection with majority of objects...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Museum; Collections; Exhibitions: natural; Technical; Historical and gallery; 38.50.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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Biological collections in natural history museums serve important purposes to the scientific community and the general public, however, their value and utility might be diminished by biodeterioration. We studied a biological collection that represents more than sixty years of avifauna sampling of Colombia, the country with the highest bird diversity. An initial inspection of the collection showed that the general appearance of some specimens was compromised by mold-like growth on their surfaces. We aimed at (i) identifying the taxonomic affiliation of these fungi, (ii) evaluating their cellulolytic activity, and (iii) probing chemical agents that could be utilized to control their growth. The most common fungi genera were Aspergillus, Penicillium,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Bird collection; Cellulolytic activity; Fungi; Fungicides; Museum.
Ano: 2016 URL:
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The collection of Meteorites in the Vernadsky State Geological Museum of the Russian Academy of Science (19th-20th centuries - the history of its origin and study) Naturalis
Bessudnova, Z.A..
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Meteorites; Collection; Catalogue; Museum; Russia; 39.54.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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The Human Body Known Through the Renovated Museum of Anatomy From the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto International Journal of Morphology
Rodrigues,Giovani Antônio; Ferreira,Pedro Franco; Morando,Bianca Carrilho; Issa,João Paulo Mardegan; Iyomasa,Mamie Mizusaki.
The present work aimed to preserve anatomical specimens to improve the quality of education, prepare supporting materials, and present lectures on the anatomy of the nervous system for public school students. Anatomical specimens related to the nervous system were photographed and named, and acrylic containers filled with formaldehyde were made for the accommodation of these specimens. After research on the subject a handbook and a banner were prepared, enriching the collections of the museum along with the anatomical specimens, in addition to the lecture and video available on " ". Meetings between the students, the teachers involved, and the members of the Secretariat of Education of Ribeirao Preto defined schools, dates, times, and duration...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Neuroanatomy; Museum; Learning; Culture and extension.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Überlegungen zu einem “Haus der österreichischen (Zeit)Geschichte” Naturalis
Karner, S..
The installation of a „Haus der Geschichte Österreichs im 20. Jahrhundert“ is incorporated in the programme of the Austrian Government, based on a preliminary study by the author. It should be realised in 2006 and will include the history of the Austrian Republic from 1918 to the present, emphasising the history of the First and Second Republic, and the Third Reich. Original sources will be collected and made available to schools, officials, the media and private persons. The development of Austria is seen as part of the development of Europe and, as such, also as part of the history of the World. Emphasis is placed on subjects to which Austria had an obligation, such as documents on the persecution and killing of Jews, Roma and Sinti, as well as the exile...
Tipo: Article / Letter to the editor Palavras-chave: Austria; History; 20th century; ‘Haus der Geschichte’; Museum; ‘Vergangenheitsbewältigung’; Economic history; Mining; 15.70.
Ano: 2004 URL:
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