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Controlled synthesis of noble metal nanomaterials: motivation, principles, and opportunities in nanocatalysis 42
ABSTRACT This review describes some principles of the controlled synthesis of metal nanoparticles, focusing on how the fundamental understanding of their synthesis in the solution-phase can be put to tailor size, shape, composition, and architecture. The maneuvering over these parameters not only enable the tuning of properties, but also the maximization and optimization of performances for various applications. Herein, we start with a brief description of metallic nanoparticles, highlighting the motivation for achieving physicochemical control in their synthesis. After that, we turn our attention to some important definitions and classifications as well as their unique properties such as surface and quantum effects. Moreover, we discuss the strategies for...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Controlled synthesis; Noble-metals; Nanomaterials; Catalysis.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Physicochemical characterization of fertilizers containing concentrated suspensions of CuO, MnCO3 and ZnO 63
Gomes,Marcos Henrique Feresin; Migliavacca,Rafaela Alenbrant; Otto,Rafael; Carvalho,Hudson Wallace Pereira de.
ABSTRACT: The utilization of insoluble sources of micronutrients as concentrated suspensions (CSs) is increasing in Brazilian agriculture; however, much information regarding the physicochemical characterization of these products is required to demonstrate the absorption behavior by plant leaves. This study aimed to characterize the CSs available on the Brazilian market to support their potential use as foliar fertilizers. We selected five CSs containing Mn, five CSs containing Zn and three CSs containing Cu from five different companies. In each product, the mean particle size was evaluated by dynamic light scattering (DLS), the particle shape and size were evaluated by scanning electron microscopy (SEM), the aggregation degree was determined by the zeta...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Insoluble; Nanomaterials; Foliar fertilization; Nanofertilizer.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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Processing of nanomaterials in Layer-by-Layer films: Potential applications in (bio)sensing and energy storage 42
Abstract: The study and preparation of new nanostructures involving the integration of distinct nanomaterials have been important for the development of new electrochemical devices for (bio)sensing and energy storage. Such devices envisage miniaturized or flexible electronic equipment for emerging technologies, including adaptive displays, artificial skin and wearable devices. In this way, the processing of specific nanomaterials may lead to nanostructures with properties that permit the fabrication of multifunctional devices for different applications, including sensors and supercapacitors. Therefore, the use of a suitable method to manipulate nanomaterials in a same nanostructure is important for this purpose. Thus, we expect that this review provides...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Nanomaterials; Layer-by-Layer technique; Nanostructures; Electrochemical devices; Sensors; Supercapacitors.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Proteins and Peptides at the Interfaces of Nanostructures 42
Abstract: The present review focuses on the proteins and peptides at the interfaces of nanostructured metals and semiconductors as a result of their use in synthesis in-situ and functionalization of nanostructures. We start the review with an introduction about the peculiar properties of nanostructured materials and their applications. In the following, the chemical and structural properties of peptides and proteins that allow their use as reducing, stabilizing, and functionalization agents are discussed. Proteins and peptides have not only the chemical groups for the metal ion reducing but also provide templates for directing the crystalline growing of nanostructures to the desired shapes and sizes. Proteins and peptides are also used mainly for the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Controlled synthesis; Noble-metals; Nanomaterials; Catalysis; Proteins; Peptides.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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