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Quarantine facilities and legal issues of the use of biocontrol agents in Brazil PAB
Sá,Luiz Alexandre Nogueira de; Pessoa,Maria Conceição Peres Young; Moraes,Gilberto José de; Marinho-Prado,Jeanne Scardini; Prado,Simone de Souza; Vasconcelos,Rosa Miriam de.
Abstract: The objective of this work was to address the classical biological control of pests in Brazil, regarding procedures to import and export native biological material. A brief introduction will be given on the current legal issues on the use of biocontrol agents, as well as some considerations on the existing quarantine pests and actions already carried out in the country. The safety in the introduction of exotic organisms is important for Brazilian phytosanitary defense and for a higher adoption of classical biocontrol, making it available for integrated pest management (IPM). Legal and normative aspects establish the procedures that must to be adopted, not only to protect bioprospecting and native organisms, but also to minimize risks to the...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Biological control; Plant protection; IPM; Legal issues; Natural enemies..
Ano: 2016 URL:
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