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Intermediate and deep ocean current circulation in the Mozambique Channel: New insights from ferromanganese crust Nd isotopes 5
Charles, Claire; Pelleter, Ewan; Révillon, Sidonie; Nonnotte, Philippe; Jorry, Stephan; Kluska, Jean-michel.
The Mozambique Channel plays a key role in the exchange of water masses between the Indian and Atlantic Oceans, which include the North Atlantic Deep Water (NADW) inflow from the south and the North Indian Deep Water (NIDW), an aged form of the NADW spreading poleward from the northern and equatorial Indian Ocean basin. Several authors assume that the Davie Ridge acts as a topographic barrier to the northward advection of NADW, which would therefore be absent in the Comoros Basin. Other studies suggest that the NADW flows from the south of the Mozambique Channel to the Comoros Basin, indicating that the Davie Ridge may not currently constitute a blocking topographic barrier to deep water mass circulation. To address this question, we studied ferromanganese...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Ferromanganese crusts; Nd isotopes; Paleoceanography; Mozambique Channel; North Atlantic Deep Water.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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The large-scale evolution of neodymium isotopic composition in the global modern and Holocene ocean revealed from seawater and archive data 5
Tachikawa, Kazuyo; Arsouze, Thomas; Bayon, Germain; Bory, Aloys; Colin, Christophe; Dutay, Jean-claude; Frank, Norbert; Giraud, Xavier; Gourlan, Alexandra T.; Jeandel, Catherine; Lacan, Francois; Meynadier, Laure; Montagna, Paolo; Piotrowski, Alexander M.; Plancherel, Yves; Puceat, Emmanuelle; Roy-barman, Matthieu; Waelbroeck, Claire.
Neodymium isotopic compositions (143Nd/144Nd or εNd) have been used as a tracer of water masses and lithogenic inputs to the ocean. To further evaluate the faithfulness of this tracer, we have updated a global seawater εNd database and combined it with hydrography parameters (temperature, salinity, nutrients and oxygen concentrations), carbon isotopic ratio and radiocarbon of dissolved inorganic carbon. Archive εNd data are also compiled for leachates, foraminiferal tests, deep-sea corals and fish teeth/debris from the Holocene period (< 10,000 years). At water depths ≥ 1500 m, property-property plots show clear correlations between seawater εNd and the other variables, suggesting that large-scale water mass mixing is a primary control of deepwater εNd...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: Nd isotopes; Water mass tracer; Data compilation; Predicted seawater epsilon(Nd); Seawater-archive comparison.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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