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Galante, Valdir Antonio; Lima, Maria Messias F..
Este artigo discute as contradições inerentes a presença marcante da pequena e grande produção agrícola. Trata-se de uma reflexão sobre as teorias que subjugaram a agricultura familiar como um modo de produção fadado ao desaparecimento. As transformações ocorridas na forma de acumulação e centralização do capital nas últimas décadas não permitem mais tratar a pequena produção como algo isolado, mas como objeto fundamental de uma nova proposta de desenvolvimento. A primeira parte desse trabalho trata dos aspectos relacionados aos conceitos e teorias que desvendam a identidade e as peculiaridades da agricultura familiar frente ao sistema capitalista. A segunda parte faz uma análise do sistema capitalista e a forma como ele vem se apropriando do capital sob a...
Tipo: Conference Paper or Presentation Palavras-chave: Agricultura familiar; Capitalismo; Neoliberalismo; Familiar agriculture; Capitalism; Neoliberalism; Industrial Organization.
Ano: 2008 URL:
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Creating restoration landscapes: partnerships in large-scale conservation in the UK Ecology and Society
Adams, William M.; Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK;; Hodge, Ian D.; Department of Land Economy, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK;; Macgregor, Nicholas A.; Natural England, Nobel House, London, UK; Durrell Institute of Conservation and Ecology (DICE), School of Anthropology and Conservation, University of Kent, Canterbury, Kent, UK;; Sandbrook, Lindsey C.; Department of Geography, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, UK;
It is increasingly recognized that ecological restoration demands conservation action beyond the borders of existing protected areas. This requires the coordination of land uses and management over a larger area, usually with a range of partners, which presents novel institutional challenges for conservation planners. Interviews were undertaken with managers of a purposive sample of large-scale conservation areas in the UK. Interviews were open-ended and analyzed using standard qualitative methods. Results show a wide variety of organizations are involved in large-scale conservation projects, and that partnerships take time to create and demand resilience in the face of different organizational practices, staff turnover, and short-term funding. Successful...
Tipo: Peer-Reviewed Reports Palavras-chave: Biodiversity conservation; Conservation governance; Ecological restoration; Landscape-scale conservation; Neoliberalism; Partnership.
Ano: 2016
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Globalisation and Governance: Contradictions of Neo-Liberal Migration Management AgEcon
Overbeek, Henk.
Neo-liberal globalisation has primarily entailed the liberalisation of trade and capital flows, but largely ignored the issue of labour mobility. Most literature on the political economy of globalisation likewise ignores global labour mobility. This paper first asks how globalisation affects human mobility. The conclusion is that globalisation integrates the world population into the global labour market in three principal ways: through accelerated commodification of labour power, through the integration via transnational production of national and regional labour markets, and by various (sometimes new) forms of international labour mobility. Regulation of the global economy is increasingly informalised and privatised, argues the paper. This trend is also...
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Globalisation; Global Governance; Migration; International Migration Policy; Multilateralism; Neoliberalism; International Relations/Trade; Political Economy; D30; D63; P5.
Ano: 2002 URL:
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The Neoliberal Myth in Latin America: The Cases of Mexico and Argentina in the ‘90s AgEcon
Ronchi, Veronica.
During the '90s most Latin American countries were submitted to neoliberal structural reform policies. Neoliberal policies imposed market supremacy, reduced the State's role in the economy and deregulated the markets. This paper aims at describing how these policies affected the most important macroeconomic indexes, with special emphasis on Argentina and Mexico, the two countries that suffered most from the economic crises of the '80s and '90s, and where the neoliberal policies were applied with greater orthodoxy. In spite of a slight improvement in some macroeconomic indexes, in Latin America neoliberalism failed to reduce poverty and unemployment, and was unable to guarantee a fair distribution of the wealth and improve welfare.
Tipo: Working or Discussion Paper Palavras-chave: Latin America; Mexico; Argentina; '90s; Neoliberalism; Political Economy; E21; E22; E24; E26; N16; N26; N36; O16.
Ano: 2007 URL:
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