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Gross morphology of the brain of Pseudopimelodus bufonius (Valenciennes, 1840) (Siluriformes: Pseudopimelodidae) Neotropical Ichthyology
Abrahão,Vitor Pimenta; Shibatta,Oscar Akio.
The gross morphology of the brain of the pseudopimelodid Pseudopimelodus bufonius is described and compared with congeners. Observations were made on removed brains after elimination of bones from the top of the skull and severing of the cranial nerves and the spinal cord. Nine morphometric characters associated with the major subdivisions of the brain were identified, seven of which revealed significant differences among the species examined. The corpus cerebelli in all examined species of the genus is the largest structure of the brain. The behavior of the species of Pseudopimelodus is still unknown, but in other teleosts that condition is typically correlated with a higher degree of motor coordination. Relative size proportions of the tectum opticum,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Behavior; Catfishes; Comparative Morphology; Neotropical fishes; Neuroanatomy.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Neuroscience: unveiling the brain of Saimiri collinsi (Squirrel Monkey) Anais da ABC (AABC)
Abstract Behavioral intelligence among non-human primates is a somewhat puzzling area to study, since it is closely linked to the morphology of the central nervous system. However, this morphology is still unknown to science in the case of Saimiri collinsi. As a means of assisting future studies on the social behavior of this species, we analyzed the brains of six adult females from the National Primate Center / Pará, which were sent to the Animal Morphological Research Laboratory at the Federal Rural University of Amazônia after death by natural causes. The animals were fixed in formaldehyde solution (10%) and dissected. The brains were covered externally by the dura mater, with long cerebral hemispheres, although there was a complete absence of gyri. The...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Animal behavior; Brain morphology; Cognition; Encephalon; Neuroanatomy; Saimiri collinsi.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Simple and Low Cost Tridimensional Model of the Cerebral Hemisphere International Journal of Morphology
Rueff-Barroso,Carlos R; Garcia,Karina Seixas; Peruzini,Kamila da Silva; Fernandes-Santos,Caroline; Pereira-Sampaio,Marco Aurelio.
Handmade anatomy models may be a complementary useful tool to dissection and prosection, since the student interacts with the body structure in a three-dimensional way. In this study homemade dough (biscuit) was used to create a brain model. Two anatomy trainees from the medical school of the Universidade Federal Fluminense (Niteroi Brazil) were challenged to model the gross anatomy of the lateral aspect of the brain. They prepared and handled homemade dough to produce a simple and low cost model of the cerebral hemisphere. Styrofoam balls fixed by pins were used to create a framework, and dough rolls were modeled in order to create the brain sulci and gyri. At the end, the model closely resembled three-dimensional features of the human brain. Also, brain...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Simple anatomy models; Brain; Neuroanatomy.
Ano: 2017 URL:
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The Human Body Known Through the Renovated Museum of Anatomy From the Faculty of Dentistry of Ribeirão Preto International Journal of Morphology
Rodrigues,Giovani Antônio; Ferreira,Pedro Franco; Morando,Bianca Carrilho; Issa,João Paulo Mardegan; Iyomasa,Mamie Mizusaki.
The present work aimed to preserve anatomical specimens to improve the quality of education, prepare supporting materials, and present lectures on the anatomy of the nervous system for public school students. Anatomical specimens related to the nervous system were photographed and named, and acrylic containers filled with formaldehyde were made for the accommodation of these specimens. After research on the subject a handbook and a banner were prepared, enriching the collections of the museum along with the anatomical specimens, in addition to the lecture and video available on " ". Meetings between the students, the teachers involved, and the members of the Secretariat of Education of Ribeirao Preto defined schools, dates, times, and duration...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: Neuroanatomy; Museum; Learning; Culture and extension.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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