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Free-living diazotrophs drive castor bean nitrogen input in tropical semiarid soils Ciência Rural
Fracetto,Felipe José Cury; Fracetto,Giselle Gomes Monteiro; Barros,Felipe Martins do Rêgo; Lira Junior,Mario de Andrade; Siqueira Neto,Marcos.
ABSTRACT: There are few studies of microbial diversity in castor bean soils in tropical semiarid environmental. Castor bean products have been widely used around the world justifying the commercial importance of ricinoculture in Brazil’ northeastern semiarid. There is no fertilization or maintenance of litter on the soils from the present study, so we hypothesized that the free-living diazotrophs microorganisms drive the nitrogen (N) input into these soils. We evaluated the communities’ structure and diversity of diazotrophs in tropical semiarid soils with i-Castor bean 50 years of cultivation intercropping with maize (CB-50); ii-Only Castor bean 10 years of cultivation (CB-10) and iii-soil under Caatinga vegetation (CAA). Nitrogenase enzyme activity was...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: NifH; Microorganism diversity; Ricinoculture; Caatinga dry forest.
Ano: 2019 URL:
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Isolation and prospection of diazotrophic rhizobacteria associated with sugarcane under organic management Anais da ABC (AABC)
Abstract Microorganisms associated with organic management are essential in nutrient transformation and release for plant use. The present study aimed to isolate, identify and characterize plant growth promoting diazotrophic rhizobacteria associated with sugarcane under organic management. Rhizospheres of organic sugarcane varieties IAC 911099 and CTC4 were sampled and inoculated onto nitrogen free NFb and Burk media. The isolated microorganisms were screened in vitro concerning their ability to produce plant growth promoting factors. Eighty-one bacteria were isolated; 45.6% were positive for the nifH gene and produced at least one of the evaluated plant growth promotion factors. The production of indole-3-acetic acid was observed in 46% of the isolates,...
Tipo: Info:eu-repo/semantics/article Palavras-chave: Organic agriculture; Plant growth promoting rhizobacteria; NifH; Burkholderia; Sphingobium; Rhizobium.
Ano: 2018 URL:
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Photo-fermentational hydrogen production of Rhodobacter sp. KKU-PS1 isolated from an UASB reactor Electron. J. Biotechnol.
Assawamongkholsiri,Thitirut; Reungsang,Alissara.
Background In this study, the detection of nifH and nifD by a polymerase chain reaction assay was used to screen the potential photosynthetic bacteria capable of producing hydrogen from five different environmental sources. Efficiency of photo-hydrogen production is highly dependent on the culture conditions. Initial pH, temperature and illumination intensity were optimized for maximal hydrogen production using response surface methodology with central composite design. Results Rhodobacter sp. KKU-PS1 (GenBank Accession No. KC478552) was isolated from the methane fermentation broth of an UASB reactor. Malic acid was the favored carbon source while Na-glutamate was the best nitrogen source. The optimum conditions for simultaneously maximizing the cumulative...
Tipo: Journal article Palavras-chave: NifD; NifH; Photo fermentation; Purple-non-sulfur bacteria.
Ano: 2015 URL:
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Seasonal Shifts in Diazotrophs Players: Patterns Observed Over a Two-Year Time Series in the New Caledonian Lagoon (Western Tropical South Pacific Ocean) ArchiMer
Saulia, Emmrick; Benavides, Mar; Henke, Britt; Turk-kubo, Kendra; Cooperguard, Haley; Grosso, Olivier; Desnues, Anne; Rodier, Martine; Dupouy, Cécile; Riemann, Lasse; Bonnet, Sophie.
Coastal and open ocean regions of the Western Tropical South Pacific ocean have been identified as a hotspot of N2 fixation. However, the environmental factors driving the temporal variability of abundance, composition, and activity of diazotrophs are still poorly understood, especially during the winter season. To address this, we quantified N2 fixation rates and the abundance of seven diazotroph phylotypes (UCYN-A1 symbiosis, UCYN-B, UCYN-C, Trichodesmium, Het-1, Het-2, and Het-3) on a monthly basis during two full years (2012 to 2014) at four stations along a coast to open ocean transect in the New Caledonian lagoon. The total nifH gene concentration (sum of all nifH gene copies) clearly decreased from the barrier reef to the shore. Apart from UCYN-B,...
Tipo: Text Palavras-chave: N-2 fixation; Diazotrophs; NifH; Abundance; New Caledonia.
Ano: 2020 URL:
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